
Billionaire's Secret

Preface In the bustling corridors of corporate power, where the veneer of success conceals a labyrinth of hidden truths, we delve into the enigmatic world of Christopher Anderson. A titan of industry, his charismatic presence commands boardrooms and headlines alike. Yet, behind the polished façade lies a web of secrets meticulously woven, each strand a testament to his relentless pursuit of control. Amidst the accolades and accolades, one secret remains veiled in the shadows: a truth he guards fervently, protecting it even from the one person who shares his life's journey – his wife, Hilary. As the narrative unfolds, we are drawn into a realm of ambition, desire, and the intricate dance of lives intertwined with threads of deceit.

Gift_Oliseneku · สมัยใหม่
1 Chs

Billionaire's Secret


It was our wedding night. Hilary spent the entire time in the bathroom to look the sexiest. Yes, I just got married to the richest CEO in the city. Kris is not just rich but also a clear definition of an almost perfect being.




Face-so checked.

What more could a girl need? She was fantasizing about her cute husband when she heard him call.

Babe: Are you okay? You've been in there for almost an hour.

Hilary replied by saying she would be out in a bit.

My mind was running haywire, wow I can do this. She kept on chattering like a Buddha.

I gently pushed the door open but was confused with his attire. Kris is wearing a business suit while holding a perfectly packed bag.

Hilary: (annoyed) Seriously? A business trip on our wedding night? Are you kidding me?

Kris: (apologetic) I know it's not ideal, but this trip is really important. I promise we'll make up for it once I'm back.

Hilary had a frustrated look on her face and continued to stare at him.

Kris sympathetic said, I understand why you're upset, and I'm sorry for any disappointment. I didn't expect this trip to come up either.

Excuse me! You are the boss, ain't you. It just feels like work is always taking precedence over us.


Kris was trying everything to palpate his big baby. I wish I could have declined, but this project is critical for my company. I promise I'll make every effort to stay connected while I'm away.

How long? Hilary asked

Just two months babe. Kris quickly took out a black card and said- The password is our marriage date, buy whatever; there is no limit.

Did you just say two months; we should be planning our honeymoon not a farewell chat for a business trip. Hilary continued to question Kris angrily after knowing how long he would be away.

Here comes trouble, Kris said inwardly.

See babe, please be patient with me, it's actually not easy to run several companies.

Hilary was not having it at all.

Tonight is our wedding night. I have a huge dream about tonight or is there something you don't like about me? Hilary approached Kris and kissed him.

Oops he didn't see this coming. Before he could catch his breath Hilary took off her rope to expose her naked body.

As a man it alot of self control to ignore this but Kris swallowed some globes of saliva.

Damn, Hilary is sexy as hell.

She kept on ravishing Kris's lips but noticed he wasn't responsive at all. Hilary raised her head to look at his reaction but she was greeted by his disappointed face.

Kris looked at her in disgust and said, "Hilary we just got married, I believe we have plenty of time to explore your sexual escapades."

Are you for real, sexual escapades? Are you indirectly calling me a sex freak? Hilary started blowing hot over Kris's statement.

Am off babe, take care of you. Those were his last words before walking out of the room.

Hilary stood rooted to the ground as she watched Christopher Anderson leave her without an iota of care.


Hilary was panting while having her usual morning run. What a beautiful morning for a run!

Driver: (honking aggressively) Get out of the way, slowpoke!

Hilary was startled and aggressively said, Are you nuts? Do you want to get me killed? The driver got out of the car and was about to get physical with her. At the same time, a tall handsome stranger walked up to the driver and pushed him aside.

The driver felt the impact of the push and decided to quiet his rage a little.

So you know this clueless woman that almost stained my car.

Are you for real? I am a human being: how daring of you to compare me to these worthless scrabs you call a car.


The driver looked at Hilary and said. You needed help, you left the pedestrian lane and ran into the main road fluttering your dry boots everywhere.

At this instance, Hilary finally realized she was in the middle of the road. Oh my bad! But this driver's temper is way too much.

Hilary took off her shoes and threw them at the driver.

She raised her voice and said. That's no excuse for being reckless and rude! My safety matters too.

The driver ran back to his car as he noticed Hilary throwing her shoe at him.

Crazy woman, I won't indulge in your madness as some of us have places to be.

And some of us believe in respecting others and following the rules. You should try it sometime.

It was one hell of a morning as they continued bickering like kids.

You both stop already, the handsome stranger said.

Get in the car.

Hello, what car: Do I know you? Just let me teach this panda a lesson.

The driver got angry at how Hilary addressed him and said.Who are you calling a panda, skinny cow!

Hilary was about using her fist when she was dragged into a car .

It's not lady-like to fight in the street you know but let's leave that aside. Where do you live?The stranger asked.

Oh I thought you knew: Mr busybody.

He kind of found her response aggressive and gave a deadly glare.

I'm Christopher Anderson but you can call me Kris your savior!

She laughed and said, I guess you should say that to the driver because you saved him from being barred by me.

Well, I'm Hilary Hunt. Thanks for you help thou and forgive me for my outburst earlier. I'm not usually like this but that driver is such an uncultured baboon and has zero respect for women.

Did you by any chance remember his plait number? I want to really teach him a good lesson.

Okay, Miss feisty but I never paid attention to him because I was literally captivated by your beauty. Kris replied to her with a smile.

Well I get that all the time. Hilary replied to him through her laughter.

They both laughed and continued to converse like they've known each other for long.

They started seeing each other frequently and progressed from being just friends to getting a proposal.It was a big fat YES from Hilary.



As the morning sun gently filtered through the opulent curtains, Hilary slowly stirred from her slumber, feeling the softness of the silk sheets beneath her. The rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted into the room, mingling with the delicate scent of flowers. She stretched and opened her eyes to a sight that took her breath away – a lavish breakfast spread laid out on an intricately designed table. Glistening crystalware, adorned with gold accents, held an array of culinary delights – from perfectly flaky croissants to a colorful assortment of exotic fruits. A silver cloche was lifted, revealing poached eggs nestled atop buttery, toasted English muffins, all drizzled with hollandaise sauce. A violinist stood in the corner, serenading her with a soft melody, adding an enchanting touch to the already mesmerizing scene. It was a symphony of luxury and care, a testament to the billionaire husband's affection for his beloved wife. It would have been better if you were here. Hilary muted as she enjoyed her breakfast and set out to her place of work.

Hilary worked as a supervisor in a chainstore she co-own alongside her Boss. The workers were practically surprised to see her resume work today.

Why are you here? Janet naked.

Why do I answer you now? With the reply Janet got from Hilary, she quickly excused herself and said:

I'm sorry oh: madam married woman.

Janet's jealousy towards Hilary is quite evident due to their boss, Mr. Brian's, fondness for Hilary. Janet's actions and demeanor reveal her feelings of envy and insecurity, as she might find herself competing for Mr. Brian's attention and favor. In Spite of how she feels about Hilary she still respects her work ethics.

Hilary barely sat in her office when she heard a knock on the door.

Come in, she said.

Mr. Brian: Hi Mrs Anderson, I noticed you're not on your honeymoon as expected. Is everything alright?

Hilary smiled as she politely replied to him. Yes, everything is fine. We had to postpone our honeymoon due to some unforeseen circumstances.

Okay then, don't overwork yourself, I wouldn't want your husband to shut down this place.

Stop already Brian ...Brian left after having a brief chat with Hilary. It was exactly 3pm when Hilary got a call from her best friends, May and Jasmine.

Hi Hilary ,,oops my bad, Mrs Anderson ,you should be glowing now; girl is finally laid. Where did you and Mr Billionaire go for your honeymoon? May happens to be very bubbly and talks a lot unlike Jasmine.

May stop with your dreams, my husband is on a business trip! Hilary replied grudgingly.

Oh no! That's bad; alright let's meet as usual.

Hilary tidied up her stuff as she made way to her favorite pub.

There you are! Where is Jasmine?


You know her, she is speaking to her nanny, you know how clingy her kids could get. May replied to her as she made way to hug Hilary.

Moments later Jasmine ended her call and joined them. My kids are driving me nuts: they want to follow me everywhere.

Exactly what we did to our parents, Hilary said as she tapped Jasmine on her back.

We all nagged our parents, I guess it's payback time for you.

Both May and Jasmine give Hilary a look that says " it will be your turn soon.

I believe the only people that have that autonomous right to complain about children's constant pestering is our first father and mother. ADAM and EVE. They both didn't have parents!

May and Jasmine couldn't hold back their laughter as they both said!

Hilary you're really something. The three charted and their usual girls talk before bidding each other goodbye.

Hilary managed to get to the house around 11pm but was surprised to see both the head butler and the housekeepers outside. Why are you and the maids waiting outside?

Head Butler: Mrs Anderson,we were instructed by Mr Anderson to wait for your return before we retire for the night.

With a sigh Hilary said: I didn't realize he'd notice. It's just that I was catching up with friends and lost track of time.

Head Butler: Your safety and well-being are of utmost importance to us, Madam. Mr. Anderson wanted to ensure you returned home safely.

I appreciate the concern, but I don't need to be treated like a child. I can take care of myself.

Head Butler: Of course, Madam. Please understand, Mr Anderson's intentions are only to ensure your comfort and security.

Well, I suppose I should be grateful for his care. But please, next time, you don't have to wait for me. I don't want to disrupt everyone's schedule.

Head Butler: Understood, Madam. We will follow your instructions moving forward. Is there anything else you need assistance with tonight?

No, thank you. I'm just going to retire for the night.

Hilary took out her phone and noticed series of missed calls from Kris

Hello hubby, good evening. I'm sorry I missed your calls. I was out with the girls.

Not even a call to know if I landed safely? We are married now; we ought to watch out for each other. Kris said disapprovingly.

I'm sorry babe, I guess I was mad at you for abandoning me on our wedding night.


