
Family Ties

Harry was as calm, cool, and casual as he could be, as he waited for Ororo to knock. After a few seconds she did.

"Come in Ororo," Harry called to her as she entered the room, with a smile barely leaving Harry's face. The green eyed wizard was enjoying this, really he was and he waited for her to enter the room.

Ororo slid into the room and walked forward, she was in a daze for a second but never the less, she snapped her head up. The dark skinned mutant sobered herself up.

"Harry, I'm going to take a walk around the school, you don't mind, do you?" Susan asked him as she paused. "Actually, do you have a Snack Bar or anything? Our meeting has left me famished."

"It's down the hall and to your right, providing the girls haven't depleted it," Harry remarked with a smile. That was the problem with having a school with nothing but a group of mutant girls; there was a chance that his food stocks got depleted thanks to their appetites.

"Thanks Harry, hello Ororo, nice to meet you again," Susan commented, thinking that she'd return later.

Harry's grin did not even leave his face as he motioned for Ororo to sit down in the chair opposite on his desk.

"Harry," Ororo commented in a brisk voice as she stepped forward.

"Ororo," Harry remarked to her as she sat down on the chair and he stared back at her. "So, how are things at the Xavier Institute?"

Ororo's expression twisted into a smile and a more businesslike manner went across her face. "Well….things are mostly going smoothly at the school. Scott suffered an injury in the battle with Kang but other than that, minor bumps and bruises." 'So no one of value got injured, that's good,' Harry thought to himself as Jean and Rachel snickered through the psychic link.

"It's good…." Harry remarked as Ororo shifted herself.

"It seems like your teachings have….done them good, although many are regretting their decision to stick around," Ororo remarked but then amusement crossed her face and Harry was curious as to why.

"What is it, what's so funny?" Harry asked her and Ororo was only too happy to indulge him with what was in fact so funny.

"Well, Bobby, thought that he would try and see if there was an opening at the school but the gates would not allow him inside," Ororo offered as she smirked. "It appears that your security system has a sense of humor as Bobby returned to the Xavier Institute with a shocking pink mohawk and dressed in women's clothing."

Harry snickered at this thought, given the number of pranks that Iceman pulled, it was rather ironic that he would be pranked in turn by the mansion's security system.

"My security system is….particular about who it allows into the school," Harry remarked to her. "It doesn't seem to like males but given that it's hard wired to my nervous system, that's to be expected." He did have a main office set up for public meetings with people that were of the male gender.

Ororo thought that there was some kind of reference to be made about no man being allowed inside Harry Potter but she was not about to make it out loud.

"Speaking of security systems, how is Hank doing with Xavier's?" Harry asked to Ororo and the woman smiled.

"Well Rome was not built in a day," Ororo commented to him in a light voice but she paused and then started to elaborate. "He's still trying to sort out the security system."

Ororo was not going to lie, there was something about the Mansion that made her wonder if a complete teardown and being reconstructed was in order.

"No new students have come by," Ororo remarked as Harry got up and walked over to get her a drink, which she took. Given all of the stress that she was under, it was much appreciated. "So….given that we lost our best teacher and Logan….well he's Logan."

Ororo took control of as many of the classes that she could but Charles encouraged her to let Scott teach the majority of them, to get the team members used to Scott, so they could learn to coexist with him. Personally, Ororo thought that they were wading in quicksand but supposed that she had to give Scott some time to grow into the role of being the team leader.

"You're really tense," Harry remarked as he placed his hands on Ororo's neck and started to rub it. She shivered for a second and grew rigid, as his fingers worked their magic. His green eyes were magnificent orbs that she could got lost in all day and everyday after but his fingers were just as amazing. He smiled. "Do you want me to stop?"

"No, continue," Ororo informed him, feeling her stress leaving her body and Harry continued to work over the back of her neck, causing her tensions to be relieved.

Ororo held herself back with Harry before because….well she didn't think that it would be professional. Although, damn it, she was a woman, she had needs, and it wasn't like they were being fulfilled.

It was time to take drastic action and she bounced out of her chair, giving a small whirlwind effect that caused papers to scatter in the office and she rushed forward, slamming Harry back first into the wall.

Harry smiled in surprised as her lips met his. He found the hot body and large chest of this dark skinned woman against him to be rather enticing. The woman wrapped her legs around him and brushed her center against him, as her tongue invaded his mouth.

He was a man, and what a man as Ororo noted, as her legs wrapped around him. She felt the tender pleasures of his fingers working up and down her back, feeling more than flushed. The woman was feeling more pleasure than ever before and things were getting more tense for her as he rested his hands on her backside.

"Oh, is that for me?" Ororo asked as she reached down his pants shamelessly. Pure primal need ruled her, and Harry scooped her up.

With another movement, he deposited her on the desk and reached down to feel the front of her jeans.

"If you play your cards right," Harry remarked to her but he smiled. "I heard you were treated like a goddess back home."

"Well, I'm not one to brag," Ororo commented but Harry reached down and pulled her shirt over her head, to reveal smooth black flesh, with her glorious globes encased in a thin white bra that contrasted with her skin.

