

Three hours ago.



The Mansion.

"Melissa, you need to pull yourself together if you really want to visit him in the hospital" Draven explained, he looked worried at the same time. Melissa, who didn't seem to hear what he just said was on the couch, opposite him, hand on her jaw. Fresh tears dripped down from her exquisite face. He has tried assuring her that everything will be fine, but nothing works out.

Draven keeps on lingering around, lost in his own reverie. No matter how much he thinks about it, it is very clear that something attached to her sadness, besides, they only called to tell her that her dad slumped with nothing attached more than that. But here is her, crying as if they just announced his death...

He moved slowly to where she was sitting, glanced at her for some seconds, then stooped on the cold linoleum . He was now facing her. He reached for her face, grabbed it gently in order not to hurt her vulnerable skin. He tilted her head, now facing him, looking at him intently. Tears gushed out of her face at the speed of light. He used one of his finger tips to wipe some of the tears, gently.

"Is there something attached to this that is oblivious to me" he questioned, his voice nearly above a whisper. She hesitated for some seconds but burst into tears immediately as she opened her mouth to speak. Dracen rubbed her back slowly, trying to calm her down. 

Melissa reached for the white handkerchief that was lying peacefully beside her, soaked with her tears already and used it to wipe her face again.

"He was battling with a terminal disease, and he doesn't have much time left" she interrupted draven trance with her low voice. Draven glared at her, searching for what to say but found none. He was caught off guard. He sighed, before raising his head to look at it again.

"And if I may ask, he was diagnosed with what?" He asked, still caressing her back slowly. 

"Leukaemia" she whimpered, bursting into tears again. He kept mute this time without saying anything. As a matter of fact, he as a person knew the pain of losing one's favourite person, he underwent this kind of pain when he lost her mother. But his own case is different, you can't compare it with someone who already knows that she is going to lose a loved one, but doesn't even know when it's going to happen. Today? Or tomorrow?

"Can we go now?" she asked all of a sudden. He nodded without saying a word, stood up and got hold of her hand before pulling her up.

She adjusted her blouse, the blouse neck is now damp due to her tears.  He gazed at the huge chandelier that was hanging above their head and sighed.

"How much time does he have left" he asked in a gloomy tone

" It's not that much, mom refused to let me follow them whenever he was going for  checkup. And it's been two years already" he signaled to know if she was ready to leave. She nodded in agreement. 

They walked towards the door silently, holding hands. Draven brought out his phone and almost gasped immediately. 

"Gosh! This is 7:43 already, they must have been looking for you now " he grumbled, looking worried at the same time. She only shrugged without saying anything. They close the door behind them. Walking through the dim hallway, eventually they are now standing opposite the elevator. Draven pressed the button and the two walked in, silently.

Bobby's pov

"Where is Melanie?" I asked, Looking at Mrs Mark intently. But before she could answer me Melanie cut her off.

"She doesn't get herself due to the news, she was sleeping in my room before I left the mansion with Bobby '' she snapped all of a sudden, I gasped on hearing that. What a lie? I thought, mouth wide open without knowing what to say. Mrs Mark just nodded weakly before facing his motionless husband that was lying beside the life monitor.

I glared at Melanie for some seconds, still trying to comprehend what I just heard from her. Is she not the one that said, they ought to be here already? .

For some reason I feel bad for them, even though I don't know the nature of his illness.  Melanie stood up abruptly and walked to my direction, she pushed me a little before opening the door and stepped out. 

I waited for a few seconds before doing the same. Here we go, she was looking at me intently, immediately I stepped out of the bright room. If only a look can kill I would have been dead by now.

"Why did you do that? I thought you said they would be here already, or are you lying?" I demanded, ignoring her furious look. But instead of replying to me she kept mute. For some reason I can feel the anger boiling inside of me. And not the type that love been ignored, maybe that's the gene of every rich kid. 

"I'm not lying, besides I never knew she won't be here already" she fired back.

I clenched my fist together, I don't know why I became furious because of this. Or is it because I knew  she was with draven? No! That's not the issue right now.

" That doesn't mean you are not at fault, does it" I muttered through gritted teeth. I feel initiated, standing here arguing with a maid makes my self esteem seem so low.

She rolled her eyes at me.

"This is not the........

" Melissa!" Melanie muttered all of a sudden. I raised my head to check whether she was lying or not, but to my surprise, she was standing close to Draven.  Both holding hands, she looks surprised, I guess she never expects to be here.