Kris was just faking an act as he already got information from his secret bodyguard about Hilary's way about.

Okay babe but I would love for you to join me tomorrow.

Hilary almost let out her shout of joy but decided to hide her excitement and said.

Beg me!

Excuse me Mrs Anderson. I am your husband.

I'm just kidding, let me quickly book my flight.

No need, my assistant will come pick you up tomorrow. Go to bed now, I love you.

I love you too hubby, good night.

As the sleek, elegant private jet's engines purred to life, Hilary stood in the opulent cabin, her eyes wide with a mix of awe and disbelief. Soft leather seats beckoned her to sink in, and the warm ambient lighting cast a gentle glow over the spacious interior. Through the large windows, she marveled at the panoramic view of the tarmac outside.

Her fingers brushed over the polished wood paneling, and she couldn't help but smile at the sheer luxury surrounding her. The flight attendants moved gracefully, offering her a flute of champagne with a knowing smile, which she accepted with a mix of gratitude and shyness. The soft hum of the engines and the subtle vibrations beneath her feet were a reminder of the power and privilege that her husband's success had afforded them.

Hilary's heart raced as she sank into one of the plush seats, her mind a whirlwind of emotions. She felt a sense of wonder at the thought of flying above the clouds in this floating palace, mingled with a touch of trepidation about the unfamiliar world she was stepping into. Yet, underlying it all was a deep sense of gratitude for the opportunities that life had presented her.

On arrival, she was taken to her husband's penthouse, its glory unimaginable. Hilary is a foodie and her love could almost be at par with the love she feels for Kris. She ate to her fill and dozed off while playing a game on her phone.

Kris walked into the house, his footsteps echoing through the expansive hallway. The soft glow of dimmed chandeliers illuminated the room as he made his way to the living area. There, he found his loving wife, bathed in the gentle light, sleeping soundly on the plush couch. Her serene expression and the peaceful atmosphere of the room created a heartwarming scene that spoke of comfort and affection. He stood there with a smile on his face that immediately changed to a sad look.

Hilary woke up later but was surprised to see herself lying on the bed. She was all smiles as made her bathe to freshen up.

As she enters the kitchen, the aroma of sizzling garlic and simmering sauces fills the air. She finds her husband, clad in an apron, standing by the stove with a focused expression. He looks up, a warm smile forming on his face, as he stirs a pot of bubbling tomato sauce. "Surprise," he says, his eyes gleaming with affection. "I thought I'd whip up something special for you tonight."

The aroma of spices and herbs fills the air, and her heart skips a beat. Overcome with joy and love, she can't resist the urge. With a mischievous gleam in her eye, she playfully sneaks up behind him, wraps her arms around his waist, and pulls him into a tender, affectionate kiss.


The room is filled with warmth, both from the simmering dishes and their shared affection.

They both were out of breath and pulled away from each other.

I'm so hungry, hubby. Hilary said while leaning on Kris's back.

They both had a hearty meal as Hilary continued to rain accolades on Kris for his great culinary skills.

My pleasure babe! Kris said with a fulfilled smile on his face.

Hilary waited for Kris to come join her in bed but he wasn't anywhere near sight. She stood up and walked straight to the study room and finally confirmed her doubts.

Hubby! Come to bed, you can do this tomorrow.

I will join you soon, Kris replied inattentively. Hilary moved to the lamp stand and aggressively turned the lights off.

What's your problem Hilary? I just said I would join you soon.

Soon! When- it's past 12 Kris, when do you intend to join your wife in bed?

Okay you win Mrs Anderson.

I smell trouble tonight, that was Kris's exact thought as Hilary continued to rain kisses on his face.

He carefully pushed her aside and calmly said that he needed to sleep.

Really! Hilary refuted, Kris, is there a problem?

We just got married, yet u never took things further: I'm human Kris, I need you to make me feel like a woman

Kris angrily got up and said coldly. I need to leave this room since you're ready for a fight.

At this point, Hilary started crying as she watched him walk out on her.

With her incessant cries Kris couldn't get himself to look away. He went back to the room to at least still her emotions.

Baby please stop crying. You know I can't stand your tears.

Through her sob Hilary asked him if she had everything he needed in a woman.

I love you babe and you are everything a man would want in a woman.

Not a man, do I have everything you need in a woman?

Yes babe! but I just need time. Please just give me two months.

Eight weeks, why? Are you fasting? Hilary was quite surprised to hear Kris say all he said.

I will tell you my reasons but not tonight babe.

Hilary finally calmed down after being coaxed by Kris.

Kris held her in his arms as he said after confirming she was asleep.


Trouble maker is finally asleep.

Hilary woke up very energetic and was about to go look for Kris when he walked in and told her he was ready to leave.

I'm off to work, please no jumping around or fighting taxi drivers.

Hilary's thoughts drifted back to their first encounter and lightly hit him on his arms.

Kris drew her closer and gave her a kiss.

Am I a child?

Did I just say that?

Your actions did!


You kissed my forehead rather than my lips.

Oh my God babe, your mouth stinks!

Aah, aah aah Hilary kept breathing into her palms and couldn't notice Kris's exit.

Jerk, monk you are the one with a stinky mouth..Hilary hilariously continued to curse Kris.

Few hours later Kris made his way back to the house but was surprised to see Hilary groaning in pain in the bathroom. With a worried expression he asked her what the problem is.

Mr Red is here, just get me some pain relief. I will be fine.

Kris picked her up as he made his way to the elevator. I need to take you to the hospital now.

What hospital, put me down already, Hilary anxiously said. Can't you tell it's normal for women to experience acute menstrual pain at times.

You are my wife! What business do I have with other women?

He finally put her down after Hilary's outburst and headed straight to the kitchen to prepare some ginger tea for her.

As he finished preparing dinner, he carried her to the dining room .

Hilary was internally touched by her husband's unmatched love and attention towards her and said: Are we always going to be like this?

Kris replied to her with thunderous NO.


Because I'm not about to leave my work and become your cook.

They both laughed and continued to enjoy their dinner. Hillary and Kris had a peaceful night's rest as he regarded Mr Red as a storm calmer.

Kris was able to finish his work as they both headed back to their city.

Hilary quickly resumed work as she felt she abused her privilege of being friends with the CEO Mr Brian. The scene before her was kind of hilarious and at the same time pitiful. Janet was seated alone pitifully as tears streamed down her face. Hilary quickly approaches, concerned about etching her features as she gently places a hand on her friend's shoulder. The distraught colleague, overcome with emotion, manages to share the reason for her tears between sobs.


Their boss had callously rejected the cup of coffee she had prepared, cruelly asking if she aspired to be a mere maid because he could recommend her to a friend.

I just wanted his attention but I ended up humiliating myself.

Hilary continued to console Janet as she understood Janet's feelings for Brian.

Just give it time Jane, you will be fine!

Thanks Hilary

With that Hilary made her way to her office. As she settled in ,she heard her phone beeped and noticed it was a text from her husband asking her to be home on time.

What am I, a baby! She was still trying to reply to Kris when May called her to meet up for lunch.

Hilary made her to the cafe at her lunch time to meet Jasmine and May.

May quickly asked Hilary how her honeymoon went.

It was more like a vacation with a brother; that was Hilary's though that she couldn't let out.

It was a dreamy girl, we had a fill of our life. Hilary said with a smile.

Wow, we are expecting babies soon, May happily said.

Hilary just faked a smile and asked how they were doing.

I think my parents are going to get a divorce. May blurted out

Are you kidding?Your parents are already aged, why would they get a divorce? Jasmine asked in total astonishment.

Mum would always preach to myself and my other cousins about being chased till our wedding night. It was her monthly anthem as she always finds an opportunity to educate us and as well ask us to be like her. Few days ago my dad called us to never tolerate an abusive partner.

His exact words were "I happen to meet your mother when her ex-husband nearly killed her.

We all had our mouths open and I quickly asked if he's talking about mum or someone else. To my greatest dismay,dad confirmed our doubt by saying further that mum was not just married once but twice before he met her.

My goodness , you mean our Mrs Shawn has gone through divorce twice .Hilary asked as she couldn't bring herself to believe May's story.

May with a calm expression said: Mum walked into us and she got angry and threatened to divorce dad.

Oh, I can understand her rage, your dad just destroyed your mum's long legendary proverb "marry pure'. Hilary said through her laughter.

The three ladies had their snack as Hilary left them for office.

Hilary got home at about 9pm and was greeted by her husband's angry face.


Where have you been? Kris inquired angrily. You know we don't get to eat lunch together due to our tight schedules : at least let's have dinner together as a family.

Always nagging, pregnant man. Hilary was basically cursing Kris in her mind.

What's with the face? I know you're saying all sorts of things in that busy mind of yours.

Hubby, do you mind now? I'm sorry hubby. Hilary tried to ease the tension between them by trying to set his shirt better.

Go wash your hands, let's have dinner.

In the softly lit bedroom, Kris sat engrossed in a stack of important documents, his brow furrowed in concentration.

Meanwhile, in the adjacent bathroom, Hilary had just finished her shower. Drops of water glistened on her skin, and her hair cascaded down her back, still damp from the steamy embrace of the bathroom. With a newfound confidence and a mischievous smile, she decided to surprise her husband.

Silently, she padded across the plush carpet, her bare feet making no sound. Kris remained oblivious to her presence as he shuffled through the papers, his mind consumed by the weight of his work. Her heart quickened with anticipation as she reached the doorway, the gentle breeze from the window causing the sheer curtains to sway gently.

With a graceful stride, she entered the room, bathed in the soft, sensuous light. Her silhouette framed by the sun's rays, she moved closer to her husband, whose attention was still immersed in the papers before him. As she approached, her naked form glistened, and the room seemed to hold its breath.

Finally, Kris looked up from his documents, and his eyes widened in astonishment and desire as they met her gaze. Time seemed to slow as their eyes locked, and a captivating mixture of surprise, admiration, and love passed between them.