"Well you've never been worshiped like this," Harry commented as he kissed down her neck and nibbled on it before trailing his finger down the side of her neck, a motion that caused Ororo to shiver.

And that was before he reached down low.

A girl of fifteen years of age stepped down the stairs. She was dressed in a yellow t-shirt that wrapped around her developing bust line that rode up a little bit. It was a size too small for her but given her family's financial condition, it was not a choice but rather a necessity for her to wear a shirt in such a state. She wore blue jeans. Her face was bright and expressive, with a juicy pair of lips and she had budding curves around her.

Of course, her most defining feature was her green hair which she had tied back in a ponytail. She had no idea how she got such a hair color, one day she woke up and it was there. She thought about wearing a wig or dying it back but she liked it because it caused her to stand out in a High School where everyone looked, dressed, and acted the same.

A lot of her classmates were the superficial type but she found herself uncaring about that, all she cared about was being herself and doing the best that she could.

Her mother's medical bills caused her some amount of stress and that was why they were in the bad financial situation that they were in.

Lorna Dane frowned as she looked up. If her hair was the only thing that was strange about her, that would be the least of her concerns. One of her classmates was harassing her about joining something called the Friends of Humanity. Lorna hated people like this, they were nothing but bullies and terrorists as far as she was concerned.

She lost her temper and summoned a desk before she hurled it at the bitch. Said girl ducked but she freaked out, calling Lorna nothing but a filthy mutie. She was suspended from school as the board tried get things sorted out and her poor mother had been harassed by threatening phone calls.

It was only a few days ago but it seemed like years.

"There's….that's where the mutie leaves."

Lorna's eyes bugged open as she bit down on her lip and wished that these people would just leave her alone. There were about six or seven of them and they all rounded on her.

They were really big, seven grown men, going after a teenage girl with the intention to rough her up. Lorna wished she knew how to turn that power on and off at will but there was no way to figure it out. The desk was thrown because she lost her temper and flung it at the bitch.

Well if a group of thuggish men rounding upon her was not going to freak her out….she did not know what was going to. The young girl saw them knock down the gate. It had already been hastily mended.

"What do you want?" Lorna asked as one of the men grabbed her around the throat and pushed her back down.

"You'll be on your knees when you face us, mutie," one of the Friends of Humanity members stated as Lorna opened her mouth but he popped her in the face which caused her to drop. "We're going to make sure you mutants never rise."

One of the members of the Friends of Humanity held a gun and was about ready to bring this young girl out of her. She closed her eyes and tried to move.

"And we're going to take out your dumb cunt of a mother because she was the one that sired you, you dumb bitch," one of the FOH members commented as she was grabbed and held back.

Lorna's expression was flickering with pain as she had a pleading expression that resounded through her eyes and she started to breathe in and out heavily.

"P-please leave my mother alone," Lorna begged them all.

The Friends of Humanity goons grinned and one held his gun, ready to blow her brains out. He wanted the little mutant bitch to squirm. One of the members of the FOH pulled out a blackjack and held it.

"Let's beat her brains in a little bit to drive in the point," one of the goons suggested.

Suddenly and without warning, the gun was pulled from the head of the Friends of Humanity member that held it. The gun was taken apart and the bullets were removed from the clip to hover over the members of the Friends of Humanity.

They watched the bullets spinning around, rotating on the spot before the bullets impacted into their chest one at a time.

Lorna watched them fall to the ground and this caused her to be shocked. She had never seen anyone be killed before her eyes like that. She wondered if she did that and her hands started to shake. Sure they were about to kill her and maybe do worse to her mother but it was the principle of the matter.

Numbly, she got to her feet and her hands began to twitch as she saw a figure standing in the shadows, with a cape flowing behind him.

"Don't be alarmed," he stated in a calm voice as Lorna's eyes widened and she followed the progress of this figure in the shadows.

"Yeah, don't be scared, we're here to help," a young man stated in a Russian accent as he stepped forward.

"We really smoked those Friends of Humanity wankers," a man commented in an Australian accent as he laughed.

"Pyro! Shut the fuck up, she's in shock, you're not helping idiot," a woman stated from the shadows. "Look kid….we're the good guys….."

"Who are you?" Lorna asked in a numb tone of voice as she wondered about these people and her eyes kept shifting a tiny bit as she shook her head numbly.

"I'm Magneto," Magneto commented as he walked forward and faced Lorna.

"I've seen you on the news….you were attacking a bunch of people," Lorna offered to him but Magneto looked at her with a calm expression.

"Human driven media," Magneto told her as he moved towards her. "Do not be alarmed though….we wish to speak to you."

Magneto's expression became sour immediately as he could sense that he was not the only ones who had seen and heard of Lorna's plight, for the X-Men were arriving.

"Gambit, Pryo, make sure the X-Men do not get involved," Magneto whispered to them in a lowered voice.

"It'd be my pleasure, boss," Pyro commented.

"Yes, we'll give the X-Men a welcome, Cajun style" Gambit stated as he prepared to introduce the X-Men to a game of fifty two, Gambit style.

