
The Presentation

Becky's pov

If someone does not smash that loud thing in 2 seconds am going to kill every single person who lives here..ohhh right yeah i live alone ,just great.This is the 5th time this alarm rang Something is happening today but i just dont know what it is .oh well am going back to be.....shit i have a presentation today and am 20 mins late already. That boss of mine is going to eat me alive . "Ok relax Becky all you need to do is get to the building in 5mins" my inner voice comforted me . Shut up inner me . I haven't even taken a shower ..

I arrived well 40minutes later but i just thank God i made it ."good morning sir" i nervously greeted my department manager who was standing on the boardroom door while looking at me with angry eyes. Ok i deserve that "don't greet me ..have i mentioned before that i hate you" jeez some got into his pants today .i laughed to myself which is probably the worst thing to do in this moment "ANYTHING FUNNY MISS TOMS" mr Evans practically bucked "no no sir i will just get in " i nervously smiled at him while getting in the room .All eyes landed on me like i just killed someone and asked everyone to eat the body .ok thats a little exaggerated "In my defence i live alone" i defended myself before anything happend .."Just do the presentation "Prince the CEO said . Ok he is hottttt and when i say hot i mean like hot hot like scrambled eggs and bread hot ...wait ..ohh yeah i didnt have breakfast .shit

"Good morning everyone .." i started my presentation ..when it comes to my work, i don't joke of course excluding time management . I was done in no time and i could see Mr Evans face changed from angry to impressed ..that is probably why he always picks me to do presentations for our marketing department...

In the corner i saw my friends silently clapping and Prince's face well did not change..oh well i tried..