
Billionaire Confusion

Felicia’s love life seemed to be a never-ending roller coaster. She falls in love with the toxic Zion while she is Dylan’s girlfriend, and then Asher comes into the picture. Her life took an unexpected turn of events when she found out she was pregnant. Who is the father of the child? Who will she end up choosing? Read on to find out!

Ojuolape_Maryam · สมัยใหม่
6 Chs

chapter two

Oh my God!!…." Sasha screamed slamming the door shut. I could hear her tuning down the stairs probably going to tell the whole family what she had just seen, she never knew when to shut up.

Dylan and I looked at each other and burst into laughter and he lay down beside me breathing heavily.

" I can't believe none of us remembered to lock the door," he said chuckling

"I can't believe none of us had a release" I replied. He rolled on top of me.

"I can still make you have one" he kissed my neck softly.

"Come on big man… get off me before the whole house comes breaking into the room this time" I tried to push him off…

He got off me preparing to take a shower.

"I want to get you an apartment," he said catching me off guard. I looked up at him giving him a "don't you dare" look. "I am not going to listen to your opinion this time" he gave a serious face. "You always have an excuse not to come to my house so I'll come to yours instead but not here"

I sighed rubbing my forehead lightly… I hate when he does this

"Can't I get it myself?" I asked sounding very calm

"You don't have a say on this Felly… I'm getting it and that's final, this conversation is over"

Why is he getting upset about it? We are just having a conversation.

"Suit yourself " I got out of bed and walked towards the bathroom but he pulled me back.

"Don't make this a big deal…." His grip on my arm was starting to hurt. I looked at my arm and then looked at him.

"I'm sorry" he released me sighing out loud. I walked away from him but he followed me. " look I'm sorry okay? You get to pick the design you want but you can't keep staying here and your salary is not going to get you a nice apartment " he explained, I entered the bathroom and turned the shower on.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked tired of the whole situation

" I am your boyfriend and I want what's best for you, you just have to trust me….." he cupped my face in his hands and kissed my forehead


The Hernandezs were known to be one of the richest families in New York. The fundraising event was one that Dylan never missed and it took place in the middle of every year.

The rich families met here everyone showing off their wealth and donating huge amounts to orphanages and NGOs.

Dylan always wanted me to be with him I always felt awkward being amidst this class of people. Everyone shows class and elegance. I wasn't looking bad either. Dylan picked out the clothes for me. Mr. Hernandez was present this time, he hardly smiled, always having a serious look on his face. He and my dad tried to get along but it just didn't work out. My mom was planning to marry me off to Dylan initially but my Dad wasn't having it and it caused a dispute between our families for a while. Dylan and I still kept in touch…

Dylan's elder brother Kevin was nothing compared to Dylan. He was ruthless, his face gave away no emotions. He always had this aura around him that commanded respect just like his father. There were times he would cut everyone off for months and just show up out of the blue, one of those times is now, he is supposed to be here also but he is not.

Dylan was like his mother, always smiling, never missing a chance to apologize if he was at fault.

"Dylan…." A strikingly attractive man called out with a charming smile. His voice was so deep and …. Sexy.

"Zion… my man" Dylan was really happy to see him as they shook hands with a side hug. He shifted his gaze to me, his eyes were captivating "This is my girlfriend… Felicia"

"Nice to meet you," he said smiling at me and shaking my hand I felt shy. They got talking and it all became boring….

I walked around with a glass of champagne to give him space while he talked about his boring business with his kind. First-class people's lives can be really boring, always working and attending classy events to know who is richer, and each time I asked Dylan about the need for it, he just said "Wealth is never too much, you have to meet people better than you, so as to grow and become richer".. I just want to go home.

I bumped into someone….

"I'm sorry….." a deep voice said. I looked up and met ocean-blue eyes staring back at me. Zion!

"It's okay… it was my fault I… I …wasn't paying attention " I stuttered. He smiled at me his gaze lingered on my body for a while as he licked his lips. I noticed some ladies were looking at him. How can someone draw so much attention effortlessly?

"We should get you cleaned up," he said ushering me toward to direction of the restroom as he followed from behind. I entered the female restroom closing the day behind me and letting out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

He is just a stranger Felicia… pull your shit together

I cleaned myself up, stared at myself through the mirror then stepped out. Zion stood there waiting for me.

What a gentleman

"You didn't have to wait…" I kept my gaze away from his eyes. He just smiled

" I can't leave a beauty all by herself "I flushed….

Why Felicia? Why

"I… I should look for Dylan.." I said stepping back from him

"Hold on" I stopped and finally met his eyes, his eyes were on my cleavage as he raised his hand to it, I held my breath as he adjusted the neck of my gown his finger brushing over my breast lightly...