Harry was within his office at the Stronghold over what happened in the last few days. SHIELD was running around like chickens with their heads cut off in their attempts to locate the technology that Kang had left behind. Harry had his people round it up and he was going through the long and laborious process of sorting through everything.

"So, you've been busy, haven't you?"

Harry spun around and saw a young woman with platinum blonde hair, along with juicy red lips, dressed in a black t-shirt and jeans that wrapped around her body standing behind him. It was Felicia Hardy, better known as the Black Cat and her smile widened as she'd popped up to see Harry.

"Hey, Felicia, it's been too long," Harry remarked as he reached forward and wrapped his arms around her.

"I'll say," Felicia commented in a murmur as she felt Harry's muscles press against her. She should have figured that he'd done some growing and she wondered if he had grown in other areas. Her mind was running wild with the possibilities but her eyes snapped up to lock onto his. The blonde remained completely calm and stoic.

"So how are you doing?" Harry asked her with a grin crossing his face as he surveyed the woman and the platinum blonde smiled as he shifted her against him.

"Oh you know me, I've been busy," Felicia stated as Harry offered her a knowing smile.

"With your day job or your night job?" Harry asked her.

Felicia smiled as she looked at him appraisingly, keeping a careful eye on him. The platinum blonde trailed her tongue around her lips for a second before she jumped back down to business. "A little of both, darling, a little of both."

She stepped forward and tightened her arms around him. Harry reached around her tightly, with the two of them enjoying the feeling of their hot bodies pressed against each other.

"So, I see," Harry informed the platinum blonde as he trailed his hands down her cheek and Felicia's expression turned into a predatory smile as her eyes traveled down him.

"Yes, and I think that you've been keeping yourself busy," Felicia purred in his ear lustfully, snaking her hand down his trousers a slight bit.

"Well we're being daring aren't we?" Harry asked to Felicia but her lips smashed against his with a smile as she continued to kiss him hot and heavily. The blonde's tongue worked into his mouth as he tightened around him as her thumb began to work its magic against her.

"Why bother to go somewhere when we're both willing and able?" Felicia asked to him with a lustful growl in his ear.

"Sounds nice," Harry grunted as she started to pull off his shirt and the Platinum blonde stepped back to strip her attire off.

Felicia had a wide ear to ear grin over her face as she leaned forward and locked her eyes over towards Harry's. The grin was not leaving her face any time soon as she pulled her pants up.

"Well, that was fun, relieved some tension, so really, there isn't anything more to do now," Felicia commented with a wide grin which Harry returned.

"If you ever need anything, you know where to find me," Harry remarked to Felicia and the blonde threw her head back with a smile as she turned towards him.

"I'll be sure to let you know….and I'll take you up that offer and often," Felicia commented as she gave Harry one more searing kiss which he returned with passion and intensity. Both of them enjoyed the sensations of their tongues working into each others mouth before she backed off. "Catch you later, handsome."

Felicia walked off her ass swaying enticingly, not even bothering to look over her shoulder and Harry rested his head on one of his hands, whilst tapping the fingers of the other on the edge of the widow. He thought that today, despite some fun and games, was going to be a slow day all things considered.

Harry should have learned by now to never overestimate the slowness of the day as there was a frantic arrival. It was Jean and she had a tense expression on her face.

"The new mutant scanner is up and running," Jean commented as she wondered if this would cause problems with the X-Men, if Harry snatched up several recruits. Not that she blamed him; they deserved the best training that they could and also to be fulfilled in other ways.

"I'm glad it is, that thing hopefully will work for all the money it's cost me," Harry told her and Jean nodded, with a smile. She knew about the cost more so than anything else.

"Well, you put a lot of work into it so you should be happy," Jean commented as she turned to see what was happening on screen. Sure enough, there was an ample amount of activity and the redhead moved forward to learn what she had to deal with. "Let's see….there's another mutant that's been found….she has the powers of magnetism."

Harry was intrigued and also extremely suspicious. Perhaps he was being paranoid, in fact he was paranoid. Still, the fact that a new mutant with magnetic powers popped up made him wonder if he was the only one who was interested in her arrival. Regardless of the fact, Harry leaned a hand forward and began to shift through the data about her.

After nearly a minute, even though it seemed like longer, Harry hit upon paydirt, a smile crossing over his face. "Her name is Lorna Dane…she's fifteen years old, apparently lives with her mother."

"How are you getting this information anyway?" Jean asked as she looked at Harry with a curious expression.

"How did Xavier get it?" Harry asked as he shifted through the information at the Stronghold, a smile crossing his face and getting wider. "Basic data protocols and facial recognition, but we've got her pinned down, at least I think that we do."

"I hope that we do," Jean chimed in after a few seconds but Harry carefully maneuvered it around.

"Well, she's not the only magnetic mutant that's in the area," Harry remarked and there was a sound of someone stopping cold behind him as she walked down the hallway.

Given his luck, Wanda would choose that exact moment to turn up. Her dark hair framed her face as her eyes narrowed in annoyance. The seventeen year old placed a hand on her hip and stared at Harry.