Why are you walking naked Kris asked.

To seduce you of course! Baby do we need for another week to consummate our union.

Yes wifey, by the way, I was on call with Josh for a few minutes: he's inviting us out this weekend.

Can I bring May along, Hilary asked cheerfully.


It was the weekend as Kris and May found their way to Josh's resort. In the middle of their conversation May walked in.

Amidst a bustling cafe, their eyes met across the room, curiosity pulling them closer. As conversation faded into a distant hum, time seemed to slow. The world melted away, leaving only the intensity of their gaze. In that shared moment, words were unnecessary as their eyes spoke a language only they could understand.

It was a battle of who was going to blink first.

Okay enough, as Hilary quickly introduced May to Josh .


I have finally met my wife, Josh whispered to Kris. As they dined together Josh and May were practically undressing each other with their locked stares.

My goodness, you both get a room, Hilary said as she and Kris felt like they were a third wheel.

As the ladies went out to explore the surroundings, Josh quickly asked Kris if he had told Hilary everything.

I don't want to lose her man. I really care and love my wife but sometimes I feel so guilty for doing this to her.

Josh really felt sorry for his friend as he said: I understand but you should come clean,she might understand.

I'm taking it one step at a time; let's see what fate has in store for us but I would never let her leave us, even if I have to lock her up in my room.

Okay lover man- I wish you all the strength and courage to face your marriage troubles..Commented Josh.

Thank you and cheers to your new found spark. Josh happily raised his glasses to Kris.

Oh my goodness Hilary! Josh is hot, why am I just meeting him. May asked excitedly.

He's been out of the country for a while but Kris told me he's already moved his headquarters here. Do you like him?

May shamelessly said YES.

May had a low tolerance for alcohol. She was wasted after taking a few bottles.

Hilary was on her worst behavior as she continued hitting and punching him like he was a punching bag. It took Kris a whole lot of willpower to put her to sleep.

Whether sober or not, Hilary, you are a crazy one: the crazy woman I love . Kris gave her a kiss as he made his way to the fridge to get some ice cubes.

Meanwhile at Josh's condo, May and Josh had really gone far. He took her to his house after driving her to different houses as she couldn't remember her house address because she was terribly drunk.

He had to stop them from going further because he didn't want May to feel like he took advantage of her drunken state.

As the morning sun peeked through the curtains, May tip-toed toward the front door, determined to make a swift escape from last night's questionable encounter. Her heart raced faster than a caffeinated squirrel as she inched the door open, channeling her inner secret agent.

Just as she was about to slip through, she heard a faint growl that could rival a heavy metal concert. She peered outside and, to her horror, saw two enormous dogs resembling overgrown wooly mammoths blocking her path. These canine colossi were the size of small cars, complete with fur fluffier than cotton candy on steroids.


May's survival instincts kicked in faster than a jackrabbit on roller skates, and she hightailed it back inside like she had just seen a ghost. It was a sneaky escape attempt turned into a hilarious sprint back to safety.

Are you afraid of dogs? Josh asked with a teasing smile on his face.

I only see wolves looking for whom to devour,,,May replied in shock as he did not envisage his presence.

Why are you running off like a thief? Josh asked firmly.

I need to leave now Mr stranger!

A stranger! ooh-really, a stranger you almost had it with. Josh replied sternly. He quickly asked the guard to take the dogs back to their cage .

Pass me your phone. I will send you back home after breakfast.

What is he feeling like, ordering me like a little girl.May kept grumbling those words in her heart.

As they arrived at May's home. Josh held her hand and kissed her.

May remember we are dating now and I don't do without what I love.

Pervert, pervert May screamed out of his car.


The soft rays of morning sunlight filter through the curtains, casting a warm glow on the room. Hilary, with disheveled hair, slowly stirs in her bed. She blinks her eyes open, and her gaze lands on the sight that jolts her awake.


Hubby What happened?

I... I don't remember much. We had a few drinks last night, and then... everything went blurry.

I can't believe I did this to you. I'm so sorry, Kris!

Kris reaches out and gently touches Hilary's cheek. In the future don't take alcohol if I'm not with you.

I need to leave now. I made some hangover soup for you. Bye babe!

Hilary was smiling all through the day as their two months sexual abstinence had finally hit the last day.

In a dimly lit living room, Hilary clenched her phone tightly, her fingers trembling with a mix of anger and fear. The clock on the wall read 11:37 PM, and her husband, Kris, was supposed to be home hours ago.

With a deep breath, Hilary dialed Kris's number, her eyes fixed on the glowing screen. After several tense rings, the call was unexpectedly answered, but it wasn't Kris's voice that greeted her. Instead, a woman's voice, unfamiliar and laced with irritation, snapped through the line.


"Who the hell is this?" the woman demanded.

Hilarys heart sank, and her voice quivered as she replied, "I...I was calling my husband, Kris. Who are you, and why do you have his phone?"

The woman on the other end scoffed, her tone dripping with contempt. "Kris's your husband, huh? Well, I hate to break it to you, but he's with me tonight, and he's been spending a lot of time with me lately."

Tears welled up in Hilary's eyes as her anger boiled over. "You must be joking! Kris wouldn't do that to me. Where is he? Let me talk to him right now!"

The argument escalated quickly as both women exchanged heated words, accusing each other of lies and betrayal. Hilary's voice trembled with a mix of disbelief and heartbreak, while the other woman's tone remained defiant and unapologetic.

In the background, the muffled sound of Kris's voice could be heard, confirming his presence.

Hilary died a thousand times as the confrontation with the woman kept replaying on her head. She took out her phone and made her way to Kris's favorite spot.

There he was talking with some foreign investor which triggered her to confront Josh in order to confirm her doubt.

Here is your balance. Kris said he quickly retrieved his phone from the woman and went back to his meeting.

The lady happily thanked him and asked if there was ever a need for a fake loving making scene that she's all available.

I didn't even get to see his face because of his mask.

Kris walked back into the room and found Hilary sleeping. He found it very surprising as he already prepared himself to be drilled tonight. He quickly checked the entire room to be sure there was no knife lying anywhere.

Hilary stood alone in the quiet cemetery, surrounded by the serene beauty of nature. The sun was setting, casting a warm, golden glow on the gravestones before her. Tears welled up in her eyes as she knelt beside her parents and brother's graves, tracing their names with trembling fingers.

With a heavy heart, she began to speak, pouring out her deepest emotions to them. She spoke of how much she missed their laughter, guidance, and love, the pain of their absence weighing on her soul. As she whispered her thoughts to the wind, she couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort in sharing her burdens with the only family she had left.

In a trembling voice, she also confided the heartbreaking truth about her husband's refusal to consummate their marriage, a burden she had carried alone for too long. The gravestones offered no judgment, only the solace of a peaceful evening and the memory of the loved ones she had lost.

Hilary stood in the parking lot, her heart pounding as she fumbled for her car keys. She was lost in her thoughts, not expecting anything out of the ordinary, until a familiar voice called her name. Startled, she turned around to see Raymond Fox, her ex-boyfriend, standing there.


Raymond, who had once ran off with his French lover and left her heartbroken, was now before her. He wore a sheepish smile, his eyes filled with regret and longing. It had been years since she'd seen him, and the sight of him brought a flood of emotions.

He took a step closer, his voice trembling as he began to speak, "Hilary, I made a terrible mistake, and I've regretted it every day since I left. I want you back, as my wife. I've realized that I can't live without you."

Hilary was torn between a rush of old feelings and the scars of the past. This unexpected encounter left her with a difficult decision to make, and her heart was a whirlwind of emotions as she looked into Raymond's eyes, searching for sincerity in his words. To avoid creating a scene he gestured for him to follow her to her office.

You have some nerves though, do you really take me for a fool.Hilary had a disgusting look on her face when she said this.

Let me explain , she blackmailed me into marrying her with my nudes. It was a very hard decision for me then but I did it to avoid bringing shame to you! I only found out it was all a lie 14 months into our marriage and divorced her.

You model right ,you show your albs and wear briefs for commercials. So I am not buying your story .If I remember correctly, you went completely naked for a photoshoot then.

No babe ,you forgot I had to blur my pistol. Raymond said shamelessly.

You are insane , get out. They continued to argue like old lovers when Kris walked into them.

Kris had a weird feeling but quickly went over to Hilary and gave her a kiss.

Babe does mind introducing him to me. Who is he?

Who am I, since you have asked. I am Raymond Fox and I'm here to take back my treasure.

With that he walked out on the couple.

After reorganizing his thoughts Kris held Hilary's hands and said.Baby I'm sorry about last night.

For what exactly, you had me fooled and audaciously faked a loving making session with that woman. To what extent can you go to keep us from being intimate?.

Josh told me everything last night. Christopher Anderson is this what you really want? Well I'm done forcing myself on you.

Hilary continued to air her displeasure and coldly said: if you can't do it like a man should ,then don't blame me for doing it with others.

Kris was about to hold her hand, when she shoved his hands away and swiftly opened the door for him to leave.

Kris gently towards her, banged the door closed,pinned her to the wall as he aggressively claimed her lips.

Hilary was practically out of breath when Kris let go and said.

"Don't you ever mention any other man again"


You will be the one to mourn me when I'm eighty.

You will be my widow, the mother of my children

No third part, just you and I.

I will see you later. He pecked her on her forehead and quietly walked out.

What just happened , thank goodness l the door is soundproof .

Kris got to his car and put a call to Josh as he stated his displeasure.

She said she was going to tell May that I'm into men.Josh said

Whatever man, have a nice day, with that Kris ended the call and went straight to his office.

Josh was restless as May wasn't taking his calls. The constant ringing of the phone pushed Mr Shawn to check who the caller was.

"Hubby" when did May get married,

Mr. Shawn's eyes widened like saucers as he glanced at the caller ID displaying "Husband" while May was still single. He immediately grabbed his reading glasses, perched them on his nose, and squinted at the screen, as if it were playing tricks on him.

