

alydae · LGBT+
21 Chs


Miles said that he's going to check in with Robin by the end of the week, but Robin has no clue how. When Jude said that Robin isn't leaving his side, he fucking meant it.

It's Friday now, and Jude has kept true to his word. He waits for Robin outside his classes, walks him places, the sort. He is making damn sure Robin isn't alone, and Robin is unsure how to feel about it. Why? He feels like he's being protected, like Jude is his bodyguard or something. This is a feeling that Robin is used to hating, but for some reason... it doesn't bother him as much as before.

This concerns him.

Enjoying the protection of an alpha is an omega thing, and it's something Robin has resisted. The medicine has always aided in it as well, and he wonders why its influence is not as strong anymore.

Is it... possible to build a tolerance? If so, Robin can't help but to feel a bit scared. It would explain a lot, though.