
Birth of World Destroyer

Wain Sageroar was chosen by the God of Chaos, Ollios, in a fit of fury, to serve as a champion tasked with an impossible task to bring about the world's destruction. Without memories, emotions and some common knowledge, Wain became a mere pawn in the grand scheme of gods. Yet, this seemingly insignificant pawn would prove to not be so tiny. Disclaimer: The cover photo doesn't belong to me, it is uploaded here for entertainment only. If the owner has a problem please let me know I'll remove it.

Hlodawec · แฟนตาซี
100 Chs

Another troublemaker

As Wain hovered above the Dratharox castle, the army of monsters and demons erupted in cheers after witnessing their leader's overwhelming victory. Just when the situation seemed utterly dire, Wain's formidable strength single-handedly turned the tide of the battle.

Even the Ancient Demons couldn't help but admire Wain for his power. He was truly powerful and his actions were cruel and merciless as if he was a demon himself. Or perhaps something even more.

None of the demons obviously harbored hostile intentions towards Wain, which was good since Wain was already in his weakened state, and many of them could easily overpower him now. But after his awe-inspiring display of power, their eyes held nothing but admiration.

Wain hurried across the town, making his way to the Lord's mansion. He needed a place to hide until he regained his strength once again, and he guessed his most loyal subordinates, like Old Potato and Luarin, might be within the mansion's walls.