
Short chapter


Season Two of The Billionaire's Maid


Melissa's pov

Like they usually say, we always have a source of strength, or a source of weakness. I was left alone with nothing to decide on. I'm not being a cry baby here, but thinking about the lifes that are likely to be butchered makes my whole body tremble whenever my mind dive into the thought.

To me, I'm still the only one that can stop this from happening, at least I know a little bit of their plans. Unfortunately, I have no freedom to execute the plans. I'm not even sure if I will walk out of this place alive. Come to think of it, they intentionally said everything in front of me to let me know there is nothing I can do even if I'm aware of everything.

Thinking about letting me go after knowing this much is absolutely a dumb thought, who will be so stupid to let go of something that is a threat to their existence.

It's been a long time since they left, just that I don't know how many hours it has been. Everything is silent, and dark. Even with the extreme darkness that clouded the whole room, I still managed to locate where the wall clock is located. it was placed above my head, I tried several times to turn my head to be able to catch a glimpse of it, but the more I strived to twirl my head, I ended up hurting my wrist that was cuffed to the bed. When I could no longer endure the pain, I stopped trying. Lay still on the bed, breathing heavily like I just pushed a heavy truck. 

Think, think, Melissa, you need to do something to prevent them from. hurting anyone again. I thought silently, while I bit my lower lips to muffle my voice from getting louder. Like a hot sauce was poured on my hand, my wrist was not getting better at all, the cuff might have probably left some brushes on them while I was struggling to get a look at the clock. As for my back, it's a lot better than before, since I was resting my back on the bed, I hardly feel any pain.

How I wish I could mind link Bobby and warn him not to make any attempt to show up to save me. I've been a dick head to him since he left the mansion, and our first meeting got ruined all thanks to my stupid act of not telling anyone before making my decision.

Not like you have any idea that this is likely to happen, my subconscious mind defended. I nodded in agreement while my eyes pierced into the while ceiling above my head. 

This is no longer something I can prevent.


" Do you sleep well, young lady," I shrugged as his hand touched my cheek, shooting him a deadly glare. the last thing I wish for is someone like him  touching me. 

" Just get your hand off me," I snapped, I dragged my body a fit far from where he was. I ended up blaming myself for doing that because he climbed up the bed to my side. 

" Get away from me!" I shouted. 

" I'm sure you know you're very weird, I blame myself for trying to be nice here. Maybe you really want to be alone to the end," He hesitated, he spun back two the four hefty guys behind him.

" Sniper, get me the landline phone," He grumbled before facing me back. He flashed me a smile, and I hissed.

" You can't continue to be like this, I even want you to give you the privilege to hear Bobby's voice for the last time,"  He faked a frown, and then  placed his right palm on his chest.

" You are hurting my feelings for being nice," he mumbled again. I don't say a word or even think of replying to him. There is no doubt that Daniel is a psych, he seemed to be enjoying this.

I continued to stare down,without paying much attention to his words. I know that as each second passes by, the minutes their execution will be carried out get closer. 

" This is the phone you requested for," A husky voice jolted me back to life, I looked up to meet Daniel gaze. He was still smiling.

"You heard from the tracker?" His eyes are still fixed on me.

" Yes, they confirmed he just left, he is on his way to California," The guy replied, dropped the phone beside him, and moved back to his position.

Daniel clapped his hands together.

" Did you just hear that, your love is on his way here to save you,"