"My father, he's back," Wanda remarked to Harry, there was a type of icy coolness that flowed through her tone.

Harry sensed that there was danger so he tried to nip this situation in the bud whilst he could. His green eyes fixed onto Wanda's with steely determination as he told her what was up and what the situation was.

Wanda did not know what was going on honestly, although if her father was involved, then there was a cause for concern. Their family reunion the last time was cut short and she wanted to prove that she could go there.

"She has Magnetic powers, just like him," Wanda offered as her eyes followed the report. "She'd be fifteen years old, this would be shortly after my mother died….couldn't even wait for the body to be warm, could he?"

"Wanda," Harry warned her, now was not the time to jump to conclusions.

Megan walked up, the pink haired Welsh girl standing, hands on her hips. "So what's up?"

"Well we might have a new mutant," Harry told her and Megan nodded as Laura stepped forward.

"Cool, I'll no longer be the newbie," Megan commented in an excited tone.

"You'd still be the newbie to me," Laura remarked, turning out of nowhere and Megan crossed her arms, as her mouth curled.

"Pixie, Talon, remember to stay focused," Harry said to both of them. "The five of us, that should be enough to take care of business against the Acolytes."

"Even me!" Megan exclaimed but Laura turned towards her with a smile.

"Gives you some practical training," Laura commented, and Megan wondered what she was getting herself into.

Harry had been tutoring her a little bit in magic and Laura had put her through the paces. Then again, Laura put everyone through the paces, because she was the best in the world at what she did and she looked pretty damn good doing it.

"We've got a new jet and everything, anti-magnetic fields in case you were wondering," Harry told them and the four girls nodded in awe as they followed him.

"So who is going to fly it?" Jean asked. She supposed she could if she was asked.

Harry stepped back to reveal his pilot. She had blonde hair and dazzling blue eyes, dressed in a black cap and a skin tight aviator's uniform. Her shapely legs were on display, along with a pair of knee high boots.

"Ladies, this is Zinda Blake, she's more than qualified," Harry remarked to her. "Zinda, this is Jean, Laura, Megan, and Wanda or Phoenix, Talon, Pixie, and the Scarlet Witch."

"Pleased to meet you all," Zinda commented in an extremely sexy British accent as she entered the jet with the others following. It made the X-Jet look like a pile of dung and it was a lot bigger on the inside as well.

"Buckle up," Harry informed them and they all found out why as the jet took off at an amazing speed.

Kurt Wagner, better known as the mutant Nightcrawler, could not shake off the fact that he had been sent here on this recruiting mission. Scott had tried to act like a backseat field leader, even though he had been laid up in the infirmary thanks to Hulk using him as a super ball.

Bobby sat next to him, along with Ororo, Tabitha, Logan, and Hank. It was a small group but it could be big trouble given who was involved.

"Looks like Magneto beat us to the punch, bring us down elf, nice and easy," Logan growled to Kurt who nodded as he did his best to steady the X-Jet as it made its way down.

A man in a trenchcoat greeted them outside and the X-Men walked down to face him.

"You're one of Magneto's, aren't you?" Bobby asked and the man held his hands up, a smile crossing his face.

"Relax friend, I come in piece," Gambit stated as he shuffled his playing cards. "Have any of you ever played fifty two?"

Tabby was about to warn them what that meant but Bobby's eyes widened as a smile crossed his face.

"No I haven't," Bobby commented as Tabby lifted her hand, about ready to give herself an epic face palm.

Gambit's expression twisted into a wide grin as he continued to shuffle his playing cards and Kurt's eyes widened before he gave one panicked declaration.


Fifty two super charged playing cards shot out at once and caused a massive explosion but thankfully everyone scattered out of the way before anyone could be injured in it.

"So that's…" Bobby stated but he never finished as the flames flew towards him. He put his head down, ducked and rolled as he looked up to see the young man scramble towards him.

"A nice day for a barbeque," Pryo commented as he grabbed his hands together and contorted the flames.

"Sorry, I'm going to have to rain on your parade," Ororo commented but she mentally slapped herself at the cheesiness of that line. What was done was done however as she waved her hand and the rain clouds came on as the water began to put out Pryo's fire.

"Gotcha, you weather bitch!" Sabretooth growled as he grabbed her from behind but Logan was on him right away. "Been hoping to run into you runt."

"Can't say the feeling's mutual, bub," Logan growled as he knocked Sabretooth around.

Ororo dodged a shot from Domino.

"I believe your luck has ran out, young lady," Hank commented as he flipped into the air.

With a swift motion, the furry blue mutant used his feet to pluck the gun from Domino's heads and hurled it through the air. Iceman froze it, causing the gun to become unusable and then Boom Boom hurled one of her cherry bombs to finish the job, causing the gun to explode.

"Did you really think that would be that easy?" Domino asked as she aimed a second gun that she had concealed and started to fire at the X-Men but they dodged the blasts.

Colossus jumped down and made his way to fight Nightcrawler but he vanished out of the way.

"We're just trying to do what's best," the Russian stated in a gentle voice, he was not trying to hurt Nightcrawler, just contain him.

