

Melissa's pov.

"We are here" his serene voice drew me out of my thoughts, I glanced at him for a few seconds, as the car tyres made screeching halt all of a sudden. 

My eyes moving frantically through the windshield in search of what he meant by his words, and to my surprise he was parking in front of the biggest the restaurant in thee whole of the city, 

" What are we doing here?" I don't know when the words slipped out of my mouth on their own. a smile forms on his lip but it doesn't last long before it fades away, and his expression is back to the bleak one I am used to.  I wanted to say something, again, but I chose not to push him any further.

Is this what he meant by we are going somewhere? I thought to myself, he must be kidding me, did he think he could just organize a date without the permission of the second party?  

" Fuck, what am I thinking" I whispered, under my breathe. The creaking sound of the door made me tilt my head back to his side, he got down and then pushed the door closed, gently. My hand moved to the car door, poking through the hole, with my head contemplating whether I should do the same or not. Besides, the person that brought me here has been pretending as if I didn't exist, dying to see me all this day, calling to ask of me every single minute, but here we are like a stranger, it seemed like he had the estimated words he was going to say throughout the night already.

But it hurt, even though I wanted to say many things to him, my mind was filled with many questions I find it hard to say a word, I thought if he could start a conversation with me, I would easily use the chance to blend in with my question, but at the look of things he doesn't look like someone that's ready for any kinds of conversation this night. 

" Since he knows that he is not going to  talk to me or tell me anything, why bringing me here in the first place....... The door opened all of a sudden, before I could even finish my statement. 

I flinched a little.

He was holding the door for me, and I couldn't help it than to stare at his eyes, this time he didn't look away from me, I stretched my hand  little bit forward, it seemed like a force is pushing me to touch him. 

" What are you doing?" 

" Nothing...gg" I stuttered, feeling embarrassed. he grabbed my hand all of a sudden, pulled me out gently out of the car, I wanted to yank his hand off mine, but the moment his warm palm touched my skin, I find it hard to reciprocate my initial intention. 

I stared at him in astonishment, his hand was still holding mine firmly, like I will run off at any given chance, pushed the door closed a little, before facing me back.

He docked his head a little to my face, my face is just a inch away from his, my nose was filled with his sweet Cologne and his slow breath is the only sound being heard.My heart beat increased rapidly,  his Emerald eyes piercing into mine, and for some seconds it seemed like I forgot how to breathe, as i hold back the air that is trying to escape from my lungs. What is he trying to do? No, I am not ready for this! Pull yourself together Meli, No!No!

" You looked pale, everything alright?" his voice stopped my train of fantasy, I blinked my eyes in disappointment at his bizarre question. What am I expecting him to do before? I'm really losing my mind.

" Not.....thing." I stammered, tilting my head to a side to hide my muddled face.

He stood upright again, still, his deep green eyes are still on me. What's the sudden change all of sudden? The person that was behaving like I didn't exist a few minutes ago, suddenly started behaving weird, maybe he was enjoying joking around with me. Did he think of me as an object he could joke around with?.

" Let's go," his serene voice made me look at his face again, this time his eyes were fixed on the entrance of the restaurant, my eyes followed his gaze. 

Three waitress were standing at the entrance, they stood at least a meter away from each other, if not for the beautiful uniform that they were wearing, and their hand that was holding something I find it hard to get the perfect picture of, i could have mistaken them for a statue with the way they are standing on a spot without even blinking, not even for once.

I opened my mouth to say something but the sudden drag from Bobby made me close it back without saying a word. We walked side by side toward the entrance, even though I didn't seem to like the idea of walking together like a couple, his firm grip on my wrist gave him the upper hand. 

I can't help but to stare again with my mouth wide open as one of the ladies that was standing beside the crystal door walked up to us, bowed down a little before pushing the door open. 

I smiled. 

What's all this? He only asked me to hear him out, why all this? Why is he stressing himself out? Is this all for me? or is it because he will soon be leaving, like a sent forth? No! I shook my head slowly, trying to think about another thing, with the hope that it would help me to easily distract this sudden curiosity.

His hand was still holding mine, but his eyes are busy moving erratically around the place. 

The place was elegant, in fact, it's more than what I could ever imagine a busy restaurant would be. Table and chair were neatly arranged, adjacent to each other. The wall was breathtaking, different types of artworks were hung in different sizes, if not for the hand that was holding mine, I would have run out to check if this place is really a restaurant. 

Everything was silent, no one on sight except for the three people we saw earlier before we entered. I find it somehow strange, since I have not visited this place before but I knew that every single expensive restaurant like this in the whole of California would not be this silent by this time of the week, not to talk of night, strange right?

 I looked up at the huge chandelier that was hanging above  our heads, gleaming brightly, just like a myriad of stars in the sky. 

" You are enjoying the views" His cold voice jolted me out of my fantasy.

I hesitated before I darted my eyes to my side, only to be surprised that he was not beside me. 

" Are you looking for me?" he scoffed, a hint of teasing in his voice.

I glared at my front, only to be surprised that he was sitting on one of the chairs, legs crossed, a small smile was forming on his pink lips, he looked like he was enjoying my confused state.

" Not re..allly," I fibbed, trudging towards a chair that's a little bigger than his. 

" So, what next?" I muttered sarcastically as I sank into the chair. 

" What did you mean by that??" he answered, absent minded, pretending as if he had no idea of what i'm talking about. 

I hissed.

" Don't tell me, you come here to show me all this" 

" Ohhhhh, not really, we still have up to one hour before we are going to return to the mansion, if you don't mind," he paused, glaring at me intently, his green eyes displaying an emotion that I find hard to understand, gently and ..... " Can you please just calm down" I find it hard to believe my ear as the words moved out of his lips, it sounds so real. 

" That's not what I am saying, I meant...

" Are you not hungry? " he cut me off.

" No, don't try to elude my question " I replied sharply.

" Not again, Melanie told me you hardly eat," 

"But, am not" 

"You don't have a choice, at least for tonight" his voice trailed off.

Before I could even open my mouth to say another word, his hand moved under the table, pressed something I perceived to be a button because of the deja vu sound I heard. While I was still thinking about what he did,the bright chandelier that was gleaming above us flickered off all of a sudden and everywhere became dark immediately. 

" What's happening... I tried not to sound scared, but my voice was poorly disguised. 


