
billionaire secret enemy

billionaire Andrew is a cold and ruthless politician and businessman. At a certain point, his business was collapsing and he wanted a boost so he decided to frame Jack, Mike’s father, arresting him for stealing a necklace that he didn't have. Mike’s father was persecuted, with the help of Officer Reynold as a witness and later on, Mike’s father died in prison. Mike thought of his revenge every day, and that incident made him an orphan. Years later, he found that billionaire Andrew was auctioning the necklace, he accused his father of stealing and he executed his revenge by exposing Andrew's evil deeds. Will he be successful in his conquest? Check out “Billionaire's Secret Enemy” a story based on revenge, trust, friendship, and betrayal

Ebenezer_Promise · สมัยใหม่
24 Chs

Chapter twenty-two: the identity

Chapter twenty-two: The Identity.

Police Commissioner Reynold was surprised to see him and before he could say a word, Mike vanished.

"Everyone stop! I said stop!" police commissioner Reynold shouted and there was silence in the cafe.

"What is the problem, Sir," one of the policemen asked. He was surprised to see the commissioner shout like that.

"What is the problem? You just asked me that question (he walked to the officer and looked him straight in the eye) didn't you see him?" police commissioner Reynold asked, his eyes looking around, checking if he could spot Mike among the crowd in the cafe but he couldn't.

"Sir, I don't know what you are talking about, did I see who?" the police officer asked, still confused.

The waiter called out Reynold's order. The police commissioner was still in shock over what just happened.

Police Commissioner Reynold snatched his coffee off the hands of the waiter dashed into the crowd that was in the cafe and looked around.

"Where is he? Police Commissioner Reynold asked.

"Where is he?!" Police Commissioner Reynold asked again angrily. He scattered the crowd and his police guards followed him.

"Sir, what is going on?" one of the police guards asked. He was confused and everyone in the store was confused and didn't understand the situation and it made police commissioner Reynold look crazy.

The police guards assigned to protect Police Commissioner Reynold tried to restrain Reynold from embarrassing himself but the commissioner pushed them back and went outside of the cafe.

The police guards followed him outside the cafe. Police Commissioner Reynold got outside of the cafe, he looked left and right on the road to see if he could spot Mike on the road but he didn't, he just saw a normal pedestrian walking on the road.

Some people rushed out of the store the Same way they (that is, police commissioner Reynold and his police guards) did, to see what was making the commissioner of police go crazy.

"He was in this cafe! (he shouted and pointed at the cafe, everyone looked at him confused) he walked past that door! (he pointed at the door of the cafe) and no one, I repeat no one saw him!" police commissioner Reynold shouted angrily. The more he shouted, the more people were confused.

Police Commissioner Reynold caused a scene at the coffee shop. The police had no choice but to take him away. The police guards carried him politely into the vehicle and zoomed off before his act affected his reputation.

At the police station, police commissioner Reynold dashed into the station angrily with his coffee in hand. He was greeted by other officers but he didn't respond to their greeting.

Reynold walked straight into his office and shut the door. A few moments later, the investigation crew walked into the station (that is, Officer Joe, Ruby, and Inspector Eric).

Officer Joe walked past two policemen discussing the incident at the coffee shop. He overheard them and what he heard got his attention.

Officer Joe asked, "Wait, what you just said happened today?". The officers nodded.

Officer Joe thought and said out loud "This case is getting interesting."

Officer Ruby shouted from afar "Joe!! Report to the commissioner's office now!"

"Yes I will," Officer Joe said. He followed Officer Ruby to the commissioner's office.

They got to the office and Inspector Eric was already seated and police commissioner Reynold was seated also but he was looking angry.

Officer Ruby and Officer Joe sat down to know the reason why they were called to the office.

Police Commissioner Reynold puffed out and said "You know why called you here right? I want to know how the investigation is going?". He asked in an unrelaxed voice tone.

"Sir, we are on the case, and doing our best," Inspector Eric said. He tries to reassure the commissioner that they are doing their best to get the suspect. But police commissioner Reynold knows that they are not even trying to get the suspect as they say.

"I see, okay, I just wanted to let you know that I am not filing a report yet against the suspect that nabbed me the other day," police commissioner Reynold said. He refused to reveal and file a report and charges against the suspect because he knew that Mike had his confession videotape.

"What?!" Officer Ruby exclaimed.

"Sir, you must file a report, it will help us in finding the suspect," Inspector Eric said. He was surprised by police commissioner Reynold's statement while Officer Joe sat down quietly and observed the situation.

"Listen, I am not dropping the charges or the case against the suspect but I am just waiting for advice from the internal affairs of police," police commissioner Reynold said. His internal affairs of police in the statement was billionaire Andrew, not the police department.

"Okay, that is fine," Inspector Eric said. He agreed with the commissioner.

"That's fine, we will be awaiting orders," Officer Ruby said.

Officer Joe broke his silence and asked "Umm… Sir, Can you give me a description, Name, facial mask of the suspect, just anything,". Officer Joe finished asking his question with a look of obsessed curiosity.

"As I said before, I don't know anything about that," police Commissioner Reynold replied with a false smile on his face but the officer quickly noticed the false smile.

"Okay, if so, can you please check if this picture matches the suspect." Officer Joe said. He passed that same sketch drawing of Mike, he had during the nabbing incident, to the police commissioner.

Police Commissioner Reynold looked at it and his eyes widened as he realized that the picture was exactly like Mike's. "Where did you get this from?" he asked.

"I sketched it, Sir," Officer Joe replied, noticing the sudden interest in the sketch. The other officers sat and watched as both of them talked.

Reynold looked at it and his countenance changed and suddenly, he tore the sketch drawing on the pieces of paper and said, "Don't ever waste my time and your time on a worthless piece of paper! Next time you do this rubbish again, I will give you suspension!".

An officer was surprised and said "But Sir…"

"No but, this meeting is being dismissed," police commissioner Reynold said, interrupting Officer Joe's statement.

The investigation team stood up and left the commissioner's office but Officer Joe was angry.

After they left, police commissioner Reynold got a call from billionaire Andrew and he picked up and said, "Okay, I will be in your house by Dusk,".

A few hours later, the meeting between Mike and Pearl came. Mike waited for Pearl in the coffee shop as planned. Pearl got to the meeting point and she met Mike and they didn't act like a couple, to be honest.

"Nice place but I don't like it, can we go somewhere else that is quiet," Pearl said. She was serious.

"Okay," Mike said. The duo left the cafe and went to an open Park by the streamside.

They sat down simultaneously but were not close to each other.

"Okay, first of all, thank you for your time, I don't want to delay you, so let's go straight to the point," Pearl said as she looked Mike straight in the eye.

Mike looked at her with curiosity.

Pearl continued "Okay now, I called you here because I want to give you a second chance to change so that we can move on as a couple,". Mike can see the emotions in pearl eyes.

But that statement made Mike a little bit emotional also and he said, "Change? Second Chance to Change? (Mike became more emotional) how? How can I change when I don't know myself completely? You keep telling me to change every single time but I am lost and I don't know myself, that's crazy." Mike said, tears dripping down his cheek.

"And if so, then goodbye Mike," Pearl said.