

Melissa's pov.

I felt a sudden headache strike my head making me wince in pain. My head is heavy, like something heavy was compressing it down anytime I tried raising it up, my eyes are still closed, but I am wide awake. I tried not to move my head again, hoping this will help the pain to subside, and to my surprise it keeps getting worse. I tried opening my eyes slowly, but before I could even succeed, my eyes came in contact with the ray of light that was passing through the burglary into my room. Eyes still closed, I stretched out my right hand, looking for my bed quilt. After grabbing it from my side, I pulled it over my head quickly, and curled into a ball under it. The headache is fading. I placed my bare palm on my forehead, trying to feel my temperature. My palm could even stay on my forehead for a few seconds before I abruptly removed it. As if my blood is boiling, my temperature has never been high like this before. My lips trembling on their own, I am running temperature but also feeling cold at the same time. The scene of last night started to creep through my mind, piece by piece, I held my leg tightly to my stomach as the pictures kept on appearing in my head. I closed my eyes, and tried shaking my head, maybe that will help me to dislodge the thought out of my head, but none of it worked. I know we are in the morning already, but what time? Standing up is a difficult task for me at that moment. The more I tried raising my head, the more the pain would start to crawl out of my head. So, I just lay without attempting to do anything again, and found myself thinking about what happened yesterday which I promised not to think about.

The thought of my unconscious father is the first that crossed my mind, I wanted to cry as I thought about him lying helplessly on the hospital bed, waiting for his death. 

"Dad!" I whimpered silently, I buried my face into the soft mattress as the tears started to form at the of my eyes ball, again. Fortunately, I heard the sound of the door creaking open.

"Melanie?" I guessed, waiting for the person who entered to confirm her identity.

" You are awake, are you okay now?" Melanie answered just like I guessed, My sister Mary is already with the head maid since yesterday, and am sure she would never allow her to into our apartment on her own 

"Better" I managed to say even though my voice is nearly above a whisper.  I felt something push the quilt from my body, making me groan.

"You should have asked me before doing that" I protested, my eyes still closed. I don't feel like getting out of bed today, I would have a grateful soul, if she could just leave without disturbing me. But, I know she would never allow that, she will keep on trying all her possible means to cheer me up. 

"Melissa, you have to get up now,"

"Why?" I sniffed.

"This is 12am already, we need to visit your mother" 

"12am" I flickered my eyes open immediately, jumping out of the bed, like a miracle, I don't even feel any pain from my head. Melanie is now sitting on the couch that was opposite to my bed. Looking worried at the same time.

"Why don't you wake me up earlier?" I complained, crawled out of the bed to sit on the edge, facing Melanie 

"Melissa, you are very exhausted yesterday night, you need to rest, don't you understand" he pointed out, my forehead creased, and I glare at her without knowing what to say, 

"But, I'm fine now" I complained, rolling my eyes at her. But her reaction shows, she is not ready to accept any of my lies. 

"But why are you here now? , are you not on duty today?" I pushed the conversation to another direction, but she easily understand what am trying to do. 

"Don't try elude what am saying with your silly questions"

"I told you I'm fine,I'm not lying, don't you trust me?" I muttered, flashing her a smile that revealed my full dentition.

" Still, you don't have to force yourself to go to the hospital, if you won't be able to handle it"

"I just told you am fine, you have nothing to worried about"

"Ok, if you say so," she accepted, I sighed in relief, confusing Melanie to believe you is a hard task on it own. I stood up from where i was sitting at and walked past her to my closet, my hand rumbling on some shirts, contemplating about the one to wear. Deep down i'm only doing this to convince her that am fine, because she would make sure I didn't take a step out of my room if she eventually found out that am lying. .

" So, are you done for today chore?" I asked, without looking at her, I picked a pink gown and placed it in my body.

" I won't do anything until the week runs out" I dropped the gown  I was holding in surprise and darted my head to her side.

"Don't tell me this is because of me?" I shot her a question look.

"No, no, no, not at all, Bobby came over in the morning and talked with the head maid, that's all" she explained, Hearing his name sent cold shivers down my spine, coming to the quarters in the morning is definitely because of me, he could easily call the head maid and instruct her on what to do, but why will he came here because of that? Is Melanie hiding something from me? I tried shaking my head off the thought, but am very curious now.

"Don't tell me he came only for that, " I tried not to sound like I was curious.

She seemed to grab what I meant and from the look in her face, she knew I wouldn't welcome any lies.

"Hummm, okay, he also came to see you" 

"What l? When?"

"When you are sleeping"