"Really, you could have fooled me," Kurt stated as he flipped out of the way and vanished with a pop but as he completed his teleport he was shot in the shoulder by Domino

"Well, you got that one, time to finish the job," Pryo stated but Boom Boom hurled her bombs at him. "Ah, let off you crazy bird."

"Sorry, got to do this," Tabby commented as she continued to hurl the cherry bombs at him.

"Nice moves, but how about this one?" Gambit stated as he picked up a piece of the pavement that had broken off, super charged it, and flung it towards her.

She dodged the attack but twisted her ankle on the way down.

Sabretooth grabbed Logan and choked him up against a fence, before he ripped the wire from it and wrapped Logan up inside it.

"Time to die, runt," Sabretooth stated as he wrapped his hands around the throat of Logan who tried to get himself out of there.

A jet appeared and the next team Sabretooth knew, Laura was on the top of his head. He swiped at the young woman.

"You don't know what you're getting yourself into, kid," Sabretooth growled as he rushed her but Laura dodged the attack, a grin spreading over her face as she looked over her shoulder.

"Yeah, I do," Laura offered him as her claws popped and she aimed at him and swung for the fences to try and stab him.

Sabretooth avoided the attacks with expert precision but Laura was not about to let up anytime soon.

Pryo was face to face with Pixie. The pink haired girl tried to remain confident even though there were butterflies flapping away within her stomach at the thought of being thrown into the fire.

'Okay calm, stay calm,' Pixie thought to herself as she focused on Pyro, the laughing loon that he was.

She had not tried her powers in a battle scenario, well there was a first time for everything. She closed her eyes and reared her hand back, reaching for the fences and she launched what was in the palm of her hand into the face of Pyro.

"Are you taking the piss….out of me," Pyro commented but he turned around, a wide eyed look was in his eyes and a goofy tune within his head as the pixie dust took effect. He turned to Gambit, who looked rather surprised.

"Man, what's your problem?" Gambit asked, the look that Pyro gave him made him feel dirty and he took a step back as Pyro closed in on him.

"Hey, pretty lady, want to make out," Pyro commented to Gambit as he puckered up and Gambit continued to back pedal.

This allowed Jean, highly amused, to take out both of them with a telekinetic assault. It rammed their heads together and Wanda sent them flying out of the way.

Sabretooth and Talon continued their duel.

"I went toe to toe with the real Wolverine for years, do you really think you can handle me?" Sabretooth stated with a loud growl as he charged her but Laura jumped out of the way.

She mused that all she needed was a red blanket and this situation would be perfect. Regardless of this thought, she jumped out of the way once more and Sabretooth crashed headfirst into the wall, landing with a solid impact as his face cracked against it.

"I've got you now," Sabretooth grunted but Logan was back up, using his claws to knock Sabretooth back.

"We finish this now, you son of a bitch," Logan growled as he kept fighting with Sabretooth and he was sent flying backwards into a fence where he landed hard. The two of them continued their brawl but Sabreooth grabbed Logan around the head, before the two fell back over a cliff side.

Both men landed on the jagged rocks below, the pain racking through their bodies but their healing factor prevented any lasting injury. Both of them picked up the pace and continued to brawl, shot after shot as both maneuvered themselves.

Lorna watched the entire chaotic situation from afar as Magneto's mad expression flickered towards her.

"The X-Men once again make a chaotic situation even worse, they don't understand what we need to do to stand together," Magneto commented in a brisk voice as he turned towards Lorna. "Come with me child and…."

"Magneto," Harry commented as he arrived in front of him.

Magneto smiled. "Once before, I offered you the chance to align with me, Harry Potter, the two of us could reshape the world, protect our mutant brothers and sisters from the harm. You've seen what they've done and the enemies against you are piling up, aren't they? How many more will face you? Humanity will never understand what you truthfully are."

The vision that Adler gave indicated that one child unlike any other had the potential to change the world. Magneto thought that if Harry Potter kept acting like a hero to people who did not respect him, he would be turned into a martyr.

"The same rhetoric again, Erik?" Harry asked in a crisp tone of voice as he looked at him in a bored expression. "Humanity is not without its faults but this mutant superiority thing, you're becoming the very same thing that you're fighting against."

Magneto's eyes flickered in thinly veiled annoyance as he kept his eyes locked onto that of Arcane's, this conversation was not going the way that he intended. His arms folded across his chest as he faced him. "This is a road that you do not wish to go down. Xavier was a fool but I can assure you that your contributions will be more appreciated."

Lorna looked from Magneto to Harry but Wanda turned up.

"Wanda," Magneto stated in a crisp tone of voice as he stared down at the girl in front of him. "It's good to see that you are well."

"No thanks to you, father," Wanda said as she spat out the last word with disdain but Harry grabbed her hand as a warning. "So, ruining one daughter's life wasn't enough for you, was it?"

Lorna's expression was confused, she was obvious missing something.

"You couldn't wait for her body to be cold, could you?" Wanda asked as her eyes flared towards him.

"Wanda, we were friends, her husband died, my wife did, your mother, it was one night and…."