With a comically exaggerated gasp, he exclaimed, "May, dear, it appears you've been living a secret double life as a married woman! Are you moonlighting as a spy or something? And here I thought you were just binge-watching romantic comedies!"

Dad I don't understand, what do you mean by being married. May was equally bemused as she believes she's very single.

Oh it's ringing again, here is your phone.

Hello, who is this? May asked

Oh my goodness babe, you had me worried-its your hubby Josh.

Josh, May screamed as she quickly ended the call. Dad, please excuse me. I need to talk to him .

Do your thing ,just bring him let's know who to hold when you get pregnant.

Dad!!! May screamed over Mr Shawn"s comment.

Okay I'm going.

With Mr Shawn gone, May immediately called Josh.

May: Josh why did you save your number on my phone as "hubby" What's that about?

Josh: You know, like I think I could make a great husband someday.

May: Josh, we've only met once. It's a bit presumptuous, don't you think?

Well, Josh, it kind of caught me off guard. I don't want to rush into anything serious. Can we take it slow?


Josh: Absolutely, May. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. But I'm just baring myself to you. Josh tried to have more relaxing conversations to reduce the question and answer session he was in.

Meanwhile at Anderson's mansion. Kris walked in the bedroom and met Hilary going through some paperwork.

Hi tempress I'm back, Kris jokingly announced.

Can see that. Hilary said without paying attention to him .

With a frown, Kris quickly freshened up and joined Hilary on bed. " Why the puffy face babe? He carried her up when Hilary didn' answer him.

Put me down! Hilary kept protesting.

Will do so if you promise to listen to a story my granny told me .

Once upon a time in a quirky little village, there lived a blind man named Bertie. Bertie was known far and wide for his cheerful disposition and his remarkable ability to see the humor in every situation, despite his lack of sight. But Bertie's family had other plans for him.

One sunny morning, Bertie's meddlesome family decided it was high time he settled down. They thought it would be hilarious to pair him with an older woman named Gertrude, who was infamous for her relentless nagging and peculiar appearance. Gertrude was so old that even dust bunnies in her house had gray hair.

At their wedding, Bertie couldn't see the worried expressions on the faces of his friends and family. Instead, he beamed with his signature, toothy grin as Gertrude called him names like "Bertie the Blind Bat" and "Mr. Clueless" during the ceremony. Little did they know, Bertie had a secret plan to turn the tables.

Over the weeks that followed, he couldn't take it anymore, so he devised a plan. One evening, he pretended to stumble and accidentally knocked over a dusty old lamp.

Miraculously, as the lamp crashed to the floor, Bertie's sight was restored. He blinked in amazement, staring at the room around him. It was a sight to behold, but there was one more sight he had yet to see.

With newfound confidence, Bertie turned to face Gertrude, who stood there with her hair in curlers, mud mask smeared across her face, and oversized slippers on her feet. To Bertie's dismay, Gertrude's appearance was nothing short of astonishingly ugly.

Without missing a beat, Bertie proclaimed, "I can see the light, and it's shining me toward the exit!" In a flash, he filed for divorce faster than a rabbit chasing a carrot.

And so, Bertie's miraculous regained sight led to the end of his comically unfortunate marriage. The village, meanwhile, couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all, and Bertie lived happily ever after, appreciating the humor in life once more.

He finally got Hilary to laugh after telling his story.

I never knew you were good at storytelling said Hilary.

I'm good at so many things babe

Yeah no doubt, apart from making me feel like a woman.


Kris tried to avoid getting her more angry as he calmly wished her goodnight but Hilary was wide awake as she had so much in her mind.

Hilary woke up as early as 5am and went for a quick run, rather than jogging, Hilary ran like she was being chased.

Kris was surprised to see her soaked in sweat and surprisingly asked. Babe did you for a marathon race.

Hilary blatantly ignored him as she made her way inside.

Hilary I'm speaking to you, why do you always disregard me in the presence of my employees. Can you be a bit reasonable?

I can only be a reasonable wife when you fulfill your marital obligations. From today henceforth, stay out of my way brother!

What did you just call me Hilary?

Exactly what you heard, you portray yourself as an Alpha male but you are no inch near that when it comes to being intimate with your wife.

I'm tired of your incessant excuses, do you and let me do me brother.

Enough with the brother calling Hilary. Hilary had it all bottled up and probably unburdening the loads residing in her heart.

See baby I just need time to, before he could finish his statement Hilary shot the door on him.

Even when angry, Hilary would never miss taking breakfast. They both ate in silence .

Hilary was at the office packing space when Raymond suddenly approached her.

Raymond's voice dripped with bitterness as he accused Hilary of leaving him for Kris, and the argument reached its peak. The frustration and anger seemed unbearable, and then, in a moment of reckless impulsivity, Raymond seized Hilary's face and planted a passionate, but unwelcome, kiss upon her trembling lips.

As the kiss unfolded, Hilary's eyes widened in shock, her hands pushing against Raymond's chest in an attempt to break free. Her heart raced as she realized the gravity of the situation and the betrayal of her past colliding with her present.

But what neither of them had noticed was Kris, standing a few feet away, his eyes locked onto the scene unfolding before him. His face contorted with a mix of anger, hurt, and disbelief. He had witnessed the entire shocking display of infidelity.

Without uttering a word, Kris stormed off, his footsteps echoing with fury. He reached his car and, with a quick gesture, angrily instructed his driver to take him to his office, leaving the tumultuous scene behind, the tires screeching as they peeled away from the parking lot, leaving behind a trail of uncertainty and heartache.

Raymond was groaning in pain from Hilary's intense kick. Hilary, do you want to end my blood line?


You bastard, don't ever in your lying life come an inch near me. With that Hilary walked out on Raymond.

Meanwhile at Kris's office, he invested his wrath on his work until he decided to leave for his house.

Kris was quite surprised to see Hilary standing outside. Why is she wearing little, he whispered; well I need to stay angry and not care. He walked past her like there wasn't anyone there.

Hilary followed behind as she said, hubby, how was your day.Hilary was being extremely friendly to Kris tonight. Kris didn't even budge as he made his way inside.

Hilary got to the room and couldn't find Kris, she was about to check the bathroom when she heard a knock at the door.

Come in, she said. Hubby, when did you start knocking before stepping into the room?

I don't want to walk into anything sensual like I did earlier today!

Hilary didn't see this coming and was somewhat speechless.

Hubby I'm sorry I didn't know Raymond would stoop that low.

It's fine but don't entertain that crazy looking male striper anymore!

He is not a striper

Are you on his side now? Kris asked coldly.

Of course not hubby! See I made dinner.

Can you cook?

I tried, Hilary replied with a cheeky smile.

Kris enjoyed three months of peace without Hilary's constant nagging over their sexual life. But unlike Kris, Josh was enjoying every bit of his relationship with May.

May decides to come visit Josh at his office. Hi, good day, May greeted the lady seated at desk. I'm here to see Josh.

You mean Mr Steven, the secretary replied in an unfriendly manner.

Yes please! Said May.

Do you have an appointment?

No, just let him know May is here to see him.

The secretary sluggishly managed to put a call to Josh, as Josh hurriedly asked her to send May in.

Come with me ma, though my boss has an important meeting in the next ten minutes.

Is she asking me to leave already? May thought but still kept a straight face.


On entering Josh's office, without care she jumped on him. As they both continued to show their affection Sharon in anger and jealousy said.

Josh, you have a meeting to attend in the next six minutes.

Cancel it , Josh replied without care.

But it's important, other things can wait. Sharon said disapprovingly.

Could you please excuse us Sharon. Josh could see May's irritation as Sharon continued to pester him about an irrelevant meeting.

Sharon quickly left with a scornful look lingering in her face.

Your staff addresses you by your first name? May asked as she couldn't understand the relationship between Josh and Sharon.

Sharon is not just a staff here, she's a friend from the University and I consider her family.

I don't like her, May bluntly said!

Okay enough of Sharon, is that a lunch pack?

Yes, I got lunch for you. They both ate together but May left so he could attend his meeting.

May got home as she lay on head and put a call across to Hilary.

In the curse of their conversation, May mentioned Sharon as she said; His secretary Sharon was just giving me a first wife vibe.

What do you mean, Hilary asked. She barely smiled and only wanted me to leave as soon as I entered. I have some weird thoughts about her and she's already stating the obvious that she doesn't like me. May replied .

Do you have a mirror there?

Hilary said, Yes I do.

Check yourself out and tell me what you see.

Hilary was just trying to help May dispel any form of thought about Sharon.

Oh now I get it , she's jealous of me because I'm prettier. They both laughed and ended the call.

Hilary got home as usual and decided to chill out a bit. She changed into something free and took a walk in the garden.

Babe is there a problem, Kris asked as he noticed Hilary's serious expression.

Yes there is, Christopher Anderson, is there something I need to know? We have been married for six months without any form of sexual intercourse. I'm tired of waiting so please tell me if you have a problem down there.

Babe , Kris was about to coarse her as usual but Hilary yelled at him and said. I think we should end this marriage! I want a divorce because I can't see myself living without kids. Please let's end it amicably because I am not a picture frame.


Babe please, don't do this! You know how much I love and adore you .

Is your love and adoration going to sleep with me? I want to divorce you.

Okay okay babe, we will do it tonight. Kris hurriedly said to calm Hilary's rage.

She looked at him and walked away. It took Kris two hours to get his emotions in check.

After dinner they both lay on the bed in silence.

After some moment, Kris took her hand. Hilary charged like wolves and held him down as she hungrily kissed Kris. They both made out but Kris never went further.

With her exploring every inch of his body, she gradually moved it down there but was shocked by Kris's sudden act.

Kris took off her hand and stood up from the bed. Hilary felt her head splitting into two as she said. What is this Kris?

I'm sick of you.With that Hilary ran out of their room.

