

“Janice?” Clyde called her gently, afraid that she would disappear if he calls her too loud. She looked at him in shock, wondering who he was referring to. ____ When Janice disappears without a trace, everyone think it's just a vanishing act. But for Clyde, something doesn't add up. He sets out to find the truth, but as the search leads him down a path of danger and intrigue, he finds himself crossing part with Jasmine, a woman who bears a striking resemblance to Janice. He begins to wonder if Jasmine is Janice in disguise. He forced himself to get closer to her. As his obsession with her grows, Jasmine finds herself drawn into a web of lies and deception. She starts to wonder if she has something to hide after all. ____ Cover art not mine.

Khristabel · สมัยใหม่
16 Chs

What If She Is Janice At Last?

After exiting the B.N Group, Investigator Fox decided to put a call across his family – the Andersons. He couldn't shake the feeling of foreboding that had settled over him. He really wished that the Andersons would be innocent in the 'allegation' Clyde had laid on them. But knowing Clyde, he was not a man to be trifled with and he had no doubt that the Finns were capable of anything. The Andersons was in the field of shady business with the underworld in the past and the last thing he'd wish is to see them drag down in the mud. He sighed. Deeply.

He dipped his hand in his and whip out his phone. He hesitated to make the call but after few seconds of contemplating, he dialed the number. As he waited for someone to pick, he got into his car.

"Hello son," the raspy voice spoke from the other end after picking up in the third ring. "It has been a while you called. Hope all is well?" Mr. Gary Anderson, his father, asked, genuinely surprised to hear from his son.

"Hello, dad," Investigator Fox said almost five seconds after Mr. Gary Anderson's question. "I will be coming over for dinner tomorrow's night. Get mom and the others to be present, I have something important to discuss with you all. It's about the fate of the Andersons. I hope you can clear your schedules for this." He said in a go, not giving his father any room to interrupt him. He wanted to get his message across as clearly and concisely as possible.

"Is everything okay, son? What is happening?" Mr. Anderson asked, an increasing slight fear building up in his chest. He knows his son to be the serious type and whatever that had made him to call with a tone of urgency must have been a matter to be dealt with before it escalates. Knowing his son, he doubt if he would even say what is wrong but as expected he did not. 

"We will talk better when we meet. I can't go into details over the phone. Have a nice day," he said and ended the call.

A nice day indeed. After dropping such a message with such tone of urgency how does he expect his father to have a nice day? And until tomorrow's night, the day has been ruined. 

He scrolled through his contact list in search of Jasmine's number, only then did he realize that he does not have Jasmine's current number. He sighed knowing that the only way to get it is to meet with Jasmine in person. Where would he even start? 

He remembered the last time he saw her, the day his family, the Andersons, were seeing him off to go study abroad – two years ago. He had assured her that he would be back to take care of her because his leaving the house will mark an increase in her suffering. He had been her saving angel from the day he realized that she is being treated differently from the rest of them – him and his siblings. And true to his words, he left and Jasmine's hell on earth intensified till the day he was called that Jasmine left home.

At first, he was concerned of her well-being but with time, he was happy that she actually left. Maybe she will find whatever she had lost – the peace and happiness she deserved. He sighed, ignited the car to life and zoomed off.


Barely two hours after Investigator Fox left the B.N Group, Liam and Ian arrived, looking hot and charming that the female employees of Clyde's couldn't help but gush and drool over them.

"Oh my God," the first employed exclaimed while her cheeks flushed red with excitement, "Aren't they just too hot for a human? Isn't that Liam Gray, the one who inherited the Gray's law firm. He is so handsome. I so much love Liam." The first employee drooled while fantasizing her imaginary relationship with Liam.

"You wish. He barely notices your presence in this building and if he did, he'd be out of your league. As for Ian, if I were you, I would go for him but the vacancy is full. I wouldn't want to add to your misery by making you chase after him." the second employee told the first, bursting her bubbles by the harsh words.

"Hello, my ladies. Missed me?" Ian booming voice echoed in the building immediately he stepped foot into the building, causing the ladies gushing over him to go frenzy, throwing all work etiquette into the wind. The male workers almost rolled out their eyeballs at the shameless display of fangirling. These are ladies that they're working hard to get their attention but here they are, going hysteria over the country's renowned ladies' man. Couldn't they just be a little shameful?

While Ian was busy reveling in the attention of the ladies around him, pecking the ones who wouldn't mind and promising heaven on earth to them, Liam on the other hand walked to the elevator without acknowledging the ladies who wanted his attention. He has never been the type to cause ladies to go hysteria like Ian always do, but he sure has his way around women when he wants one. 

After the quick pleasantries, Ian met Liam in the elevator and both headed towards the last floor to meet the almighty who had summoned their presence without questioning if they had anything they are doing. On reaching the last floor, they were welcomed by P.A. Ivan who led them towards the large, imposing wooden door that led to Clyde's private office. 

Prior, P.A Ivan had informed Clyde of their presence hearing the frenzy that happened on the last floor. Only Ian could pull such commotion from the ladies in the B.N Group and go unpunished by Clyde. 

Speaking of Clyde, he was so engrossed in his work that he had barely noticed the commotion going on in the floor below. Aside the fact that his office is soundproof, he had since lost himself in the work that when Ivan knocked the first time he didn't respond until the door was pushed open. In went the duo and Ivan left.

"Hey man," Ian greeted and sat on the plush leather couch at the far end of the office while Liam sat on the seat across Clyde. Ignoring Ian's greetings, Clyde pulled open the drawer and took out two manila envelopes filled with copies of the information P.A Ivan had brought that morning.

"This is the lead we have so far," he started, dropping the two envelopes in front of Liam. Realizing that their meeting was not just a meet and greet meeting, Ian walked to the other seat adjacent to Liam but still across Clyde and sat down. He took one of the envelopes and skimmed through the contents in it. His face betrayed a mix of confusion and concern. 

"What is this and which lead?" he asked, glancing from Clyde to Liam who was still engrossed with the reading of Jasmine's biography.

"Janice." Clyde's icy voice responded.

"Janice? You mean the lady from the club the other night?" he asked. "What is so special about her to you? She made it clear that she doesn't know you and here you are, prying into her private life. What is going on here?" he relentlessly asked. "Besides, you both are yet to explain to me who she is? 

"She is Clyde's woman from the past." Liam said for the first time, picking his words carefully.

"From the past? What woman?" Ian's tone was skeptical. "Clyde never let a woman come close to him since I can remember. So how did they meet and where?" He asked, his eyes fixed on Liam in particular, giving no attention to Clyde who was waiting for him to finish his questioning. He sounded like one interrogating a suspect. 

"That is the least of things we should be discussing now," Clyde interjected, his voice dangerously calm. "With time, I will let you in on everything. However, for now, I need your help," Clyde said unhurriedly, searching their faces for any sign of hesitancy or doubt. "I want to get married to her. To Jasmine."

The silence in the room was deafening as both men sat frozen in place, processing the word that he just said.

"Pftttt," Ian snorted then burst out laughing. On the other hand, Liam couldn't help but be taken aback by Clyde's sudden decision. What does him getting married to Jasmine have to do with finding Janice? He sure is derailing.

"I don't think that is the best idea right now, Clyde," Liam opposed. "There is more to this than you just getting Jasmine into your world. What if she is not Janice at last?" he reasoned.

"What if she is Janice at last?" Ian asked before Clyde could say it. With his expression, it was obvious that he was in support of Clyde getting married to Jasmine.

The silence that followed was deafening, the tension in the room so thick that it was almost suffocating.

I'm so sorry for late posting. I promise to make it up to y'all.

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