
Big Bad Alpha Wants Me

He was very angry. He was looking at me like he wants to either rape me or punch my face. "I can expla- " He cuts me off. "You have been a very very bad kitty. You have no idea what I've been through." His grip on my neck tightens suffocating my food pipe. "Strip." The word brought me out of the electric shock. "Wha- " "I m counting till 3 if you didn't, I'll tear your clothes off - 1." Is this really happening? "2." I thought he was gay. "3." --------------------------------------------------- Emara, 21 years old human who disguises herself as a man to get a job in a Multinational company. But little she did know ... 1. The boss is smoking hot. 2. He is not human. 3. She is his mate. . What will happen when the Big Bad Wolf will meet his Mate? . How will he react knowing his mate is a Guy, not a Girl? . What will happen when the truth will flood out? Who will drown? Who will swim?

AlmostPsycho · แฟนตาซี
34 Chs

Chapter 33. Eminem

I wave for the taxi while I hear Ryan rubbishing through the phone, "Aaaahhhh! Lizon kat-ful-lily aaye affa ran dummy son," I get inside the taxi.

I hear hotty gulping down more alcohol, "Ryan, wait for me. I am on my way." He doesn't even listen to me as he says, "Aaye reejee ate yoh ass-" I hang up my phone as I tell the address to the driver.

. . .

I reach the office building and straight away rush to the seventh floor. I knock twice but no sound came so I slowly open the door. I see hotty on the couch with a bottle in his hand talking to someone on the phone. Wait! Is he crying?

"Ay am very sowie. Pilizz unda-standh meh. Ay am soo.. sowie. Tok tu meh pilizz. Saie shomethang. Annythang pillizzz." He says in a sloppy manner.

I look around and see the furniture is gone, there are wood pieces and glass on the floor. The room looks like it went through a tsunami and tornado together. What happened in the last one hour??

"Sir?" I speak loudly to catch his attention. He looks at me then at his phone then again at me confusedly.

Ryan abruptly stands up straight. There is an alcohol bottle in one hand and phone in another. He stiffly marches straight in my direction. His eyes narrowed at me, piercingly sharp while his hair gives a 'My life is fucked' look.

I see the first five buttons of his white shirt are open, showing his well-built chest and abs. I observe he has little hair on his chest. He looks wild and sexy both at the same time. I would get a boner right now if I had a dick.

Though he is gay, he is a hot gay!

"Sir, I came to drop you." I say in a low voice, as I don't want him to get angry. He bends down to pick his suit and dust it off like it is made up of rare diamonds. He pulls out his ID from the pocket and hands it to me.

I notice his cheeks have wet tears and dry blood as if he physically abused himself. My heart clenches looking at the condition of him. Poor hotty.

We get into the taxi. Ryan continuously glares at me with narrowed eyes. I give him a smile but he narrows his eyes further at me. I avoid him and stare outside the window. Still, I could feel his eyes on me all the time on the way till we reach his mentioned address.

My mouth opens wide and drops to my lap as I look at the sight before me. This is not a mansion but a town. His property might be spread in more than five hundred acres. And the whole area comes under Damison Groups. Unbelievable!

The car halts and four bulky security men hover in front of the car. One of them checks the car using a laser to detect any explosive item, another one checks the boot. I see one of them talking to the driver, checking for papers and licenses. Ryan nods at the security man on the check post and they lift the pole for us to pass.

So much security for hotty. Who is he?

I pay the driver for the ride. Ryan is still sitting inside the car looking at me with the alcohol bottle in his one hand. He looks like a depressed businessman whose company is bankrupted. Poor hotty!

I action him to come out but he keeps staring at me blankly. I open the door, take his other hand to lift him out of the car. I see blood on his knuckles and light scratches like he had bruised his hand a week ago.

Hotty smells like he is completely drenched in alcohol, bathed and perfumed in whiskey. I put his arm around my shoulder for support as we walk towards the main building. God, he is heavy!

There is a huge swimming pool in between the two buildings. One is made up of glass and I can clearly see it's a gym. The other building looks like a seven-star hotel. Only the lightning of the building might cost the same as my apartment.

Suddenly I hear a humming sound coming from hotty who is to my left and the deep dark swimming pool dangerously close to my right. His weight is unbearable. I feel like I am sinking into the ground from his quarter of weight on my shoulder whereas he is just whistling and humming in a sexy Greek god way.

I push him with my hips to the left, as I see the border of the swimming pool not too far away from me. Hotty narrows his eyes at me, he playfully retaliates by pushing me with his hips and I abruptly stop at the border of the swimming pool.

What is doing, trying to throw us into the pool?

I again push hotty with much greater force so he would walk away from the pool's border. But he mischievously looks at me and with a smirk, he jerks his hips to the right. In an instant, my right leg slips off from the border of the pool and I fall into the dark icy cold water of Ryan's million-dollar swimming pool.

I panic hard and flap my hands and legs in the water as I don't know how to swim. I faintly hear Ryan screaming at me to get out of the pool. I try to shout but the water reaches my chin, making my voice suffocate inside my throat.

I take a deep breath as now the water has crossed my lips, I see Ryan walk inside the building while I still drown in his pool.

I close my eyes as I feel the water level reaching my lower eyelashes. I wish I had taken swimming classes with Ethan. But instead, I took art classes. Art is not going to save me today.

I feel my hair getting wet and I know I am completely inside water now. I open my eyes and see navy blue color water and bubbles floating freely. I would have loved the scene but I know those bubbles contain my breath that is slowly emptying from my lungs.

My body feels heavy as if someone is pulling me down. Deep down into the dark abyss. At this moment I can only remember one thing, that is Eminem's lyrics;

Ooh there goes Gravity

Ooh there goes Rabbit

The pressure of water from all sides is squeezing me and the coldness is making my body numb. I stop struggling and let my body drown.

And suddenly I taste chlorine in my mouth.

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