Kris feeling all tired and full of remorse went over to the room Hilary was in but she refused to open up.

Kris couldn't sleep and decided to call his doctor.

Hello Dr Tim, my marriage is crashing , I don't know how long I'm going to keep up with this act.

I will be back soon Mr Anderson, I promise you are going to have the last laugh.

He ended the call after the doctor Tim explained the situation.

The next morning, Hilary sent a text to Brian informing him that she would not make it to work for some days.

Brian without exiting approved it since he noticed Hilary hasn't been herself for sometime.

After three days of immersing herself with different thoughts ,she finally decided to pack out.

Kris was having his bath when he heard her speak to herself, he quickly put on his bathrobe and made his way to the room.

Babe! What are you?

Leaving you she replied. Consumed with anger Kris immediately alerted the security men not to let her step an inch out of the house.

Oh I'm a prisoner now, tension hung thick in the air. Hilary, overwhelmed by anger and frustration, reached out and pushed Kris firmly on the chest. Caught off guard, he stumbled backward, lost his balance, and crashed onto a nearby armchair. The impact was sudden, and the husband's eyes rolled back as he fainted, leaving the room in a chilling silence.

Hubby, Hilary kept on crying as Kris was sent to the hospital. After being assured by the doctor that he would wake up soon, Josh walked up to Hilary and said.

It's okay now,the doctor said he's out of danger.


May on the other hand kept on cleaning Hilary's tears. After some time May and Josh left as the doctor's requested for only one person to stay behind.

Hilary couldn't muster the courage to eat as she continued to blame herself for what happened.

Hubby please wake up, I promise never to mention a divorce again: please don't leave me like my parents and brother did.

Okay okay I also promise never to leave your side, please babe wake up and tell me other interesting stories your granny told you.

Hilary kept on pouring several buckets of promises on Kris without noticing Kris already had his eyes open.

I thought you said my stories were lame? your face is all red now, big baby . Hilary was full of excitement when she heard him speak.

You're supposed to be mad at me, I'm feeling so ashamed of myself but hubby it wasn't a deliberate act . I'm sorry, please forgive me.

It wasn't your fault babe, I pushed you too hard. Come here, Hilary drew closer as they both lay on the bed.

Tell me a story babe, Hilary. I'm hungry Kris replied he would tell her one after eating.

After being fed like a baby, Kris felt re-energized and decided to talk things through with her.

It's fine hubby, I will wait, just get well. Hilary didn't even allow him to say what he wanted to say .

In the midst of a dusty desert road, a group of unsuspecting travelers found themselves surrounded by a band of comically menacing armed robbers. As the gang leader stepped forward, his bandanna-wrapped face sporting an intimidating scowl, he pointed his rusty pistol at the first passenger, demanding, "What's your name?"

The first passenger, a burly man with a twinkle of mischief in his eye, smirked and said, "Maria."

The gang leader paused, taken aback for a moment, then softened his glare. "Maria? That's my mother's name! I can't harm a fellow Maria." He waved his gang away, sparing the first passenger, who couldn't help but chuckle.

But the laughter was short-lived as the gang leader turned to the second passenger, raising an eyebrow, and demanded, "And you, what's your name?"

The second passenger, a quick-witted woman with a sly grin, replied without missing a beat, "Maria too."

The gang leader scratched his head, clearly baffled. "Two Marias? Are you kidding me?" He exchanged bewildered glances with his henchmen, then sighed in resignation. "Well, I can't mess with a double dose of Maria luck." Before he could ask the next passenger his name , the entire passengers screamed Maria!


So babe if you happened to be on that bus, would you still maintain your name?

Never , my name is Maria too. Hilary said as they both continued to laugh.

Kris recuperated pretty well and they both continued their daily routines.

In a quaint, sunlit garden, colorful balloons swayed gently in the breeze, casting playful shadows on the grass. Tables adorned with twinkling fairy lights were set with delectable treats and an assortment of May's favorite flowers. The air was filled with anticipation as friends and family whispered excitedly, awaiting the momentous event.

May, dressed in an elegant, flowing dress, was surrounded by her closest friends, laughing and chatting under the warm afternoon sun. Little did she know that this birthday celebration would turn into a day she would cherish forever.

As the clock ticked closer to sunset, the garden came alive with soft music, and a hush fell over the gathering. Josh, May's love and partner, emerged from behind a flowering archway. His eyes sparkled with nervous excitement, and he held a microphone in one hand.

May's heart skipped a beat as she saw Josh, dressed impeccably in a suit, walk towards her. He had planned this surprise with utmost care. Her friends had slyly positioned her at the center of the garden, creating a path for Josh to reach her.

With every step Josh took, the crowd fell silent, and May's eyes welled up with tears of joy and surprise. The garden seemed to hold its breath.

Finally, Josh reached May and took her trembling hand. In a voice filled with emotion, he began to speak about their journey together, their shared dreams, and all the love that had grown between them. His heartfelt words resonated with everyone present, making the atmosphere feel even more magical.

As he finished his speech, Josh got down on one knee and pulled out a small velvet box from his pocket. He opened it, revealing a stunning ring that glistened in the golden hour light. Tears streamed down May's face as Josh asked, "May, will you marry me?"

The garden erupted in cheers and applause as May, overwhelmed with joy, nodded vigorously and said, "Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!" Josh slipped the ring onto her finger, sealing their love with the promise of forever.

The day that began as a simple birthday celebration had transformed into a momentous occasion, forever etching their love story in the hearts of everyone who witnessed this beautiful surprise celebration and marriage proposal.

That night was like May's imagined wedding night as they both went all the way. They both explored every part of their body as Josh released his content into her.

May woke up very early, sickly ran a bath and was about to sneak out of the room when Josh threw her back on the bed.

Why do you always run off babe, Josh asked as he laid on her.

You scared me, May replied. I need to go home, my parents must be worried sick by now.

The more reason you should introduce me today. Josh quickly made his way to the bathroom


but was stopped by May.

Not now , give me time to put in a good word for you.

Why babe, you already met mine , why can't I meet yours.

I know , please babe understand. They both came to an agreement as Josh dragged her into the bathroom.

It was a weekend and Kris headed to the hospital to see the doctor.

Don't worry Mrs Anderson, your husband is very well now, the doctor said.

On their way home Hilary's phone rang!

Who is this , Hilary asked the unidentified caller.

It's your Ray babe.

How did I get my number? Hilary inquired but before she could get a reply Kris angrily snatched the phone from her and blocked Raymond's number.

I need to teach this crazy guy a lesson. What gives him the impression that you would leave your charming husband for him.

Charming husband indeed, well Ray isn't bad looking either. Hilary turned to see Kris's gloomy expression.

You just called him Ray, Kris was fuming in jealousy .

Hubby, are you jealous?

Yes I am happy now. Don't say his name like that ever again. I could kill him for that you know!

Copied boss.

At Shawn's residence, May informed her parents of Josh's intentions. They were quite happy as they were in doubt of May's sexual preference.

She decided to go see Josh but on getting there May had a confused look written all over her when Sharon answered the door.

Hi May, I bought dinner for Josh, come join us, Sharon said with a grimm on her face.

I ate my fill before coming over. She walked in and saw Josh was busy on his phone. He gestured for her to come over as he quickly concluded his discussion on the phone.

Why are you here babe, Josh innocently asked while hugging May.

Did I interrupt something, don't you want me here. May asked sarcastically.

Come on babe, I didn't mean it that way. Josh quickly tried to dispel anyform of misunderstanding between them.


At the same time, Sharon announced that food was ready as Josh dragged May to the dinning.

Josh was eating like he'd been starving all day without noting May's angry look. To worsen the entire thing, Sharon kept on putting food in Josh's place.

I'm leaving, May announced, come on babe!, have some. It's actually very tasty. Sharon you should switch your career. You're such a great cook.

Sharon kept smiling like she won a trophy which angered May the more.

Enjoy your meal, I'm off. Without wasting time she made it to the door. She was about opening it when Josh dragged her back inside.

Sharon could you please excuse us, I need to speak to May alone. When Sharon heard this, all of her smiles vanished but still left.

Why are you always acting like a child at every little provocation? What's with this attitude May. Josh could only bring out his domineering part when he confirmed Sharon was out of the house.

What is she doing here, it's the weekend but she still chose to bring you food.

I have told you that Sharon is like family to me ..

I already met your family and she looks nothing like them.

Stop being unreasonable babe. I feel nothing for her .

But she's always in your space, she hates me and probably thinks that I stole her man. May continued to pour her grievances.I don't like competition Josh, just tell me if you guys had or have something.

Enough Josh roared. I'm done with this conversation.

I'm leaving then, put me down Josh, you crazy man. Without paying attention to her rants ,he carried her to the bedroom.

Did you bring me here to help select a tie for you?

Yes , is there something else, Josh asked with a smile on his face.

May glared at him as they both made up .

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the deserted street, Hilary and her husband, Kris, were driving home, unaware of the impending danger that lurked in the shadows. They had just enjoyed a romantic dinner and were looking forward to a quiet evening together.

Suddenly, a dark sedan with tinted windows swerved in front of their car, blocking their path. Panicked, Hilary and Kris braked hard, the screech of tires echoing in the night. Before they could react, two masked figures emerged from the sedan, their faces obscured by menacing ski masks.


Terrified, Hilary and Kris were forcibly pulled from their car and shoved into the backseat of the kidnapper's vehicle. The scent of leather and gasoline filled the air as they sped away from the familiar streets of their neighborhood.

After what seemed like an eternity, the car came to a halt, and they were dragged out into the dimly lit interior of an abandoned warehouse. Cold, damp air clung to their skin, and the only sound was the distant hum of the city.

As their eyes adjusted to the dim light, Hilary and Kris locked gazes, their fear and confusion mirrored in each other's eyes. That's when they heard a familiar voice, a voice from Hilary's past – it was Raymond, her ex-boyfriend, who had disappeared from her life years ago.

