
Billionaire Seduction; A Twist of Fate

Elysia Moore reluctantly enters into a marriage of convenience with Ronald Weber, fulfilling her grandfather's last wish. Yet, they are strangers, never having met, as Ronald has been abroad throughout their union. Determined to start anew after two years, Elysia prepares for divorce, unaware that Ronald is returning. As Elysia faces her chaotic path, Laura Wilson schemes to win Ronald's heart. But destiny has other plans when, Elysia and Ronald share an unexpected encounter, leading to a passionate night together. Months later, Elysia discovers she is pregnant, just as Ronald becomes her boss, oblivious to their intertwined destinies. Will Elysia and Ronald's shared past bind them together or will Laura’s schemes tear them apart? What secrets lay buried in their history, waiting to resurface? And what will become of the unborn child, a silent witness to their complicated love story? Join Elysia and Ronald on a journey where love, fate, and deception collide in ways they never imagined.

meshioyehannah · สมัยใหม่
11 Chs

Chapter Two

Elysia's POV

Three years ago

My phone was ringing incessantly, shattering the peace that I had found at the seaside resort. I came here hoping to escape even for a moment as my mind was a tangled mess. I wouldn't let anyone spoil this moment for me.

My forehead creased in a frown as I heard my phone ring again. 'Uhhhh', I groaned, picking it up to glance at the caller id. It was my grandfather's secretary. My heart sank as I connected the call, bracing myself for whatever awaited.

"Elysia?" his assistant's voice reached from the other end of the receiver, laced with worry. "I'm so sorry to have to tell you this over the phone. It's your grandfather...his condition has taken a turn for the worse while you've been away. The doctors say...they say it's critical. You need to come right away."

The words hung heavy in the air as my mind raced. Without another moment's hesitation, I ended the call and began packing my belongings.

Within the hour, I was on a flight back to Miami. As the plane soared through the clouds, my chest tightened with fear. I hope I wasn't too late.

A hint of unease runs down my spine as I walk into my grandfather's house.

"Elysia," he says. I watched as he exhaled weakly with relief as I walked toward him and patted the seat next to him. His lawyer and personal assistant are already seated in various parts of the room. I'm hesitant as I sit down next to him, unable to read the room. 

Grandpa Abraham smiles at me reassuringly, but I can't calm my racing heart. It's as though every instinct is telling me that something is wrong, and it has everything to do with me.

'I have missed you greatly my dear', he sighed as I took his withered hands in mine. This man who was once feared by all was now shrunken and frail.

'I wouldn't be here for much longer Elysia', he breathed and my heart dropped. I shook my head, tears falling down my eyes.

'No Grandpa, don't say that. You'll be fine. We'll get more doctors from around the world, you'll be fine, I wailed.

He shook his head, cleaning a tear that had rolled down my cheek.

'No, I can feel it, I'll be gone in a short while', I clenched as I heard him say that. He was admitting defeat. 'But I won't leave you without anything.' he continued, 'In fact, I called you here so that we can talk about your future'.


I shook my head .'No grandpa, no-'.

'Listen to me', he rebuked with a strain as a violent cough shook him. I watched helplessly as he shook and cursed, his face contorting into a frown. 

'I have only one thing to ask you, Elysia. Promise your dying grandfather that you'd do it', he squeezed my hands as I nodded my head. how could I refuse him anything, especially in this condition?

He looked me dead in the eye, his expression grim. "You have to marry Ronald," he says.

A nervous laugh escapes my lips, and Grandpa clenches his jaw. He can't be serious, can he?

"Grandpa," I murmured. "Is this some kind of joke? I'm dating Andy and you know this. Plus, this Ronald, whoever he is, must have a girlfriend right? What about her?'. I asked as beads of sweat trickled down my spine.

'Yes, he does, one he intended to marry but they've postponed it for a very long time now, which has all been preparing him for this day', he shrugged.

He had a girlfriend he was planning to marry. So what if they postponed the wedding a few times before, that doesn't mean that they weren't going to get married!

Grandpa smiles at me and shakes his head. "This is not a joke, sweetheart. This is a merger of two families. You have to marry him"

I run a hand through my hair, confused. "Have you spoken to Ronald and his girlfriend? I'm not sure what's going on, Grandpa, but this must be some kind of misunderstanding."

He shakes his head. "There is no misunderstanding Elysia. You are to marry Ronald and that is final.

I glance at his assistant and lawyer, but neither of them can face me. This… can't be real. "Does Ronald know?"

Grandpa nods. "He's been informed. Our families have a history of successful arranged marriages, and he's well aware of that. He knows what is expected of him."

I frown, my stomach churning. What exactly is going on? Why wasn't I informed of this earlier? What was I supposed to say to my Andy?

I rise from my seat and walk toward the door, my thoughts reeling. I need some time to think, to speak to Ronald, and find a way to inform Andy.

"Eysia." Grandpa's voice stops me in my tracks just as I wrap my hand around the doorknob. " Please do this for your grandpa. This is all I ask. Just this and I can rest in peace."

'But why grandpa, why? I do not know him, I do not love him', I asked, turning to look at him.

An apologetic expression was placed on his face. "I'm sorry to overwhelm you with this so suddenly. I wish I could've broken the news to you differently."

I shook my head, taking a few steps towards him. "This… Grandpa, you do realize that this is ridiculous, right? Andy and I love each other."

Grandpa shakes his head as another bout of cough hits him as he rocks painfully on his bed. "I'm not sure that's enough anymore. I'm sorry, Elysia.'

I saw it. He wouldn't change his mind.

My heart twists painfully, and I shake my head. "You can't expect me to marry someone I don't love Grandpa. You can't do this to me. Do you understand how messed up this is? You can't condemn me to a marriage with someone who is in love with someone else. There's already a date for their wedding Grandpa. Can't you understand that?."

Grandpa inhales shakily and looks to the side. "I'm sorry, Elysia, but you have no choice. Throughout the years, we've relied a lot on the Webers. If this merger were to fall through, it'd mean bankruptcy for us. If you want to keep your company and the investment funds I promised you, you'll marry him."

My eyes widen as disillusionment washes over me. "Are you threatening me?"

Dad sighs. "I'm not, Elysia. I'm just telling you the truth. If you do not marry Ronald, we'll lose everything. Everything the Webers have done for us… it would take me several lifetimes to repay that. Think through this carefully, sweetheart. He would treat you well, I promise you that.

I frown at him in disbelief. He can't be serious, can he? He can't truly think that this seems even remotely appealing to me. My shoulders dropped as I quivered with ignition. I was angry but I couldn't deny him, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. He was dying.

I sighed. 'I accept grandpa, not like I have any other choice'. He's made that clear.