

“Janice?” Clyde called her gently, afraid that she would disappear if he calls her too loud. She looked at him in shock, wondering who he was referring to. ____ When Janice disappears without a trace, everyone think it's just a vanishing act. But for Clyde, something doesn't add up. He sets out to find the truth, but as the search leads him down a path of danger and intrigue, he finds himself crossing part with Jasmine, a woman who bears a striking resemblance to Janice. He begins to wonder if Jasmine is Janice in disguise. He forced himself to get closer to her. As his obsession with her grows, Jasmine finds herself drawn into a web of lies and deception. She starts to wonder if she has something to hide after all. ____ Cover art not mine.

Khristabel · สมัยใหม่
16 Chs

She Is Out To Ruin Our Family

It's been less than forty-eight hours since Investigator Fox left the office of Clyde and he headed towards the home of the Andersons which was located in the heart of the city. 

Ding. Dong.

The sound of the doorbell rang at the Andersons' home, startling the maid who hurried to answer it. When she opened the door, she was struck dumb at the sight of the imposing figure of Fox standing at the doorstep. Apparently, he was the one that had rang the doorbell. Just as he had promised Mr. Anderson, he had come for dinner.

"Wel…welcome home," the maid stuttered, her face burning with deep crimson as she looked everywhere else but him. 

"mmh. Hmm," he grunted in response to her greeting, causing the maid's heart to skip a beat. After some seconds, he finally moved, raising his brows slightly in a silent command for her to make way, and she immediately moved away, giving space for him to enter the house. He strolled into the house and inhaled deeply, taking in the 'savory aroma of a home-cooked food.

He unhurriedly and deliberately walked towards the dining table and was met with the father sitting at the head of the table, his usual place while Mrs. Victoria, his mother at her place and his little younger sister, Giana, who was engrossed in her phone. Nonchalantly. 

"You are here, child, have a seat," his mother called out affectionately. 

"Welcome son," his father said, trying to hold down his curiosity.

"Hey, bro," Giana greeted, her eyes still glued on her phone.

He nodded, flashed a weak smile and took his seat opposite his mother who was busy dishing out the food. Just then, the door flew wide open and in strode Luke, the eldest son of Mr. Anderson. He stood frozen for a split second, trying to picture who he just saw.

"Look who we have here today," he started, obviously picking on Fox who paid him no attention. It was no secret that both of them were like cat and rat when Fox lived in the Andersons home. But Fox has always been the level-headed one, never letting Luke get on his nerves. But after he left home for the states, Luke felt like he had no competitor since Fox chose a different field from what the family where known for – business. 

Luke sauntered in, looking anything but kept, he flashed a cocky smile at his father as he took his seat. And soon, the family dug into the food and everyone ate in silence, each with his own thoughts. Only the sound of cutleries clinking against plates could be heard.

"So, what's the matter that you couldn't talk over the phone?" Mr. Anderson began immediately they were done eating and sitting in the sitting room. He was clearly eager to get to the bottom of whatever had brought Fox home. The room fell silent again as all eyes were on Fox.

"It's about Jasmine?" Fox said, his tone serious and his face showing every emotion but playfulness. Everyone was waiting for him to continue; they could sense that whatever he has to say will not end well. "Where is she?" he continued.

"Don't tell me you came all the way from God knows where, refused to talk about the issue over the phone only to come here to talk about Jasmine. Was she the reason you called?" Mr. Anderson exploded, using all his strength to suppress himself from smacking Fox on the face. His face burning red with rage.

"She is one of the reasons I'm here," he started. "Against my work ethics, I'm telling y'all that I'm working for the Finns currently, specifically for Clyde Finn. I'm investigating the case of a missing someone for Clyde Finn, the CEO of F.N Corporation…"

"And how has that got to do with us, the Andersons?" Luke impatiently interrupted but the name of Clyde Finn has already caused the inbuilt fear for the Finns to rise in their hearts. The Finns were so secretive with their personal affairs and for Fox to go against his work ethics to reveal it, then it must be really serious. Something big.

Investigator Fox studied their face before he broke the earth-shattering news to them. He took a deep breath, knowing that what he was about to say would change everything. "Because CEO Clyde is interested in Jasmine.," he said, watching the life drain out of their faces. 

"Impossible," Giana exclaimed for the first time, having everyone's attention. She has been boiling with anger from the moment Fox mentioned Jasmine's name and she couldn't contain it anymore but explode.

"Why so?" Luke asked, genuinely curious.

"No…. nothing," she stammered and sat up after realizing what she had just done. 'that witch, why must she take everything that belongs to me,' she thought.

Fox ignored her outburst and turned to his parents, "I really hope you don't get involved in this. You can't afford to go against the Finns, talk more Clyde himself. His brutality is not one to be forgotten in a hurry. I fear for your safety if you become involved. At the snap of his finger, the Andersons can go extinct." He said slowly. Everyone gulped. No one wanted to imagine what might happen if the Finns turned their wrath on the Andersons.

After some moments of silence, Luke cleared his throat and faced Fox, "Dearest bro," he began, "don't tell me you came all the way to here to remind us of the Finns."

"I came to warn y'all to check your cupboard for any skeletons. He is serious about Jasmine and he is not backing down until he achieves his aim. I just want to make sure that none of you get caught in the crossfire." His eyes sweeping the room.

"What has Jasmine got to do with this too?" Mrs. Victoria Anderson finally asked the question everyone is dreading to ask. She is yet to fathom what is going on and she doesn't what to believe what her heart s telling her.

Fox stood up, ready to go without answering her questions but on a second thought, he stopped and turned back to her. "Jasmine is the suspected missing person. The day you will stand before Clyde you will have to explain to him why you adopted Jasmine even after having three children of your own," he said, a tone of warning and finality accompanying his words. He left the Andersons home. Unperturbed. Leaving them in their thoughts.

As soon as the door closed behind Fox, all eyes turned to Mr. Anderson, he was visibly shaken by what his son just said. How could he deny that there was no skeleton in his cupboard? What was even so special about Jasmine the even Clyde has eyes on her? He sighed and walked out of the room, heading to his study.

"That witch, what does she want this time?" Giana burst out as soon as their father left. "Why must it always be Jasmine? Isn't it obvious that she is out to ruin our family, mom?" she said, her voice rising in frustration.

Mrs. Anderson sighed deeply; she can't believe that the issue that has been lying peacefully for the pass fifteen years will finally be awaken. And by Clyde of all the people. She shook her head trying to clear her thoughts.

Determined to protect her family from whatever storm was brewing, she stood up and walk towards her husband's study. She pushed open the door without knocking and found him sitting at his desk, smoking his life away. "What do you plan on doing, Anderson?" she asked without batting an eyelid. "Fox said Clyde is the one interested in Jasmine. He didn't say Jasmine is interested in him. We need to bring Jasmine closer, again. We have to warn her against Clyde." She said, her tone of determination cutting through the air.

"What makes you think Jasmine will want anything to do with us?" he asked, his voice filled with doubts. "We were the ones who cut off all ties with her and not the other way round."

"She was never related to us. You adopted her," she snapped, pushing all blame to him.

"You made me adopt her," he shot back, his voice filled with rage. "It's been fifteen years and you are yet to tell me why you wanted me to adopt her. You brought her here and ended up abandoning her after you were done with whatever you wanted with her," he blasted back, his veins popping out with anger.

"You need to call him, please," she said calmly after few seconds of tensed silence.

"Who?" he asked looking suspiciously at her

"Max Porter." She said, avoiding his gaze. 

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Love you :)

Khristabelcreators' thoughts