
Chapter Four

I could only return helplessly to my bed. As I waited for Kibito to come and collect me, I began experimenting with my energy. I put my hands together and focused on extracting that familiar energy from yesterday.

Before long a small green light appeared between my hands. It felt warm and was surprisingly easy to manipulate.

After a few minutes of messing around, I attempted flight. With my skillful control over my energy, I slowly lifted myself up into the air. Defying gravity was...fun to say the least. I carefully floated up and down before attempting more difficult maneuvers. I flew with the skill of a veteran with several years of flying under his belt.

I made my way towards the door and triumphantly turned the handle.

'Haha! RoBro! We have overcome the trial of the door!'

No response.

'Your silence tells me you're amazed. I can't help being amazing.'

I swung the door open and saw the hallway. Shin and Kibito were walking towards my room and were in conversation. They looked forward to see a flying toddler at the door.

'...I see that you have learned how to fly young Rei.'

'I have Supreme Kai.'

'Such fine control of energy is quite rare in one so young.'

'I wouldn't know about that. After all, I was born yesterday! Haha!'

Shin was caught off guard with the sudden laughter only to hear Kibito snickering beside him.

'Cough! Forgive me, Supreme Kai. I don't know what came over me.'

'Its quite alright Kibito. Come Rei. we have much to discuss.'

I followed Shin and Kibito outside there was a bench and table set under the shade of a tree.

'Well then. Where should I start?'

'Could you tell me more about what you and Kibito are? I want to know more about the Kai.'

Shin launched into an explanation about his race and went on to talk about the other Kai and their role in keeping peace and balance in the universe. None of this information was new to me but I had to pretend it was. Mentioning his and Kibito's name yesterday was a blunder on my part. That won't happen again.

'I see so the Supreme Kai is the strongest in the universe?'

Shin somewhat embarrassed shook his head.

'I'm afraid not. With creation comes destruction. In this universe, there is a being of great power who oversees that destruction. His name is Beerus. The God of Destruction.'

'He sounds scary. Are the other Kai strong as well?'

'Not on my level. However, I hear North Kai has produced some notable warriors.'

'I would like to train under him one day.'

'Perhaps one day you will. Until then I hope Kibito will be enough to keep you occupied.'

That would be great! I'd be honored to learn from Kibito.'

Kibito nodded as he rose from his seat.

'Come Rei. You have much to learn.'


The following week passed by in a flash. Kibito taught me the proper usage of energy as well as many useful techniques such as healing and magic materialization. Unfortunately, he didn't have much skill in martial arts. It seems going to Earth was a necessity.

How disappointing. I expected more from a Supreme Kai's attendant.

Over the past week, I had grown at an astonishing rate. I was about the size of a 12-year-old. Every day I had to materialize a new set of clothes. The clothes being that of the Kai.

I made my way towards Shin and Kibito who prepared some food for me. They had forgotten that I would need sustenance which they provided in great amounts.

My appetite wasn't as large as I'd thought. Despite needing little food, I could still eat in great amounts.

'Rei. Kibito tells me you have shown great talent in your training and have learned all he has to teach.'

'I must be a quick learner.'

'No need to be humble. Tell me what it is you want. I can sense your desire.'

'As expected of the Supreme Kai, nothing gets by you. I wish to go to Earth.'


'I have this feeling that I will be able to get stronger if I go there.'

'Hmm. Well, I see no reason you shouldn't go. Kibito will take you to meet Earth's deity with Kai Kai.'

I stood and gave a small bow.

'Thank you for all you have done for me, Supreme Kai.'

'Think nothing of it. I'm proud to see how you've grown. Take care of yourself on Earth.'

Kibito stood and placed his hand on my shoulder.

'Let us go Rei.'

With a flash of blue, I left the Sacred World of the Kai.