
Birth of Demonic Mage

Adui Hampshire, a normal mage and an alchemist from Laverdale who lived a pretty normal and depressing life. He had no social life, and work was everything to him. But when he is offered a job, that ultimately leads to some unknown treasure of the past, his curiosity gets better of him and he get entangles with people that he is no match for. These people rob him of everything that he holds dear in his life. Although left alive, Adui dies from inside. He starts transforming into this thing, a thing that could be described by one word. DEMONIC.

YashVardhan_OG · แฟนตาซี
62 Chs

Ulaspas Manor-1

Kaisel stared at the white transparent liquid that he had in a petri dish, the liquid looked like water and looked completely harmless and reactionless, but as he dropped one drop of blood in it, like a hungry predator, previously harmless liquid aggressively started attacking the drop of blood and within seconds the drop of blood was no more. Now only the liquid remained.

No matter how many times I see it, it never fails to amaze me. He then picked up the petri dish and weighed the liquid. The whole purpose of the experiment was to find out how much liquid was used to dissolve a drop of blood.

After noting down his observation in a notebook, he was done for the day, so he sat back on his chair and sighed from exhaustion. His body was in desperate need of sleep, but he could not stop, at least not now when he knew that he was too close to his goal.

In a few weeks, I will have the Rose, and the Ulaspas family will rise once again. And soon this whole island nation would be under my control…


He then turned towards the door of his room and sensed a maid standing outside. 

What a pleasant surprise. 

He had figured that after slaughtering those mortal maids, most of the people that he had spared would show reservation while approaching him, as he wanted. But it seems he was wrong.

"Come in." The maid pushed the door open and approached him, he could sense that she was very tense at the moment. She approached him slowly as he was a predator that she was told to feed, she had a white color envelope in her hands, and she quickly passed him the envelope and got out of there as fast as her old legs could carry her.

Who is Adui Hampshire? And how does he know me, he thought. 

The letter was simple and didn't have any trace of magic on it. After inspecting it thoroughly, he finally opened it and he was then greeted with a small piece of parchment.



Kaisel Ulaspas


It is with great happiness that I want to inform you that I have successfully accomplished the task that you have given me. By the time this letter arrived at Lady Gizelle's Manor, I would have successfully acquired the disputed land.

I have acquired the deed of the land from both Baron Geon as well as Baron Hubert with the cost of 600 joules of mana stones. As we possess the deed from both the Barons no one could question our ownership of the land.

Currently, I am staying in Huston and will go tomorrow to survey the land where the majestic Mage tower will be built. And I would probably return back to Laverdale in a week or so. If you have any message or another task for me, I will be happy to serve you again milord.


Adui Hampshire.

P.S.- I will only stay in the Huston for a day or two. Please send any requests that you have within these two upcoming days.


Oh hell yeah! 

Kaisel then carefully folded the parchment back into the envelope. He now remembered who this Adui was. After meeting with the guy, he could have never guessed that he would be able to successfully acquire the land for them.

This is good. Though it could complicate the plans that the girls made, let me just talk to them all.

He then pushed himself up on his feet. "Emergency meeting. Everyone gather around." He mumbled and then went outside his office.

After exiting the room, he made his way toward the sitting area where 4 women were already seated and were waiting for him. Like a council of a king's court, every woman was sitting in a designated place based on their ranking in the family.

Gizelle was sitting farthest from the main seat, Sara who looked bored had taken the third seat, and her twin Patrica whose body was packed with muscles and scars was sitting in the second seat. By the main seat was Gloria, a pale white beauty with pointed ears…

"We might have a problem," he said after taking the main seat. Sara, the only naked woman amongst all the other women groaned with frustration. "What is it this time?"

"Adui Hampshire." His words made the youngest as well as the newest member, Gizelle looked quite surprised. "Him? Why? What did he do?" 

It was then Sara chimed in. "Wait who is this 'Ado' guy?"

"Remember the crippled guy that we met Sara, he is Adui Hampshire," Kaisel said.

"Oh… That guy? He was able to pull that off? And with only 5000 joules of mana stones? That's quite impressive." She was genuinely impressed by the man's skills as he was able to pull it off with that meager amount of mana stones. But hearing the number of mana stones. 

Gizelle was shocked, so she questioned her master, "Master, you gave him 5000 joules of mana stones?"

"Yes. But I didn't think that he would be able to negotiate the land with only that amount of money." hearing his point, Gizelle started massaging her head.

"Master…" she then sighed and continued. "You have to understand something…That amount may not seem as much in your eyes. But for the people of this Island, that amount is too much. Even the royal family do not possess that many mana stones." 

Sara turned towards Gizelle and glared at her. "Don't you blame everything on Master. You are the one who had the brilliant idea of sending that man there."

"I am not blaming him. I was pointing out his mistake." Hearing her, Patrica raised her voice. "His Mistake? The only mistake he made in his life was the day when he made you join our family, Gizelle. Also, it is a good thing that he acquired the land, right? We can now move our plan forward ahead of schedule."

Fuming with rage, Gizelle spoke, "That was not originally my plan you idiot. I wanted that guy to fail, and be killed by any one of those Barons. Then it could have been easier to wage a war on the other and get rid of both of those fools at once. I dont suppose a fool like you can understand the intricacies of my plan." 

It was then Sara got enraged, "Don't you dare to talk to my sister that way. I skin you alive you slut!"

"Me? A slut? Says the woman that sleeps around with every man that crosses her eyes." The sarcastic comment of the Gizelle made both Sara and Patrica jump on their feet. Then both the sisters started yelling at Gizelle and she also started yelling back. On the other hand, Gloria and Kaisel sat there with dignity looking at the bickering members of their court.

As the fight started heating up, Gloria could not stay still anymore. "SILENCE!" Her one word was more than enough to make all the women stop in their tracks. "Sit down. We have much to discuss."

Her action made Kaisel turn toward her and passed her a smile. "Thank you, Gloria." His smile then vanished as he looked at the other three girls. "The plan that you three proposed is ruined. What would you guys do next?"

"I have no idea," Sara said while shaking her head. 

Patrica then started sharing her thoughts. "Originally we were planning to destroy both the households so that we establish Ulaspas household from its ashes. And then slowly make our way to the top. But now as the conflict between the two houses is at a stalemate, I think we should try to ignite the conflict once again before we go and try to look for the Rose."

With an epiphany, Gizelle added, "Then, we could try targeting the royal family directly…"