Wanda grabbed her father and angrily whipped him back against the wall. Harry let her go, feeling that it was best for her to get this anger out now instead of later towards her sister.

"My mother….you betrayed her, you betrayed her memory, and then you left me in that place and…." Wanda started but she was unable to formulate a coherent sentence.

Magneto was afraid that this might happened and he could have cursed Potter for bringing Wanda here, making her a part of this.

Lorna stepped forward and her mouth hung open before she commented casually. "What in the hell is going on?"

Harry was only happy to summarize. "Did you ever wonder about your father?"

Lorna's expression flickered with confusion as she spoke in a calm and crisp tone of voice that summed everything up. "My father is dead, my mother told me that he died before I was born."

"No your mother was mistaken….she didn't….it was a mistake," Magneto grunted as Wanda raised her hand but Harry grabbed her warningly holding her back.

Magneto turned around, clutching his tender ribs.

"I'm your father, Lorna," Magneto said to the green haired girl.

Lorna's expression became a combination of different emotions, mostly surprise, mistrust, and anger, there was lots of anger.

"My father is dead!" Lorna yelled as she summoned every single piece of metal that she could find but Magneto blocked it casually and caused them to hover above his head.

"Our powers are the same, how can we be anything but?" Magneto asked to her as he stood towards her. "I'm willing to do anything….you saw what I did to the Friends of Humanity? The X-Men won't do anything against them, that would upset their peace against humans. There is no peace against humans, only war."

"Lorna, there's….there's not just two extremes," Harry remarked to the girl as she turned to look towards him and then turned back to look at Magneto.

"I'd kindly ask you to stay out of this," Magneto remarked to Harry as he held the metal in the air calmly but did not let it fly. "This is a family matter."

"No, I don't know what happened but you're looking for another soldier in your holy war, not a daughter," Harry remarked as he turned towards Magneto.

"Look, I know that you'd like to have your father in your life, but trust me, when your father is him, you don't want anything to do with him," Wanda stated as her eyes went towards him.

"Wanda, you're mistrust is understandable and I apologize for any hurt that I've put you through," Magneto commented in a sincere voice but despite the sincerity, Wanda did not buy it at all.

She was never going to forgive spending almost half of her life being tormented in that place, being injected with drugs. Wanda raised her hand as she watched Magneto.

"Leave, just leave, get out of here," Wanda remarked to him, not trusting herself to do anything that was not fatal to him. Her hand began to shake as she stared him down and Harry steadied her.

Magneto hoped to mend fences with his children, both of them, but it would have to be after mutants took their proper place in the world. His eyes proceeded to follow the progress of the two of them.

"I will leave but Lorna, I insist that you come with me," Magneto stated as the two of them stared each other down. "If you don't come with me, I cannot protect you."

"Father of the year, indeed," Wanda stated as she stared down her father with an angry glare. "Give your youngest daughter an ultimatum after throwing your oldest into an Asylum because she did not toe the line. You make Norman Osborn look sane."

Magneto's eyes flared with anger and he struggled to keep his temper in check.

"I'd kindly ask you not to compare me to that psychopath, Wanda," Magneto stated as the metal started to rattle around them. The Master of Magnetism kept himself calm.

"You can leave, while you're ahead, Erik," Harry told him as the X-Men and Harry's team circled him. There was a sense that the battle had gotten even more intense. "Just think about it."

Lorna was conflicted about what she should do.

"You can come, join the X-Men," Kurt remarked to them as he looked at Lorna.

"Do not join the X-Men, you will be another casualty of Xavier's shattered dream," Magneto warned her.

Lorna's face spread with confusion. She looked from Magneto to Kurt.

"Or you could join Harry's group, don't worry, he'd take good care of you," Wanda remarked to Lorna and her eyes turned towards Harry's.

His green eyes were something that she found that she could get herself lost in for a while but she shook her head to clear it. Now was not the time to think about something like that, she had a decision to make, for better or for worse.

"I don't know," Lorna offered as she threw her hands up.

"I understand, it's hard a hard decision to make," Harry told her in a gentle tone of voice as she looked into his eyes.

"I guess….I don't know," Lorna commented in a shaky tone of voice.

"Take your time," Harry commented, as both the X-Men and Harry's group were agreement.

"It is wise to pick a side…."

Wanda turned towards her father and he stepped back as he beckoned for Lorna to follow him. The young girl was confused out of her wits and this was not getting any easier.

"I want to stay here," Lorna told them all and Harry's face spread into a smile as he looked her over.

"You stay here, you will make yourself a target for them," Magneto warned her but the girl stared back at him defiantly.

"I won't abandon my mother," Lorna stated firmly, she was nervous about these powers and what they meant, but her mother was in bad health.

"Very well, but know that sooner or later, you're going to have to make a decision," Magneto offered and without another word he turned around.

The rest of the Acolytes were gone, they decided to get whilst the getting was good and Harry watched him leave. Wanda's expression was one of surprise.

"Are you just going to let him…."

"After today, he's thinking about everything that happened, I can feel it," Harry remarked and Jean's eyebrow raised towards him.

"And if you're wrong?" Jean inquired to him.

