
Chapter 5

Jiamei sat on the sofa, "Absolutely." He said, showing his attire.

Her phone buzzed, because of the meeting she put her phone on silent mode. She picked up the call to hear the impatient voice of her father.

"When are you coming?

"Dad, there is still enough time."

"Just tell me that you were lying." Mr.Zhao said, controlling his wicked smile.

Jiamei was in a dilemma but she stopped and told her dad, "You don't need to worry, your son in law is coming, now don't disturb me."

[Tot,Tot.] She cut the call.

"Hello, Jia'er, hello...hello?" Her father was talking with the phone.

She takes a deep breath of sigh and her eyes catch Jianyu stare at her.

Jianyu, who was enjoying the whole time watching her, suddenly acts in front of her like an obedient puppy.

"Beautiful." Chen Jianyu said."

"....?" Jiamei raised her one eyebrow.

Returning from the fantasy world, Jianyu cleared his throat before answering, "I said, what a beautiful feeling hearing 'Son in law' for the first time as a single person."


"Ms. Zhao, you really made me full of tears." Jianyu said, while wiping his fake tears,there's no tears actually falling!

"Alright, alright, stop fooling around. I don't have time for your Oscar winning acting, Dear Mr. Scammer Husband."

"Ahhhh. My life is fulfilled." Saying that Jianyu falls on the sofa touching his heart side.

Jiamei makes an awkward expression and says,

"Just wait for a while," She went upstairs to change.

After a few minutes Jiamei came downstairs in a mesmerising look.

In a white shirt and black pants looks casually elegant with a crisp, well-fitted shirt and tailored pants. Simple accessories like a silver watch and understated earrings complete her polished and sophisticated look, jiamei was ethereal beauty and her normal yet elegant attire made her more beautiful.

Jianyu's eyes stopped blinking and stood up unconsciously, he was immersed in her look forgetting about everything.

Li Xiao had just come and was witnessing all this from the corner, he coughed, so Jianyu came back to reality completely hiding his expression.

"Should we go?" Li Xiao asked Jiamei

"You're not coming with us, just take care of work, I'll join you soon" Jiamei answered with a serious tone.

Li Xiao just nodded and agreed with her statement leaving them.

In car, Jiamei was scrolling through Ipad while Jianyu was quite nervous,

"Ms. Zhao, are you sure? your dad will not kill me if we get caught?"

"Not sure" Jiamei answered without any delay. Jianyu galped a mouthful of saliva thinking about his situation.

"You should call me by nicknames, like other couples, or your father will doubt our relationship."

Jiamei just stared at him for a second and agreed.

"Okay! Just don't be cheesy."

"Baby? Darling? Honey?sugar?" Chen Jianyu asked.

"Anything is fine." Jiamei answered with a casual tone.

The car stopped in front of 'ZHAO MANSION.'

They both got out of the car, Chen Jianyu offered his hand to Jiamei, she accepted.

They both enter that mansion.

Jianyu was amazed to see the mansion, the wide green garden, His eyes and mouth were wide open.

Jiamei told Chen Jianyu "Control your expression, you dumb ass." with a tight smile.

They entered the villa, witness a father in law eagerly waiting to meet his son in law for the first time.

Mr.Zhao was not sure,he was still thinking that the man in front of him was fake. He didn't show any doubt. He gladly welcomed both of them.

"Atlast, I got to see my hidden son in law," Mr. Zhao told Jiamei.

"Ha! Ha! nice joke," Jiamei told her father while rolling her eyes.

Jianyu was in an awkward situation because of the father daughter duo. He silently witnessed all this and took a deep breath and shook his hand with Mr.Zhao introducing himself.

"Hi sir, My name is Chen Jianyu."

Mr.Zhao's eye met with Jianyu and for some time he just stared at him. Jianyu was feeling nervous while holding his hands.

"So, you're that unlucky man that got married to my daughter?"

Jianyu' just lowered his head, Jiamei frowned, what's so unlucky about marrying her?

"Ha!ha!, welcome my son in law." Mr.zhao said all this with a joking yet serious tone.

'He agreed early, I thought,we have to make some stories to make him believe, I'm sure he is cooking something.'

Jiamei was lost in her thoughts because of her father's behaviour.

"Sit, sit! I have been waiting for you guys for a very long time." Mr.zhao, still talking in a polite way.

They all sat on a luxurious sofa and with a forced smile Mr.Zhao looked at Jiamei, who was sitting without giving any shit and on the other side Jianyu, nervous.

"So, do you want to explain something Jia'er?"

Mr.Zhao asked.

"You can see everything, why bother to ask me?" Jiamei raised her eyebrows at her father's question.

"Sorry, son in law , but don't misunderstand anything, it's all your wife's fault,she never mentioned anything about you."

Mr Zhao told Jianyu, seeing him in a nervous state but asked him.

"So how did you guys meet and when did you guys get married?" They both utter at the same time,

"Ask him/her." They both immediately looked at each other. Jiamei hints at Jianyu with her almond eyes but it looks like an angry goose chasing babies.

Jianyu said "I was working in my cafe and… s-she was my regular customer."

"So you fell First?" Mr.Zhao asked with questionies tone knowing her daughter well.

"Yea..." Before Jianyu could answer anything,

"No I fell first , he didn't know that I was the one having a crush on him." Jiamei said her sentence and she shattered her father's imagination.

"What?!" her father was shocked as hell.

"You proposed first?" her father still looked at her with a questioning look.

"Ye.." Jiamei's word cutted before completing.

"No, she fell first without knowing but I was the one who proposed first." Jianyu proudly accepted an imaginary proposal ceremony that never happened.

Jiamei was staring at him with,'What the heck' look.

'Don't shatter my ego, how can I accept that my wife proposed to me first? never, in the end of the world i accept.' Jianyu in his mind thought all nonsense.

"What about marriage?" Mr Zhao asked Jiamei.

"Becau...se you would oppose our relationship, so…..so, I wanted to keep our relationship secret so we got married without telling anyone."

Jiamei nodded her head while explaining these sentences with anxiety.

Jiamei and Jianyu both were sweating at the thought of getting caught, because Mr. Zhao took a short silence, not uttering a word, he was just staring at both of them, Where jiamei seemed calm and Jianyu seemed anxious and nervous.

"Ha! Ha! Ha!" He just laughed.

" I didn't know, my daughter thinks like that about her father." Mr. Zhao was laughing but his words were not a joke.

"Well, you didn't leave me any choice, other than accepting."

He laughed at his situation.

"Give me a hug, my son in law." he told Jianyu, getting up from his chair.

Jianyu just stood up without a thought and hugged Mr.zhao.

"How, all this happen?" Mr.Zhao whispered in Jianyu's ears.