

Melissa's pov

" Are you even  listening?" he asked from the other side of the phone, even though his voice was not that clear, I can still feel the sensation that comes with that voice of his. That serenity that I can't trade with anything or even use to joke with anyone. I never knew I missed him to this extent, not until the voice sounded repeatedly in my ear, with my eardrums getting hold of it for what seemed like an eternity before it eventually faded away. It seems my long silence has made my throat block because of the sudden lump. I have to gulp down the thick saliva that sticks to my tongue first, and then clear my throat loudly.

 I know that I am wasting his time with all this, but not like he expected me to pick up the phone at the speed of light and start to talk casually like nothing happened, maybe that's the case for him but not me. A part of me was feeling guilty while the other one was preparing to listen to his apology for what I don't even sure if he has any idea of, anyhow, we both have a lot to talk about. 

" Bobby, I did not mean to keep you waiting" I managed to say after the endless silence, not like my apology was necessary but I apologise anyway.

I can hear him mumbling something, just not that clear. 

" Melissa,I'm very sorry for taking this long before calling, my father was a little bit faster than me, that is why he got hold of my phone before I could even think of an alternative way to reach you......" he paused, I can hear him breathing heavenly even without me seeing him. I don't know what to say to this, besides, I'm the one that refused to talk to him when he was trying all his positive best to make things right, that is then anyway, I mean I was still thinking about how to make things work between us even while I was busy pushing him away.....

" Melissa," he whined, his serene voice interrupting my thoughts.

 " ...Believe me, I have been trying all my possible best since the last time I set my eyes on you, craving for your face every single second without no replicate to replace that feeling. Not even a picture, I'm not calling to ask you to say anything, just listening,that's the only thing I want" He pleaded. I was short of words, what did he expect me to say? If only he knew about how much I have missed him...... I shook my head, why thinking about that at this moment. But doing the talking while I listened not the thing I planned to do the moment I heard his voice, I got a loads of questions that am planning offload to his ear, and want an immediate answer to follow, saying that means he was being selfish, thinking only about his own feelings without thinking about, did he really think he was the only heart broken person here? did he really think I am not passing through a lot? What a dick h.....

" Melissa!" his voice was loud, but not that he shouted. I took a few steps toward the big artwork that was hung on the side of the hallway was a picture of his father, like an illusion, you will find it difficult to identify the person until you reach it.

"I'm listening" I eventually replied, I stretched my left hand toward the large gallery that was far taller than me, my fingers moving freely on the leg part course that is the only part my hand can reach.

He started, "I'm quite sure you will be doubting me if I tell you the last few weeks as been like a torture to me just because I failed to see you. There was a day that I secretly came to the mansion without my father having any idea of my presence, this is plainly because of you, believe me," he paused.

 "I know you might find it hard to trust just because something was about to happen, but know that I still held to my promise, 'I will definitely come for you' all you just need to do is wait, just wait, Melissa!'

" But till when? I don't know your plan, but at the same time, I don't have any idea of what is even going on!" I cut him off, not my intention tho, I find it hard to stay silent for another seconds. 

" You need to hear me out please"

" Hear you out? Hearing you won't stop what is bound to happen, will it?" I probed, don't know where I suddenly get the energy, but indeed, if it reached a point, the pain you have been hiding will eventually burst through you even without you knowing...

" I'm not going to marry Amelia, just stay calm" He explained, his words only made me chuckle.

" And you think that is going to happen?" 

"To tell you the truth, it happens that her long lost boyfriend is Draven, I confirmed it already, I only need to add a small force to this to prevent her from accepting it, do you....

" That means His plan is going as he planned it" I don't know how the words managed to slip out of my tongue. I covered my mouth with my palm immediately, what did I just do? Draven has warned me not to even let Bobby know about his father's involvement in this until he confirms the reason why he is doing this....

" What! You didn't sound surprised, you knew this already?"

" It just happens that Draven told me about meeting her at the airport, that is when I knew" I answered immediately.

" Are you sure that is going to work on her," I merely let the first sentence move out of my mouth before throwing another question at him, maybe that will distract him from asking......

" Which plans are you talking about?And who is he?" He was fast to get that I am trying to stop him from asking by using another question. I bit my lips in frustration, how did I make this kind of mistake , No! I can't tell him,I promise Draven not to say anything, telling him will only make this worse.

Cleared throat, " Nobody, just a slip of tongue" I wanted to sound confident, but my voice didn't sound like I wanted it to. Even if he pressed further, I'm not going to tell him anything.

" Okay, if you say so," He replied, there is something with the way he sounded, I'm sure it us very obvious that I intentionally said that, just that he didn't want to push me further, or did he think I might end the call if he asked me to tell him the truth? 

For a few seconds that followed, none of us talked, I guess that is because of my lie. I was still thinking about what to say to alleviate the silent atmosphere when what Melanie told me to do struck my mind. At first I thought that is not a good idea, there is no way I will explain that without involving my Dad, and that will only unfold another issue, compiled with the one we are yet to find solutions to. Still, he is the only person that can help me out, someone that was this desperate to do anything just to get me back, not like I agree to be taken back by him, we only dated for two days,isn't it? 

" Can you send me Draven's number when you dropped this call?" he asked while I was still contemplating whether to ask him or not. Gosh! that's true, I was also planning to ask him if he knew anything about his whereabouts, this means Bobby is also not aware of........ Ohhh! I whispered to no one in particular, I need to get this crazy thought out of my head, nothing is going to happen to him, but why is he not showing up?

" When was the last time you heard from him?" I asked, ignoring his question.

" Like some weeks back, when he told me about my father and you, not like we are pals, but why asking though? his is not in the mansion?"

" Yes, he travelled, but I don't know where he went to, his number is also not going through" I muttered sadly. 

" Really? His absence is going to be a big problem, I really need him for this plan to work" he said bitterly from the other side. I find it hard to even say a word to what he just said, everything is complicated already, if he ends up marrying Amelia, that means I lose him but we only get the chance of seeing, that's only going to hurt more.  And if he ends up not marrying her, Draven's father 's plans worked , and I will  also lose the chance of working with him, plus the deal with his father. My family now depends on me. I'm tired of everything!

I opened my mouth to force something out, but the sudden beep on my phone made me shove my hand into my gown pocket, with my hand still holding the other phone  to my ear.  At first, I wanted to ignore the message, thinking it was some random.....But the name caught my attention when I was about to put it back in my pocket. The message is from Draven.

I immediately click on it, not even telling the person I am talking to hold on.

The message:

" Melissa I need you to meet me at Saint Amusement Park, don't tell anyone that I contact you because this is a secret. I need to tell you some secret evidence that will be useful to Bobby. Come alone, and don't tell anyone that I beep you. Waiting....
