
115. Higher ranks

Megan nodded and continued in her explanation.

"Their strength is way higher than a rank 3, far more than the gap between a rank 2 and a rank 3 creature. This is caused by their ascending to a more powerful form of existence."

Most of the students became particularly interested in that part of the speech and Noah wasn't an exception.

He had seen two rank 4 magical beasts in his life and, in both cases, he had felt the same amount of danger.

However, the first time he didn't have a dantian while on the second one he was in the liquid stage.

His strength had risen but he felt no difference when matched against them which always left him doubtful about their actual power.

"Cultivators through the years have divided the nine known ranks into three groups: the first three ranks are defined as human ranks and they are the easier to make progress in."