
Chapter 18

He entered the airplane while pulling me.

"Lah, where are we going?" I asked, and I am now behind him

This is unexpected, unplanned, and shocking. We are we going? To the hell? Or journey to heaven? And wait, I am prepared, we are wearing the same design of hoodie but different colors, they might think we are a couple.

He gave me away, and I sat in the window corner.

"Hoy! Are we really going?!” I asked again and slapped him on his tummy. This man wants me to ask him multiple times.

"In the white tiger statue." He said calmly.

"Hala!" I was shocked, and my eyes widened.

My brain is loading and can’t process that. Oh my! My Dream!

"Really?! I don’t have a passport and clothes! I don’t have money too! By the way, what are we going there?! Hoy?!"

I’m worried he might leave me because I am annoying, and I always tease him every chance.

"Wait! I am going to get down!" I stood and was about to walk when he held me on my wrist.