
The story is ending soon

Bobby's pov

" Do you really need to go this far?" Derek asked, and I nodded slowly.

 After contemplating different options, the only thing I can come up with is involving someone I could trust in this. To me, I know going there alone is like walking into a lion den without a protective coat. Thinking that I might fall for their trickery words is a big mistake. If only they were going to fulfil their promise of releasing Melissa the instant they set eyes on me, I would have been confused not to take any action and followed their command. But it's very glaring that they are lying, and even though I know I might end up getting hurt or even losing my life in the worst scenario, I just want to fulfil one thing. I want to protect her to the very end even If it involves me losing my life in the process, I don't think I will ever forgive myself if she ended up getting hurt just because of me.

I sighed.

I am with a long time friend, not actually a close pal but we both school in Italy. Derek was once an underground secret agent to the police department of Italy for two years before returning back to California at the beginning of this year, I returned 7 months after his arrival. Since I'm not the type that keeps friends, we only chat once in a while. And  During one of our unusual chatting, that's when I discovered that he was already an Inspector in Leicester City. 

Being in a tight spot without knowing what else to do, and the situation I am in can't be known by just anyone but someone I know that can deliver something to alleviate the whole situation and turn the table around, I don't mind crashing with the table, I'm more concerned about the well-being of Melissa. I don't want anyone to get hurt since this is all about me.

Here I am, sitting in Derek's secret office after successfully travelling from Norwich City to California without hinting anybody about where I am heading to, not even my Secretary. I made sure my phone was completely off before leaving.

I know I'm not supposed to be doing this, the marriage is tomorrow and I know the consequences that come with me missing it, but that's the last thing I care about. Besides, I'm not even sure if I will still be alive by then, who knows.

I watched as Derek shoved some files from his backpack. I'm too lost in my reverie to care about what those files are likely to contain.  With how occupied he is, he still travelled from Leicester to meet me secretly. I objected to the idea at first, but when he told me that they must have been monitoring my every movement, I accepted his idea. And now we are here.

He inhaled loudly," Bobby, I don't know how to say this but going alone is more dangerous than you think. You know, since you insisted not to involve any public force. What makes you think I won't be late by the time I get there?" I can feel a hint of concern in his voice. I know he is telling the truth, but I have been strictly warned not to involve anyone or else Melissa will die........I shook my head immediately my mind crossed that part, I don't even want to imagine that...

I smiled weakly, " Have told you, your main focus should be on saving the girl. That's what am more concerned about"

" Don't even say that again, I don't know how important this girl is to you, but do you think she really deserves you risking it all." he paused.

"You see, I know it's hard to confuse people especially when it comes to this love of a thing, but it is not too late to negotiate. I don't even think you realise how dangerous this track you are about to step in," He cleared his throat, while I just stared down at the file envelopes that scattered on the glass table at my front.  I don't know why he is bringing this up again, there is not enough time to be debating on this all over again, have told him what he needs to do.

" Not again, Derek," I muttered, trying as much as possible to stay calm.

" Okay, okay. No offence," 

" They are likely to send me a message anytime from now, we are running out of time," I grumbled, not that I said that to change the topic but we are running out of time.

Derek reached out for a paper in one of the files envelopes that are laying helplessly at his front.

" About the guys we discussed, have got two of them,"

" Are they trustworthy?"

He chuckles, " Yes, of course, Just a bit afraid about losing any of them, since we don't even know how prepared your enemies are," He muttered with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

" Your main focus should be on the girl," I reminded.

" I got it. Anyway, this is my plan. Firstly, I will need to install a tracker into your body,"

" What! What if it was detected?" 

" This one is going into your bloodstream."..........


Melissa's pov

" Bobby!" I repeated as if I didn't hear what Daniel just said clearly. I don't think this is still a dream, but a reality I must face now.

 I glanced around, with my eyes darting here and there to see if I can recognise where we are. The sun is already returning to its abode, making everywhere more pallid than before. The first thing I noticed about this place is the railway track that's about a few meters from where I am, followed by the overhead bridge that is above our head. The guys are more numerous than I think, they are fifteen in numbers including Daniel who was now busy talking with one of the guys.  

I nearly screamed when I noticed that almost all of the guys were holding pistols. Daniel is not holding one, but I assumed he must have shoved his own into his pocket. 

While I was still busy studying everything, the guys talking to Daniel suddenly turned towards me. He also pointed at one of the guys to follow him before walking over to where I am. 

I shrieked, I felt the hovering cloud of despair lightening up and drifted back to my entire body as I watched them coming closer to me. At that moment, the only thing that on echoing in my head is Daniel's last words to me back in the room. 

" I can't save you," I whispered to myself, with tears moving out of my eyes slowly. It seems that this is indeed the end...

When they reached my front, they unexpectedly dragged me up. 

" Will you walk on your own, or I should help you?" He probed harshly. I just nodded and started to walk just like they commanded.

We walked to where Daniel was standing with another guy. They were busy talking when we reached their front but stopped immediately when they noticed our presence.

Daniel glanced up and our eyes met, before I could even give him a pleading look, he had already looked away. 

"Take her to the parking lot, Bobby is already here. Get the boys ready" He muttered without looking at me.

" No!" I screamed, " Daniel! Are you going to this!? No, you can't!" I tried yanking away the hands holding me but I couldn't. With me struggling to grab Daniel, they dragged me away with one of them covering my mouth with his palm to muffle my voice.