Raymond stepped out of the shadows, a sinister smile playing on his lips. His presence sent chills down Hilary's spine. She couldn't believe her eyes – why would Raymond be behind this terrifying ordeal?

With trembling voices, Hilary demanded answers, but Raymond remained ominously silent, leaving them to wonder what had led to this chilling reunion in the depths of the abandoned warehouse.

Let my wife go to this instance. Kris audaciously said.

Wife snatcher , what are you waiting for, beat him up. The gang leader instructed his boys to beat up Kris.

At this point Hilary was begging Raymond to stop but he gave off a cold reaction. After several kicks Raymond said. Divorce Hilary and let her be with me or die.

I always assumed that you were foolish but I never thought you would confirm it so soon.

Raymond was about to kick Kris when a group of armed men marched in and held Raymond down.

The gang leader quickly spoke to his defense. Please, Sir, pardon us, they are all fake guns, we were deceived by him sir! Please we are peace loving people.

Take them away Hilary screamed even with Raymond's incessant pleas.

Hubby I'm sorry again, Raymond did this because of me.

Did you actually date that fool, Kris asked

Unfortunately, yes. Let's go check you out at the hospital but hubby why do you love me so much.

I guess I'm dumb. Hilary hit him hard on his chest and only remembered his injury as Kris winched in pain.

At the hospital, the doctor kept giving Hilary an odd look.

What's the matter, Kris asked as he noticed her uneasy expression.

He feels I did this to you after the last incident.

He is kind of right, after all my love rival did it. Kris jokingly said.


Mr Anderson, you are free to go, your injury isn't serious. They both headed home, ate and retired to the room.

Babe are you okay, Kris seems not to know what Hilary was doing in the bathroom for almost an hour. He quickly walked into the bathroom.

Baby, what are you doing with all these sex toys?

Hilary was quite shocked to see him in the bathroom because she believed the pain relief pill he took must have caused him to sleep.

He walked up to her, picked them up and angrily trashed everything. Babe I know you've been patient with me but you don't need to do this, what if you end up getting an infection.

Hilary refuted and said: do you prefer I use an actual one? She only realized the enormity of what she said , when he saw his face.

Don't be a mad baby! they're old stuff I was trying to trash. Don't give that look hubby.

In a dimly lit corner of the pub, Jasmine huddled with her close-knit group of friends. The soft murmur of chatter and clinking glasses enveloped them as they settled into their cozy booth. Their laughter and camaraderie masked the tension that Jasmine carried within her.

As the evening wore on, Jasmine's somber expression caught her friends' attention. Concerned, they leaned in closer, prompting her to share what was troubling her. With a deep sigh, she began to recount the story of her husband's reckless gambling habits.

"He lost our car to gambling guys," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. Her friends exchanged shocked glances, their faces reflecting a mix of sympathy and disbelief.

Jasmine's eyes gleamed with a devious glint as she outlined her plan. "I decided to teach him a lesson, by sending someone to cajole him into making a bet on our house." To my greatest surprise Mathew fell for it.

Mathew used our beloved home as collateral. The weight of his actions hung heavy on his shoulders, and he couldn't summon the courage to confess his sins to me. Right now he's been given two weeks to vacate our house as he drowned in a sea of regret and anxiety.

I watch him cry every night to bed and I won't come clean with him. Jasmine couldn't hold back her tears as she continued to vent her displeasure over her husband's behavior.

What if I wasn't the one with the house document; we would be out now in the street.

Do you both want to suffocate me? enough with the hugs. Common girls let's make a toast to my victory.

Hilary what's up with you and Mr Billionaire; it's like you guys want to keep enjoying your honeymoon without a third party. May said excitedly. Hilary looked at May with a questioning gaze.


I mean when do you guys intend to bless us with a baby.

How can we make babies when we've never done the deal? Hilary thought but sluggishly told them that they decided to wait for a year.

Jasmine nodded and said: not a bad idea at all, I did the same, taking care of kids is no joke.

A certain person has been at the door waiting for Hilary. On noticing her entering the house he quickly asked. Babe, where have you been? I couldn't reach you all day .

With unsteady steps, Hilary coldly said' out of my way brother.

Not again, Hilary, are you drunk?


Do you still remember you're a married woman now, you drink as you please without having a thought on our reputation.

Enough, you always nag me like a woman, no wonder you can't use your tool. With her constant bulb, Hilary continued to attack Kris.

Do you know my friends asked why I'm yet to conceive. I lied to them to give you a face, but I'm sick and tired of the pretense!

Kris Anderson I'm giving you two months to go recover whatever you lost, if not I will not only tell my friends but the media.

Are you threatening me now? Kris aggressively grabbed Hilary to the bathroom. He immediately put her under the shower to sober up .

Three hours later Hilary came back to her senses and felt remorseful for all she said.

Enough with the apologies; I will contact my lawyer to draft out our divorce papers. Kris was still trying to say more when Hilary gave him a slap.

Don't you ever propose a divorce to me, do you want to anger me to death. Hilary cried helplessly as she said. I'm trying too Kris, it's not easy. I feel like there is something turning you off in my body. What did I ever do wrong?

Kris felt bad for her with the way she's crying and was about to draw her closer but Hilary bounced on him and started hitting him.

Caught off guard Kris after receiving a series of slaps from her, flipped her and held her down. Hilary have you forgotten that I am a man. Why do you have a high tendency of violence.

I just needed to vent, and it's so hard sleeping on the same bed as you without getting a piece of you! It's like owning a bakery but not being allowed to eat cake.

It's okay babe, everything is going to be fine.Kris held her in his arms.

Hubby, Hilary calmly called, tell me a story.

Once upon a time in a small town, there were two remarkable women named Jane and Mary. These two ladies were as different as chalk and cheese, but destiny had a peculiar plan for them.


One sunny afternoon, while Jane was busy trying to teach her cat to dance the Macarena, Mary, on the other hand, was juggling oranges while riding a unicycle. As you can imagine, their paths crossed when Jane's cat, attempting a Macarena spin, accidentally knocked over one of Mary's oranges. It was a fruit-flavored meeting of destiny!

Despite their quirky beginnings, Jane and Mary soon realized they had something in common—they both had an insatiable desire to pray over their problems. They decided to start a house fellowship, meeting every Friday evening to pour out their woes to the heavens.

Their gatherings were filled with laughter, tears, and prayers that could move mountains. Every Friday night, they'd come together and share stories of their daily dilemmas, from burnt toast to complicated love lives. But it wasn't just about complaints; they also sang songs of praise and thanked the heavens for their blessings.

One particular Friday night, their hearts were lighter than ever. Each woman joyfully testified to God's intervention in their problems. There were tales of miraculous car repairs, unexpected promotions, and even a lost sock mysteriously reappearing. Their voices lifted in unison, filling the room with gratitude.

Then, it was the group leader's turn to round off the prayer. With a mischievous twinkle in her eye, she said, "Lord, we thank you for all the problems you've helped us through. But, dear God, we humbly ask for more difficulties so we can continue to come together and pray!"

Suddenly, a hush fell over the room. All the women opened their eyes, exchanged incredulous glances, and refused to say, "Amen." It seemed that even the most faithful prayer warriors had their limits, and they weren't about to invite more chaos into their lives, no matter how much they enjoyed their Friday night gatherings.

They all left in anger and never came back to her house for a fellowship.

Hilary was already rolling on the floor as she asked if Kris knew the group leader.

Yes, it was my late greatgrand-mother. Kris replied.

Wow, you have so many crazy people in your family, Hilary said in between her laughter.

You're right and there is a new member whom I feel is crazier!

Really, who is it? You Kris replied as they both laughed and continued to converse until they both fell asleep.

May woke up on Monday morning with a series of missed calls from Josh.

Why did I call so early? May asked as she returned his calls.

Babe! it's noon already, are you okay? You're sleeping too much these days. Josh calmly asked.

I'm okay but I will go for a check up later today.

I was calling for you to come help me pick gifts for my in-laws but I think we shouldn't today.

I'm fine, I will come later. Let me take you to the hospital, Josh said.

Just do your work, I'm no kid. I will come by by 4pm. They both ended the call as May quickly


made her way to the hospital.

I'm five weeks pregnant. May didn't know how to feel about the news. She decided to tell Josh so they could hasten their wedding plans.

Sharon noticed May at the parking lot and quickly ran to Josh's office. You need to sign these documents , the contractor is here to pick them.

She callously stood beside Josh and pretentiously fell on him like she lost her footing.

At the same moment May walked in and found them in a compromising position. Without further adieu she walked up to Sharon and gave her a slap.

Before Josh could get her to see it was just a misunderstanding , May picked up a flower vase and angrily hit Sharon.

Josh couldn't get himself to reproach May. He quickly called for the company medical team as they all made their way to the City Hospital. Sharon finally woke up after being unconscious for two hours.

Do you have an anger issue? Josh finally spoke to May after the doctors confirmed Sharon was okay , and only fainted because of shock .

May felt regretful and couldn't silence her sobs. Don't touch me, Josh yelled at her as she tried holding his hands.

This is the second time you're fighting over something so trivial. At the supermarket ,,,,you remember right? You slapped the shop attendant just for the fact that she smiled at me. You know what, you need help and I don't think I'm safe either! I love you dearly May but you need to go for rehabilitation. You need an anger management class. Josh kept on pouring out his frustration and May continued to cry .

I won't do it again Josh, please don't leave me .May felt really remorseful and couldn't stand to see Josh stay mad at her.

I need time to think things through May, for now please don't come around. Josh could only say this to put her at bay.

May cleaned her tears and angrily said. Are you breaking up with me because of that slutty Sharon?

Language womanJosh angrily yelled. Sharon is like a sister to me , moreover I have known her all my life.

I get it now, you choose her over me. I'm not proud of my actions but what was she doing lying on top of you.

