
2149. Emperor, Queen, Cursed Reality

The seemingly boundless environment didn't seem to have anything special except for its size. Noah saw plains, mountains, lakes, rivers, and much more, but nothing that could force him to inspect everything seriously.

The level of the materials in the area could change significantly. The ground could have patches in the fourth rank or entire chunks in the ninth rank. The same went for the water, clouds, and underground world.

The difference in their power didn't lead to any destruction because the stronger materials always had slightly weaker ones in their surroundings. It was clear that someone had created the area so that it could retain a perfect harmony that didn't give birth to any instability.

'This is a higher plane,' Noah concluded while gazing at the sky.

His conclusion was on point but also wrong. The ninth floor wanted to imitate the higher plane created by Heaven and Earth, but it featured sharp differences.