
What is it?

"Qu'est-ce que c'est"


Can you please tell me, what is it.

What is it about you that makes me feel this way, when I'm around you.

The only way to describe it like a storms of emotions hitting me all at once like a massive hurricane.

Something about you just makes me smile when I think about the idea of us,

and the fact that just the way you look at me is enough for me to know

that love can exists in even the strangest of places.

That doesn't mean that "I'm in love with you" that just means that I simply "love you".

Is it you're beautifully curly hair,

or the saint of the Cologne that you where to school almost every day

Because the moment I stood next to you when you wore that for the first time I almost...


Huhhhh… see i don't remember because I couldn't focus on any thing else not even our conversation

Maybe it's all the blind flirting you do,

and the playing with my emotions that has me hooked on you and your personality or could it just be your perfectly crooked smile

you seem to know that's my weakness

A part of me heats that I know all you have to do is smile and win. but the other part of me,


the other part of me says that it's so worth it to be in all that pain to see your smile, even just for a second.

But I do know love being around you,

and talking to you,

and messing around with you,

ohhh and I can't forget all the teasing we do with each other.

I said all of this to you and you ask me "so how do I make you fell"

So I said "let's put it this way

One night I had a dream and in this dream I was stuck in a cold dark room that I couldn't escape and you came in and became my light that kept me worm then you left

And when you left a piece of me went with you so I died sad and alone in the dark

After I died I came back to life as a bee

And I flew around looking for you for three hole weeks and when I finally found you, you swatted me away killing me

Then I came back,

I came back one more time and met you for the first time all over again sitting alone on a park bench

I sat right next to you and soon enough that bench became our spot and we sat there every day for 85 years talking for hours on end till the day you died of old age leveling me behind once more

But I still showed up at that bench every day till I met you again in the next life"

And you still didn't get it

So I said to you

"I wanna be your ex girlfriend's stunt women,

I wanna sit there on that bench with you every day and do all the things that she was scared to do with you"

Knowing All this still doesn't tell me exactly what the true reason is that makes me feel this way about you,

but I am sure I'll find out eventually.

And even after saying all this to you,

you're still not interested in me.

And honestly that's completely okay with me but just know,

I'm in it for the long game,

and I play to win.