Harry shrugged and kept his eyes on her. "Then I'm wrong, and so be it."

Somehow, Harry did not think that he was wrong but if he was, it would be his cross and his consequences to bare.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked Lorna after everything had settled down. He used his magic to repair the damages.

Lorna tried to keep herself calm but she was a teenage girl and was prone to random attacks of hormones.

"Yes….I'm fine," Lorna managed to Harry as she fixed her eyes onto his and nodded. "It's just a shock, it's all."

"It normally is," Harry agreed as he leaned forward. Wanda, Jean, Laura, and Megan sat around with him. "It's hard to realize that you're different. I didn't want to believe it when I found out about what I was."

"It was a shock to you," Lorna commented in a light tone and his smile widened.

"You have no idea," Harry remarked although he figured that this could be referring to any number of potential revelations regarding his powers and she would be completely on the money. His green eyes flickered with enjoyment and mirth as he kept his eyes on the green haired girl next to him. "I understand your mother's medical bills are becoming too expensive?"

"Yes, but….we're managing, fine," Lorna remarked.

Laura snorted, she might be a nice girl, which meant since she was a nice girl, she was utterly pants at being a liar. She did not even need super senses to know that.

"Lorna, we're friends, we're here to help," Jean commented with a smile as she watched her.

"And family too, family should help out each other," Wanda commented to her younger sister and there was a nervous expression that appeared on Lorna's face as she surveyed her older sister with trepidation.

"You mean….you're not mad about what happened," Lorna offered.

Wanda waved it off. "Lorna…my father….whatever happened between him and your mother….I don't know. Although whatever happened couldn't be your fault because you weren't even born yet, so I can hardly blame you at all for it."

Lorna was glad, she really was. She thought for a minute that Wanda was going blast her, both figuratively and literally. Yet she remained cool and collected and she was glad for it. She could not state that fact enough.

"Thank you, I really appreciate it," Lorna commented as she ran her hand through her hair and she looked at this group. It did not escape her notice that Harry was the only male in this group.

Of course if they were competent and worked together, who was she to complain about the interesting team dynamic? This team….

"So what are you calling yourselves?" Lorna asked.

Megan smiled at that. "We're a work in progress."

Lorna shrugged, that was their business, who would really fault them if they did not have an official, official team name.

"The Team is always looking to expand, although I find that females work best with the dynamic that we have set up," Harry commented to her with a smile.

'I see we're dropping all pretext here,' Jean offered to Harry and his expression flickered into a bright smile.

'Well, we might as well, because we know what the score is,' Harry responded to her through the link as he placed his hands on the side of his face and looked at Lorna who was looking curious. 'And I think we should avoid doing the mental talking thing in front of people who aren't in the know.'

'So…you're offering to pay for my mother's medical bills?" Lorna asked Harry, unable to believe that someone would be so generous to do such a thing. It was almost too good to be true.

"Yes, I will, given the problems that you're family has gone through and I'll do what I can to make sure that the Friends of Humanity don't bother you but I can't promise that you'll be one hundred percent safe," Harry told her and she nodded.

Harry thought that even the most powerful of them would be at risk and he was among the most powerful of them. He thought about it, all of the times that he was put in peril. He leaned forward and handed her a watch.

"Use this to summon me if you run into any trouble," Harry stated and she eyed him. "You need to wear it at all times but it's charmed so no one but you could remove it."

"Functional and stylish, very nice," Lorna told him with a thinly veiled grin passing over her face.

"I figured that you'd like it," Harry told her as he leaned back in the chair and peered up. "And there is one more condition that I wish to give you before we all leave."

"Name it, anything," Lorna commented to Harry but she stopped and stared, she could not believe how needy she sounded.

"Nothing major but you do have powers and you should learn how to use them," Harry informed her and Lorna's expression watched him, pausing and the nodding. "I'll do what I can to help you learn them."

"I'd like that," Lorna stated, she might not be too gung-ho about her powers but the fact that she could learn to control them would lead to less accidents. Her eyes widened and paused before she said something to them. "So….what about…him?"

"And by him, you mean Magneto," Laura offered and Lorna nodded.

Wanda decided to field this one. "If he gives you any trouble, he'll live to regret it."

Lorna felt conflict wash over her. On one hand, she would have liked to learn more about her biological father but if she judged what this group was telling her to be true, she was not sure if she wanted to learn all that much about him. It was a Catch 22 thing.

"I'll leave you Lorna, good luck, and we'll be seeing you soon," Harry commented.

All of the group said their goodbyes as Harry turned around.

'Another one for the cult of the Star Child,' Jean commented mentally to Harry and he stopped, stared.

'Only time will tell Jean, only time will tell,' Harry remarked through the mental link to her as he wondered what his next adventure would bring.

"It seems like the more things happen, the deeper you get in," Gwen commented to Harry and the green eyed wizard smiled as he walked side by side with Gwen outside of Midtown High.

Harry was enjoying a brief bit of downtime, so he suspected that something was going to hit him twice as hard. The blonde walking beside him.

"Don't tell Kara, but I've got the tickets, her and Kitty are both going to freak," Harry told Gwen and she smiled.