You are unbelievable. May, it was an accident! She accidentally fell while trying to sort some files out. Wait, wait; you're not remorseful, are you?

Before he could finish his statement, May aggressively said; it's over Josh, you can go marry your secretary. Josh stood rooted to the ground as he watched May walk out on him.

After taking several steps , May walked back to the hospital but was surprised to see Josh standing at the exact position she left him. Without giving him a second glance , she walked


into Sharon's room.

Sharon was on call with her friend as she recalled the entire ordeal to her and how well her fainting game has gone .

Sharon May called out her name as she quickly changed her expression to that of someone in pain.

I am sorry for attacking you and causing you to practice your acting skills. May quickly took out her ring and handed it to Sharon.

You can have him. With that she left Sharon dumbfounded. It was already dark when May stepped out of the hospital.

What will I do now with the baby, she kept murmuring as tears continued to flow down her chicks!

Hello May, I just got your text, Are you okay? Where are you now, I will come pick you up. Hilary quickly put a call across to May when she got her disheartening text message.

May managed to mabble her location and continued to cry.

I Have to go meet May now, Hilary told Kris in a worried tone.

Is everything okay, let me drive you then, Kris immediately took his car keys and set off with his wife.

Hilary was able to locate May's car at the parking lot because she has a thing with the color red.

Immediately May set her eyes on Hilary, she began to wail. The scene before Kris was somewhat surprising as he always perceived May as the bubbly type, seeing her cry so much raised his curious mind.

Hilary was able to calm May down after 30 minutes of interrupted outburst. Hilary and May settled at the back seat as Kris drove back to his house. No one spoke a word all through their ride! Hilary just held May in her arms as she continued to pat her back.

Kris quickly handed May's car keys to the chauffeur for pick up.

I'm hungry, May said as soon as they entered the house. Hilary wasn't surprised at all because May always vents her anger on food.

May!! That's enough, you've had three portions already. Hilary had to stop May from consuming more food. Before she could say more, May burst out in tears.

Kris had to excuse them and call his friend. Did something happen between you and May? She's been crying non-stop.

We broke up, Josh reluctantly said. He narrated the entire situation to Kris, stating how stubborn and nonchalant she acts at times.

I'm not sure you managed this situation well man! I told you countless times to transfer Sharon to another branch. Kris refuted Josh.

Well I'm also broken, be a good friend and come console me.. Josh said jokingly.

This is no joke Josh, she is wailing uncontrollably.


I need to teach her a lesson. Right now I'm super mad at her! To worsen the entire situation she gave her engagement ring to Sharon. I don't think she's really into me like I am.

So you are going to let her go, Kris asked. Never but we need time apart to reflect on ourselves. Josh couldn't stand losing Me but he was fed up with her incessant jealousy.

Okay then,,,you are on your own. Kris said as he ended their call.

Hilary finally left May after coaxing to sleep. Hilary was quite shocked to learn about the pregnancy. Though she scolded May for acting on impulse and also felt bad for her ...

After their discussion, May asked Hilary never to tell Josh about her pregnancy as she plans to keep it hidden.

She is asleep now hubby ..your friend is such a jerk.

Babe does Jasmine fight as well. Kris asked Hilary as she climbed the bed.

Why do you ask? Because I don't see any difference between you and May.

Hilary angrily glared at him as she kicked him under the duvet.

What was that for? Hilary, do I need to get a helmet for protection?

Hubby can you keep a secret, Hilary asked.

It depends on the reward. He said in between his smile.

May is pregnant. Hilary blurted out .

Well I could zip up for a while. Thanks hubby!

Meanwhile at the hospital Sharon couldn't get herself to sleep as her conversation with Josh kept on replaying in her head!

After everything she's been doing to get Josh to love her, He bluntly refused and transferred her to a branch in another country.

Sharon wasn't the only one having a sleepless night as Josh was wide awake all through the night. He decided to go speak to May in the morning.

I'm never apologizing but we are not breaking up. I will do everything to make her love me more. Aah, May you're such a drama queen.

Hilary woke up, freshened up and headed straight to the guest room to check on May. Mummy to be, you are up already. Hilary checked her temperature to see if she was okay.

Take your hands off me, auxiliary nurse. May said jokingly .I'm hungry Mrs Anderson! Oh at least I forgot , I won't be going back home, I already booked my flight. I don't want Mr Shawn to know about the baby yet.

And Josh, are you going to keep it away from him?


They both went over for breakfast but Kris and Hilary were filled from watching May feast like it was her last.

Kris wasn't shocked to see Josh as he predicted his coming already. Josh made his way to the dinning, looked at her, eating like a glutton; like I don't matter. His anger tripled when he saw how May was enjoying her breakfast without care.


Hilary, Kris I need to go now,,,, can I pack some more food? I find them very tasty. With a smile, Hilary did as she said. Josh watched the entire episode in shock and finally walked up to May . Babe, can we talk?

May didn't even give him a glance and simply walked out on him. This act really infuriated Josh and was about going after her when Kris held him back. Just give her time , she would come around. Kris had to hold his friend back from creating a scene.

I will go see her parents and introduce myself formally! But did I really go overboard? Josh was really helpless and continued seeking Kris's opinion.

She loves you too! I think she needs time alone to work on her temperament.

Meanwhile at Brian's condo, Brian awoke to the soft morning light filtering through his bedroom curtains, casting a warm glow on his disheveled sheets. As he slowly stirred, his gaze fell upon the figure lying beside him. It was Janet, his trusted staff member, still asleep and tangled in the same bed.

Shock and anger coursed through Brian as he realized what had transpired. In a fit of rage, he couldn't contain his fury any longer. He berated Janet, his voice sharp and accusatory, accusing her of betrayal and deception.

The tension escalated rapidly, and in a moment of irrational anger, Brian's hands clenched around Janet's throat. The room filled with fear and desperation, the atmosphere thick with danger.

Just as the situation teetered on the brink, the bedroom door flung open, and Brian's mother, with wide eyes and frantic urgency, burst into the room. Her presence halted the chaos that had erupted, and a tense silence settled over the room as they all realized the gravity of the situation.

Mum I'm a man you know, you ought to knock and wait for my response before coming in. Brian was earnestly tired of his parents barging into his space as they pleased. I guess I need to change my password.

Brian, who is the beauty you're trying to hide. On a closer look Patricia Stevens recognized Janet. Wow Jane, oh thank goodness; I have always wanted you to be my daughter in-law. Brian since you've gone far with your relationship , lemme quickly call your dad for you both to register your marriage.

Janet was very happy at the moment unlike Brian that kept giving her a deadly glare. Mum it's not what you think l, Brian tried to convince his mother.

What do I think? All I know and saw it's you both did what I only got to do after being married to your father. Brian you cannot take away her innocence and abandon her.

You both dress up now and come have breakfast. Brian looked at Janet in disgust as he made his way to the other room to freshen up.

Mum that your match-making is not going to work. I don't like her , Brian said immediately he joined his mother at the dinning.

You hate her,yet you slept with her. What are you now, a male prostitute? Well I already sent a message to your dad, so Brian Steven got ready to be a groom.


Brian was trying to refute his mother's statement when Janet walked in.

Come here child, let's have breakfast. Mrs Stevens gestured for Janet to sit close to her. Brian ate his meal in silence while Janet nearly choked on her food due to Mrs Stevens' hilarious stories.

Mum! table manners pleases, Brian said as he got tired of his mother's unending stories.

I taught you that you know? She replied with a smile.

I'm leaving, Brian said but as he was about to leave, he turned back and said: You can no longer walk for me , so consider yourself fired!

Janet felt a pang in her heart as she didnt expect Brian to relieve her of her job. Don't mind that loud mouth,you can come manage my jewelry shop, it's yours anyways. Mrs Steven intends to hand over her jewelry shop to her future daughter-in-law as she already planned on having a break and tour round the world with her husband.

With tears brewing in eyes, she sheepishly said: thank you mum.

Wow, you really love my son; see how effortless it took you to call me mum. I love brazen women. Janet quickly hid her face in shame as she felt her mother-in-law to be quite outspoken.

Come live with us till your marriage is registered. See Jane I know you lost your parents at a very young age but I and dad are going to be your parents henceforth!

Janet was quite emotional and happily hugged her. Thank you mum.

Meanwhile at the office, Hilary was quite surprised when Brian told her he fired Janet. Though they had their differences, she knew Janet was very good at her job and what she felt for Brian is nowhere near fake.

Boss I don't think you made the right decision. Hilary said but without care he briefly narrated what transpired between them. The worst part is my parents' intention of getting us married.

Hilary was shocked to her bones and said, actually Brian, I think Janet really cares for you and she is a good woman, though impulsive at times but she is one to be kept.

I don't love her, Brian coldly said.

Well I don't see you with any other woman. Give it time you will learn to love her. Hilary said as she quickly ran out of Brian's office as he continued glaring at her.

It was exactly one week later that they both registered their marriage and Janet fully moved in with Brian. You should put your stuff in the guest room. Brian said flatly.

It's our wedding night,do you want us to sleep apart hubby, Janet said.

I don't just want us to sleep apart but I want death to make us part. Janet was shocked to hear Brian's remark and asked why he hated her so much.

This is just the beginning, stay away from me. With that he walked out on her.


Stone heart, Janet muted as she walked back to her room but before she could lay on the bed, Brian pushed the door open.

He grudgingly asked her to strip. Lost in confusion, Janet was trying to understand what he meant when Brian aggressively flipped her and had his way with her. Janet couldn't help but feel so little and unloved. After having his fill, he coldly said. Rather than going out there to pay for it, I decided to utilize the cheap one I have at home. This is all you could ever be to me, a reliever.

And lastly make sure to get after morning pills because I wouldn't want my kids to have a whore as a mother.

Even after he walked out of the room, Janet wished she could borrow extra eyes to cry harder. She continued to endure Brian's verbal abuse for months, till she discovered she was pregnant . It was a Friday night, Brian came back tired and calm unlike his usual thunderous entrance. Janet calmly asked him if they could talk. Brian acted like he didn't hear and continued making his way to his room.

