
Birth of the Crimson Phantom

Kaio, a young man whose life started changing from just a single dream and once lived a simple life trying to make a better life for himself and those around him was now caught up in the middle of an apocalypse. At first, everyone around took him to be quite a nice guy, some believed they could even look down on him due to his family situation, but little did they know, Kaio was not as they saw him, to be all kind and just handle everything with a calm composure and brutal feedback, he was the type to hide his true intent behind a sheepish smile until it was time to act. The young man had faced a lot of trouble in his life and a few things got worse for him, when he woke up to a dream that he once stopped having ages ago, one which showed him horrible things, some which hinted as though they may actually happen. In a world where there were little magic and a few already awakened beings, a disaster struck, one which threatened the very existence of humanity but in the process gave so-called gifts. Due to which different magical abilities were gifted to some of humanity, whose lands were being ravaged by different beings, unlike anything they have seen before. Kaio, one who was not fond of playing a hero, suspected that something was not right with what was happening and there was more to the story. Thus, he was gifted an ability that was most unique in many ways but can also change a person and even trigger certain things, for he was not gifted it at all. Little did humanity know, there was indeed more than met the eyes with the apocalypse that came knocking on their door without any warning, one which was even connected to Kaio's very existence. Read as Kaio finds out the truth behind his existence and fight for survival in a world that changed within the blink of an eye, for his survival as well as his family and grow in power as he unravels the secrets of it all and face many new enemies in a now more corrupted world, which the struggle for the power of authority had already begun and a restart for humanity.

Darkphoenix · แฟนตาซี
18 Chs


Lighting struck across the dark sky and an agate moon glowed brightly as it shone on piles of bodies on the ground below it, which were both monsters as well as warriors and swords were clashing as screams echoed throughout the atmosphere with a large object floating in the sky. 

The air was filled with despair of those who were dying, adventurers, soldiers, common people, even children as monsters overran the area, trampling everything in their wake, not sparing a living thing in sight.

Stretched across the land, stood someone dressed in armor with blood dripping down their sword as they panted due to fighting too much and was on the frontline of the fight, a mere person, fighting for their survival against some of the vilest things that the land and fight for power had produced. 

The worst kind of creatures that mankind could have ever seen, the ones that literally brought hell to them, shattering some people's very reality. 

The person lunged at the monsters before them along with their companions, slashing through the monster's body as though they were nothing, clearing them out of their path, with pure determination to win a fight that would be remembered for a long time to come. 

The masked one fought in such a way, that, it was clear to anyone looking carefully, even some of the enemies were afraid of that person. 

The person with the mask along with the companions in their group, stopped and he behind the mask, looked up with a piercing look in his eyes as they glowed bright blue and blood dripped on the side of the mask he was wearing, while looking in a distance, at what was standing before them. 

A monster, one of the largest mankind had ever seen, one that was the side of half a mountain and one that they couldn't possibly dream of going up against, for it could smash you to smithereens with just the blink of an eye. 

"A creature even considered vile to demons.... Finally, you showed up as well," The person behind the mask mumbled, while moving the sword to his side and the blood hat was on it, splattered onto the ground. 

"I guess this really might be my final fight, if it is, I might as well go down fighting," The person said. 

The beast roared, causing the land beneath its feet to shake and the people that were there, running in another direction, fearing for their lives. 

"Well, it can't be helped, the only choice they have is to run as far as they can, looks like fate kicked us right in the rear," The person said. 

"Yeah, we have been abandoned by them as well, looks like they chose the side of the ones that invaded our homes and wreaked havoc throughout the lands, let's do this," A young man beside the masked person replied and the one with the mask chuckled. 

'This isn't how I want it to go, this is not how I want it to be, I wanted to win, destroy them even if it brings my downfall, not the other way around, I can't just die and let them have victory, at this rate you guys are just going to die in vain,' The masked one thought as the sword began glowing bright blue, reflecting in the sky above them. 

"You really are going to keep fighting, aren't you?" Someone asked in a cold tone as he landed beside the beast, out of nowhere. 

"You bastard... I hope you rot in hell..." The one behind the mask responded and the guy laughed as he approached them. 

The other warriors that were there, looked on, with their eyes slightly trembling, seeing and knowing that they were now completely overpowered, and chances of their victory were limited now more than ever. 

"Don't say that bro, I gave you a choice back then and out of generosity for everything that you have done for me so far, it was to only show how grateful I am for that," He said as the others exchanged glances. 

"Oh? Generosity? I am listening very carefully, tell me what exactly can make up for all the deaths you caused," He replied. 

"Still the same, after so long, you have not changed a single bit, join me and your lives as well as those with you will be spared, that much even I can assure you," He said and the masked one brows furrowed as he looked at the others. 

At that moment, the one that was fighting through a battle that lasted for more than a week, was given a choice, one which was not easy to make. 

The others smiled at him and shook their head in disagreement and the one with the mask chuckled. 

"There is no need to even consider the offer that he is giving to you right now, for everything that has been lost, do you really think that it is worth taking such an offer?" The young man beside the masked one asked. 

"Don't go playing a hero this time, things are different from it was before, you will pay heavily for that, you and I both know how this world works now, it's survival of the fittest, that has been the rule since the day that happened," The enemy said and the person glanced at him then scoffed, for indeed part of the sentence was true. 

At the time, survival of the fittest was the most important thing since the world was pretty much overrun by dangerous monsters and otherworldly beings, ones that could crush you with their mere feet. 

"Oh, don't worry, I won't because I know I am no hero and I know survival of the fittest is the new thing, but I am also not a fool bro, you should know that, I know where part of your power is, you are going to regret this for the rest of your life even if I die, your life will become a living hell," He said as he walked past the guy. 

"What the hell are you talking about?" He asked as he was about to grab the masked one, who took off towards the beast. 

"This is not the end, think what you may, it will all change, the right one will bring hell to your door," The person mumbled, while their eyes glowed brightly as well as the sword and their body. 

The others gasped as the beast turned to the person and the enemy's eyes narrowed with a sneer on his face as the person collided with the beast, causing a huge blast, that cleared out almost every living thing within its radius, shattering parts of the ground, causing the battlefield to look like a part of hell.