"Was there any doubt that you would get the tickets?" Gwen informed Harry and the emerald eyed wizard shook his head, no there was not a shadow of a doubt of his mind that he would get his hands on those tickets. "It seems like everyone in the school is going to the concert, it's about a month or so away."

"Yes, three days before Halloween," Harry remarked as Gwen nodded.

"I can't believe anyone would be so uptight about some pop star," Chloe stated as she joined Harry and Gwen. The blonde who was sans the black headband was in a huffy mode. "I mean….sure she's not auto-tuned to hell like the rest of them but….seriously, she's…..well okay she's okay, does all kinds of charity work, and takes time to talk with her fans, never denies any one of them an autograph but still….it's kind of….I just can't believe it."

"Are we masking our disappointment that we did not get tickets?" Gwen asked to Chloe with a smile and Chloe's expression twisted into a grimace. "And you have Bedazzled set as the ringtone on your phone, so you can't fool me Chloe."

"I don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about," Chloe commented in an evasive tone.

Harry's face contorted into a wide grin a she faced Chloe and the blonde's expression flickered towards his for a few seconds as she kept watching him.

"I got you and Gwen tickets," Harry remarked to Chloe.

Chloe smiled and then she threw her arms around Harry, hugging him tightly.

"Thanks Harry, you're the greatest," Chloe remarked as she turned around and moved off. She had to follow a story.

"Is she trying to expose the Friends of Humanity as KKK lite still?" Harry asked to Gwen and Gwen smiled at him as they stood next to each other. She reached to the side and grabbed her boyfriend's hand.

"Yes, but….our principal is threatening to put the kibosh on her, so we're going to have to do this…discreetly," Gwen remarked as she closed her eyes. "I'd say use the Internet but no one believes anything that they read on there."

"You'd be surprised," Harry said as he took a few seconds to get a good look at Gwen and the blonde's smile intensified to the point where it could light up entire villages.

"The good news is we're not alone in this…." Gwen remarked as she spun around and she saw a man with dark hair dressed in a suit. His suit had three buttons on it, configured into an upside triangle and she stepped forward towards him. "Doctor Fine!"

"Miss Stacy," the teacher stated in a calm and really stoic tone of voice. "I would once again offer my support in doing anything that I can making sure the Friends of Humanity and the MRD don't cause any problems."

"Harry, this is Doctor Milton Fine, our history teacher," Gwen informed him and she smiled as she turned around. "Doctor Fine, this is Harry Potter."

"A pleasure to meet you," Fine commented in a voice that was devoid of any emotion whatsoever. "Self-made by the age of eighteen, it's quite an accomplishment, Mr. Potter."

"I do my best," Harry remarked.

"No need to be modest, given your superiority to all males in your age group," Fine commented as he watched Harry. "I hope that we figure out a way to stop the Friends of Humanity because a group like that shouldn't exist in the 21st century."

"Well we need all the help in….what we're doing," Gwen offered and Harry smiled, he was looking closely at Fine.

"I apologize for being so sudden but I must depart," Fine remarked as he turned around. "A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Potter and I'll see you in class, Miss Stacy."

When Fine was finally out of an earshot, Harry turned towards Gwen.

"I don't trust him," Harry remarked to Gwen and the blonde's expression grew exasperated, somehow she was not really surprised by these words that came out of Harry's mouth.

"Yeah, I figured as much," Gwen commented to Harry as she bit down on her lip and Harry was not about to elaborate any more about what he meant by not trusting him.

"It's just….when did he show up anyway?" Harry asked Gwen.

Gwen smiled. "Last month, beginning of the school year, I though it was weird too, but he's written books and everything. You'd think he wouldn't slum it at a high school."

"Again, it's very suspicious," Harry remarked to Gwen and she smiled.

"Well you'd think that an odd number of clouds in the sky would be suspicious," Gwen offered him and Harry could not resist firing back with another response.

"Well, you never know what might be in the air," Harry remarked to her. "The problem is….with everything out there, I can't afford to blindly trust someone who comes out of nowhere. And you know why."

Gwen knew why, she knew better than most why Harry's trust was lacking with everyone. The blonde switched subjects.

"So, you've got your meeting with the mysterious Karen Starr this weekend," Gwen told Harry and the emerald eyed wizard responded with a nod.

"Yes, it has to do with my and Kara's heritage," Harry told Gwen after he place a privacy barrier around the both of them. "STARR Labs is set up and I want to know why. I'm piecing together more about the Church but there's a lot more that I haven't picked up yet."

Gwen smiled. "Any new information."

"I'll tell you over milkshakes," Harry remarked to Gwen as the two of them smiled. "It's pretty hot out here, isn't it?"

"Yeah, just a little," Gwen remarked as she felt that they hit the triple digits, which was weird for September weather.

"So I haven't seen Peter in a while, is he okay?" Harry asked to Gwen.

"He's self loathing about the entire symbiote mess but other than that, he's doing fine, perfectly normal," Gwen remarked to Harry and he smiled once more.

"Good," Harry said as the two of them walked off to discuss things further.