
Range 499

Pierce Lennon understood Tobias Perkins's intentions as he followed his gestures.

Without saying much, he tried to subtly communicate with Tobias.

"Mr. Perkins, are we going home now?" Pierce asked.

Tobias weakly responded with a "uh-huh," then fell silent again.

After Pierce drove the car out of the garage, he turned off the dashcam while they were paying the parking fee.

All their routes would be taken with Luke Perkins left in the dark.

Tobias chose a safe area where Luke could not eavesdrop.

Pierce, while driving, was also keeping tabs on Luke's movements.

Actually, it was easy.

Due to recent successes, Luke was becoming quite....


He had not arranged for another route to tail Pierce, choosing instead to wait for his prey at the hospital.

After all, within the range of his information network, everything was under control.

It was here that Luke first miscalculated.