
Biological Infection

Titania was a student in high school who thought he was doing good in school and was ready to relax all winter break. He got his report card and decided to open it. When he thought he got straight A's he saw that his grades were lower than the depths of hell. With this shocking news he went into a whirlwind of despair. In his moment of weakness he commits no life but he ends up transmigrated in a video game. But thing is that he watched and read about the game but never played it, this being one of the many worlds. *Slow paced

Theomancy · แฟนตาซี
41 Chs

Horrible Connection

Titania held the phone to his ear with his hand clenching his stomach. The phone shaking in his clammy hand, not from nervousness but from the constant nausea.

He heard a voice.

Or so he thought. He heard radio static over the phone but he swore that he heard someone trying to talk to him. Over the garbage noise he heard something that was a voice. It sounded like as though someone was talking under water.

It was a voice speaking but not a single word could be heard.

Titania held the quivering phone to his ear in hope of hearing what this voice has to say as though it was his lifeline. The base of the rotary phone started sparking inside in protest in the phone call.

The garbage noise continued but Titania could hear the voice as though it was fighting against something. As soon as he was going to hear something.

The phone made a loud sparking sound and the phone call was cut.

When the phone call ended he held the phone in front of him as though it caused the problem. Many thoughts ran through his head.

"Who was that?" was a common question plaguing his mind. He doesn't know anyone in the world to warrant a call, hell he doesn't even know the phone number to the landline. All of these questions filled him with anxiety until he felt his skin starting to burn and itch.

He was done puking out his guts, his stomach was empty. After the shower he was beginning to notice that his skin was started to turn red and began flaking off. He scratched at it to soothe it but only made it worse and kept scratching his arm in false hope of relief.

It was a horrible cycle that took a lot of willpower to break. He quickly went back to bed and pressed himself against the cool sheets and pillows.

He was driven practically insane from the pain. No, it was painful like when you are cut but rather agitating. Similar to the feeling of hovering your hand over a fire, you would feel the blasting heat but not burned. Not painful but rather irritating.

While pressing his body into the sheets slowly he got a system notification.


Warning! Interference detected from WSCA?LSP9!

Infection maturity period has shortened! 2 day -> 3 hours


After reading this message from the system. His skin started to burn and his stomach started to do flips.

In this agony Titania could hear alarms and sirens blaring loudly. This startled him from his pain for a moment. Soon after he heard his door shut loudly, with locks cementing it into the wall.

I apologize for skipping around with the POV but I have a purpose for it. If many people do not like it I will alter the story. (It will still be the same)

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