

Season Two of The Billionaire's Maid


Bobby's pov.

" You are dead?" I asked her again, I gave her a perplexed look. What the hell is she talking about, does that mean am also dead? That's a funny thing to think about. The only thing I should be wondering about is how to get out of this place as soon as possible, not to be talking to a random stranger that I know nothing about. Without bothering about her presence, I knee at the edge of the stream, using my two palms to bring water to my mouth. Strangely, it didn't feel like I'm taking in anything, because the more I gulped down the crystal-like liquid in my front, the more I got thirsty. I don't think it is a problem at first, but it keeps getting worse. I was baffled but I don't know what to do. Will I die because I didn't get enough water to satisfy my thirst?

" You can't die because of that," I heard a voice from my back. I flinched in horror as I tried to back at the person that just talked. Unfortunately, I lost my balance while trying to turn to take a look at the person, and the next thing I knew was that I fell into the water. 

I screamed while struggling to get out of the water as soon as possible, not because of anything, just that I don't want to get wet, to avoid getting cold.

" Can you stop screaming, not like this is even real water, or did you feel anything?" I stopped immediately, looking at her in surprise, I don't how I completely forgot that I have a company. That's when it hit me, I can't feel anything, I'm inside the water but my clothes are still dry. I touched the water to feel it again, I felt it, but the moment I removed my hand, it looked like I had never touched anything, it was very dry. 

With fear, I rushed out immediately...

" Can you please explain what is going on?"  I grumbled, breathing out heavily. I can't explain what just happened, but I know it's not normal.

She gave me a quick smile that made me feel she just hypnotised me with it. All my worries at that moment don't matter, seeing that smile over again is the only thing I crave right now.

" The only thing I can come up with," he hesitated for a few seconds, walking closer to where I am with her long hair moving to and fro behind her back. When she got to my front, she continued.

" Is that you are still a living soul, you don't belong here," My jaw dropped, I would have laughed and taken her world as a joke but I don't think I need to argue with what she just said If I also think about the strange thing I just experienced.

" What?.... Does that mean you are dead?" I managed to say, maybe I should have not asked that, I can see as her skin colour started to change immediately I muttered the last word. 

I stepped back, completely away from her. What is going on with her?

" I'm not dead and I'm not alive. I'm only waiting for someone to save me, which I assumed to be you,"

" I don't even know you, I'm also speechless when I say that name," I brushed my hair backwards, trying to remember the name again.

" And I also have no idea who you are, I only know your name."

" Really? Then how did you know I'm not supposed to be here," 

"Cause I know you're still living the very moment I set my eyes on you,"

" but you...

" Go back and save me," she cut me off. Part of her hair has started to fade away, making me more scared, I want to run, but it seemed like my leg has been locked, and it was preventing me from making any move.

" You need to save me, Bobby!" Her voice echoed throughout the place. I fall to my feet.

" I don't even know you, or know the way out of here," I stuttered, her whole body now fading away slowly. I waited for her response but I got none. The only thing I could only scream out is the name I just remembered.

" Melissa Melissa!!!!!!"


" Bobby, Bobby!" I listened to my name being called repeatedly, followed by a tap on my shoulder. I don't know if I am still in the dreamland, just that this feels completely real. I ignored it at first, but when the voice kept getting louder and louder, I had no other choice than to catch a glimpse of whoever the person screaming my name is. 

I open my eyes slowly but instantly shut them close as my eyes come in contact with the bright light. I tried again, but more slowly this time.  Someone was standing opposite me, due to my blurry vision, it takes a while before I eventually recognise her.

" Melanie," I called. I'm a little bit confused, why is Melanie here? Where am I? I tried to stand up, but my body was not going to, it felt like my bones had frozen together, making it harder for them to work properly. 

I  managed to grab something for support, at last, stretching out my entire body immediately as my leg touched the cold floor. Melanie was still standing, glaring at me with her emotionless face as I kept on displaying.  I'm still yet to be conspicuous of the whole situation. 

" Can't believe you sleep this well throughout the night, only for you shout out Melissa's name in the morning," 

" Melissa," I stopped and glared at her. My eyes instantly scanned through where I am, that's when it crumbled on me that I am still in the mansion, Stella's room to be precise.

" is she back?" I walked closer to Melanie who is now sitting on the bed, Stella is nowhere to be found, but that's the least of my concerns for now.

She sighed," No," she replied, flatly.

I trudged to her, " And she never gives you a call?" 

" If she did, do you think I would be like this?" 

I rubbed my hair in frustration. I don't even know what time it is now, I can't even imagine the problem I will find myself in if any of my parents get to know that I am presently here. Gosh! That's the last thing I should be thinking about right now. Finding her is more important to me than anything in this world. 

The ringing tone of my phone dropped me back to reality. 

" Excuse me," I said before getting the phone out of my suit.

I cleared my throat, " Tell me,"

" The boards are waiting for you,"  Amelia's voice trailed out of the phone speaker.

" Cancel the meeting, I'm in California,"

" Really?," I ended the call immediately, I didn't think I need to explain myself to her. 

"Her mother will soon be here," Melanie complained bitterly. 

" I think I will need to go to the security," I removed my suit, and threw it on the couch.

" To do what?"

" To check the CCTV camera, which floor did you say you were on when she left?" 

" Second floor..." 

I stretched my hand to drop my phone at the reading table when something caught my eyes. It was a message. I want to, but just decide to take a look, who knows it might be something very important.

I pulled my hand back and proceeded to unlock the phone. But I'm way too scared to hide what I am staring at in shock, not the type of message I was expecting.