I am pregnant, Janet screamed. There were some sparkles of joy in Brian's eyes but quickly hid it as he turned to face her.

Congratulations! Before Janet could speak more, he banged the door closed. Brian was a little less cold to her now but she expected a better reaction from him.

She quickly set the table and called him over for dinner. In the course of their meal Janet lovingly said; hubby can we put everything behind us and start afresh. I know I shamelessly chased you till this moment but I'm human, there must be something about me that interests you.

Well you are right, the only thing I can say that interests me is the thing that makes you a woman. Brian lied because he already fell for her but couldn't bring himself to put those feelings into action.

What's that, Janet asked only to confirm her doubt.

The most private part of your body. Brian replied nonchalantly. Janet raised her head to look at the storny man seated beside her.

Don't give me that look, I know you came running after me because of my money, now that you have gotten it, Janet oh sorry! Mrs Stevens, are you happy now?

Enough Brian, must you always talk me down at every given opportunity. I clearly remember you're the one that held me down all in the pretense that you were drunk? Janet raised her voice at Brian for the first time. I guess speaking with Hilary a few days ago helped boost her self esteem. " You teach people how to treat you. "Those were Hilary's words of comfort to her.

I'm a whore, a gold digger ,a man chaser,a shameless woman yes , I agree but I can be more just to be with you Brian.

Thanks for the meal,he said before walking out on her.

Meanwhile at May's apartment she got a call from Hilary.

Hilary what's up!

May it's been six months,your parents and brother's are all worried about you. And Josh he's a shadow of himself . How long are you going to stay away from people that truly love you?


Josh already sent Sharon away , please go back to your family or watch me send them your address.

May actually thought about going back home as she feels suffocated hiding in her apartment for months. I will pack up now senior Hilary.

They both ended the call as May asked her nanny to go back up.

At the Shawn's residence, they were seated discussing why May cut them out and only calls them once in a week.

She is here, the brother announced as May opened the door. Mrs Shawn was about running off to embrace her daughter when she noticed her bump.

You are pregnant, Mr Shawn said surprisingly. Who is responsible for this, her brother angrily asked. The entire family had disappointing looks on their faces.

Is it the same man you were planning to introduce to us before your disappearance? Mr Shawn couldn't help but ask .

May nodded to affirm what he said. I remember him, he's been here for like ten times. I'm going to teach him a lesson today. Before May could make sense of what her father said, he was nowhere near sight.

My baby! you didn't bother to confide in your mum.. But May you disappoint me, I remember telling you guys that I got married untouched.

Please mum, we already know the entire story. May replied lazily.

Well I believe your father is going there to create a scene .

However, at Kris's end, he was all smiles as he recounted the doctor's report.

Mr Anderson, just give it one week, you can finally resume your manly duties.

I'm happy for you man, your wife is such a gem but I'm not happy with you and Hilary.

Where is May, Josh asked as he's been suspecting his friend and his wife for a while now.

At this point Kris really felt sorry for Josh and was about to hand him her address when his new secretary asked if he could come in.

Oh that's May's father,let him in please! Before the secretary could get the chance to open the door, Mr Shawn pushed the door opened and charged at Josh. It took Kris a whole lot of strength to get Mr Shawn off Josh.

The secretary, being unable to understand the situation on time angrily said, Do you want to strangle my boss to death? I will call the security now.

Josh, while coughing, managed to ask the secretary to excuse them.

You bastard, you got my May pregnant and abandoned her. I will expose your wicked deeds to the entire world!


Josh paused as he tried to digest what he just heard. Sir, what did you just say now, Is May back home? Josh asked with a smile plastered on his face.

Oh, do I look like a clown to you. You think this a smiling matter? You better start explaining yourself to me now or watch me bend your neck with my kung fu moves.

Mr Shawn was still ranting and couldn't notice Josh zoom out of the office. Kris on the other hand quickly followed his friend because he's likely to be attacked by the Kungfu master.

Where is your boss? Mr Shawn asked the secretary. Sir, my boss just left; you couldn't notice it because you were busy attacking the air with your lame kung fu moves.

Shut up fool! I will ask him to fire you when he finally marries May.

I'm so sorry Sir, please don't tell him to fire me. The secretary pleaded as he wasn't sure of the relationship Mr Shawn has with his boss.

Come here boy, as the secretary approached him, he gave him a hard knock on his head and said. Don't dare me next time.

Take it easy man. Kris said as he noticed how fast Josh was driving. So you knew May was pregnant? Josh asked in a painful tone.

I'm sorry man! but I promised Hilary not to tell you as that was what May wanted. You called her insane,remember? We had to organize a private anger management class for her. Everything she did is just to be a better person for you.

Hmmm, I pushed her too hard! I cause you Sharon' . Josh couldn't help but blame Sharon for their fall out. She called a few months ago to confess how she faked everything to make me hate May.

Here we are! go get your family. Kris said . Without knocking Josh dashed into Shawn's residence.

You must be May's brother? Josh asked as he noticed four grown men seated and concluded they were May's brothers because of their striking resemblance.

Calisthus, May's eldest brother stood up and asked coldly: so you are the Josh or Joshua that got my little sister pregnant.

Your father already beat me up, please I need to see May. Josh said eagerly.

I'm here. There she was standing at the staircase waiting for her man to come get her.

You look ugly, Josh said. May was confused by Josh's remark .

In the best way May, you look ugly in the best way! Just like the first time they met, they both continued to stare at each other ; until Josh walked up to her and claimed her lips.

It was a proud moment for the family as Josh dragged May to the bureau to register their marriage.

Kris was so elated but couldn't help thinking why he couldn't reach Hilary's phone. He got home and noticed a sulky Hilary seated on the bed. Babe, what's wrong? Kris asked as he took her hand.


What's making you sad babe, the event today is rather a cheerful one. What's the problem?

Janet is pregnant,May is expecting as well ,oh Jasmine already has three kids .Hilary didn' take her eyes off Kris as she stated her displeasure.

Yeah! You're right , but how does this affect your mood babe?

So you don't understand what i'm saying,,,you are so annoying, go! go leave me alone.

Oh babe , stop hitting me. Didn't you learn a thing from May?

Are you calling me crazy?

No babe ,you can't be compared to May. In Fact you are crazier. Babe everything is going to be fine. I just need seven days . Kris understood Hilary's plight.

Okay hubby.

Jasmine was so excited when she heard of May and Josh's reunion , she quickly opened the door for her husband and was about to share the good news when Mathew angrily said.

Madam casino, so it was you! You watch me cry every night because I don't know how to convince Me Rufus to give me time. Jasmine I never knew you were this mean . Eight months , not even a word from you to keep me from crying, rather you enjoyed my entire show of sorrow!

Ah Jasmine, you are wicked.

Enough with the tantrums, you should be hiding your face in shame for almost losing our house to gambling.

Jasmine saved the day, I saved you from humiliating me and our children! You gave out our car, I said nothing. You still went ahead to place a bet on our house. So please tell me, who the wicked person is ?

Jasmine couldn't tolerate Mathew's outburst and instantly gave him a dose of his pills. Matthew you failed us and most importantly you failed our children.

Reality just hit Mathew after he witnessed Jasmine's outburst for the first time in a long time.

I'm sorry Jass, I was so carried away with anger and forgot how much my actions might have affected our family. Forgive me sweet! I promise never to gamble ever again. I'm equally sorry about the car, I will get you a new car next year.

Next year, this is just June. Jasmine tried to ease the tension between them.

Babe am I forgiven? Yes you are , Jasmine replied.

Let me hug you more Jass, I need to be treated like a baby!

Okay crying diva, Jasmine said as she recounted how much he cried every night.

No! crying emperor. They both laughed as they stayed in each other's arms.


Meanwhile at Joshua's condo May is finding it difficult to undo her dress. After struggling for a bit she finally got out of the dress but she made a sudden scream when she turned and saw Josh staring at her. She quickly picked her dress to cover up.

Josh in a teasing said, Babe, what's wrong? Why are they acting like we've never seen each other naked before?

But I'm fat and ugly now!

I love you even if you look like a panda.

Did you just call me a panda?

Yeah! My cute super panda. Josh kept serenading May with all sorts of cute names. After they freshened up , Josh lightly called May.

Yes hubby.

Don't ever leave me ever again!

I won't babe.

And I think I'm still mad at you for keeping me away from my baby. You went through the trauma that comes with the first trimester of pregnancy alone. I feel so bad babe .

I never lacked anything, Hilary and Kris were there for me. You should treat them better from now on.

Those two! they knew both were aware of your location and never pitied me. Kris I will come for you later, what a cunny brother!

It was another Monday evening but Janet's emotions were all over the place . Immediately she heard the door click, she ran back to the kitchen . Brian walked into the house and noticed the house in total darkness.

Jane, are you there? As he called her out he quickly switched on the lights. He walked into the kitchen and found her washing vegetables.

Are you okay, why are you doing this in the dark.

'No response'

Janet, I'm speaking to you.

Am I qualified to speak to you , Janet asked angrily.

Is this about the incident earlier today? I told you to give me time.

Time for what exactly, you denied me access to your office, you instructed the security not to let me into the premises. Brian your action today made me feel like we are not related.

Apart from Hilary no other person at work knows I'm your wife.

Spare me this pity game, Brian roared. Do I need to hold a press conference to announce our marriage? You knew what you were getting yourself into.

Brian, what did you just say?

Exactly what you heard. Every woman would wait to be chased unlike you that chased my entire family! Janet I am ashamed of you.

Janet couldn't bottle up the pain she felt from Brian's words and started wailing. Through her sobs she gently said, "I only brought you lunch, do I really deserve to be treated like this?"

You brought me lunch, "are you part of the kitchen staff in the company now? You know what