
Beyond the Veil: The Great Shift

"Beyond the Veil: The Great Shift" unfolds as Matthew Mitchell, a 21st-century gentleman, finds himself mysteriously transported to an alternate Victorian-era world fraught with enigma, peril, and looming chaos. As he navigates this realm teeming with both supernatural entities and mortal adversaries, Matthew discovers his newfound ability to unravel the veiled mysteries shrouding the land. Entangled in political intrigue, facing ancient adversaries, and forging alliances with both the living and the spectral, Matthew's journey is a relentless quest for answers amid the shadows of a society gripped by death and secrecy. Each step propels him deeper into a realm where the boundaries between life and the afterlife blur, unraveling a tapestry of fate, death, and the unknown.

37 Chs

Chapter 2: The Great Shift Part 2

8:53:45 P.M


Little more than an hour had passed, and the man dressed in knight armor remained unconscious. Yves, drawing on his past experience working with firefighters, used a technique he had learned to lift the fallen knight from the floor.

Yves recalled the advice of a firefighter friend he had made during his college days. "By closing both legs and hands together, one can lift someone larger or unconscious in the event of a fire," he remembered.

With the unconscious knight in his arms, Yves made his way to the Clinic, taking occasional breaks along the way. Now, the knight lay on the same cold-metal bed where Yves had undergone tests.

The knight had not stirred since his fall. Cecil, assisted by Audrey and Jean, removed the thick and broad armor. Meanwhile, Godiva, with a bored expression, attended to her usual paperwork.

Strangely, the mysterious crimson cloth that had appeared seemed impossible to remove, no matter how hard they tried. It was as if the cloth had become a part of the knight's skin and flesh.

Nevertheless, once the armor was off, Yves took hold of the armored hand and scraped a small amount of the metal. He was astounded by what he saw. Most armors rusted easily and were prone to scratches, but this one... was incredibly tough to even scrape a bit off. It seemed to be made of solid diamonds.

"Only materials of great strength possess this quality," Yves murmured to himself, as he rarely encountered such occurrences. Not to boast, but physical strength was something he never lacked.

After breaking off a small piece of the armored glove, Yves examined it through a telescope. The metal was rough and had numerous imperfections, yet it possessed a remarkable density.

"Its density is approximately 19.25 times that of water, comparable to uranium or gold, and about 1.7 times that of lead," Yves analyzed, his eyes widening in surprise. "I-I believe this is Tungsten!" Cecil looked at Yves, taken aback by his exclamation.

Cecil was taken aback by the sudden change in Yves, but then it fully dawned on him what Yves had said. "Although I'm not a scientist like Yves, I understood enough to grasp the significance of this material." Now he regretted not paying attention when Mrs. Craig went on her ramblings.

"No. No. That's impossible, Axel Tungsten only discovered 27 ounces of Tungsten. Anything more would be considered impossible," Jean countered with her factual statement. "Nothing is impossible. We've all witnessed what happened," Cecil interjected, his words piercing Jean like daggers as she nodded slowly in embarrassment.

Jean stood up under the watchful gaze of everyone except Godiva as she approached the telescope. "May I?" Jean asked softly as Yves stepped aside. She gazed at it for ten seconds before resurfacing. "It's undeniable, that's Tungsten," Yves wore a smug expression as he nodded in agreement. "But that still leaves us with many unanswered questions," Cecil remarked, immediately shattering Yves' brief moment of smugness and being right all the time.

"If only 27 ounces have been found, how does this knight possess over 90 pounds of Tungsten?" Cecil continued to question. "Furthermore, where is he from? Armor like this hasn't been used since the reign of the White Empire," Jean pursued this new line of unanswered inquiries.

"It doesn't matter how much we speculate about where this guy is from or how he obtained the material. The only way to find out is by waking him up," Yves muttered, and they all agreed with his statement. Without hesitation, Yves walked over to the sink with an empty cup, filled it with water, and returned.


Water cascaded onto his head, but he didn't flinch an inch as he remained lying on the metal table. Seeing this futile attempt to wake him up, Cecil stepped forward. He rolled up his sleeves, revealing a surprising amount of muscle considering Cecil's frail frame. And then...


Cecil slapped the man, yet he remained motionless, not uttering a sound or showing any sign of response.

He was unresponsive like a corpse.

"How about we jolt him awake?" Jean whispered, catching the attention of both Cecil and Yves. Cecil voiced his concern, questioning if it was too extreme. Jean stood her ground, explaining that a small shock could awaken his nerves and senses. Cecil struggled with the idea, unsure of its potential physical and mental damage. Yves listened to all of this while rubbing his eyebrows furiously.

Audrey chimed in, acknowledging the dangers of previous attempts but emphasizing the urgency of waking him up. Cecil interjected, his words rushed and hurried.

"Alright, but do we even have any copper wires?" Audrey's tone shifted, expressing doubt. Cecil paced around, his gaze fixed on the floor.

"I remember Fulgor's Store sells copper wires. It's on 3357 Donar Street," Yves spoke up. Without a word, he grabbed his coat and left the room, promising to return soon. Yves entered the reception lobby and as he walked past Godiva, she called out to him in surprise. She tried to wave him down.

"Where are you going?" Godiva asked, joining him outside the building. Yves responded bluntly, stating that he was running an errand to get copper wires to wake up the knight. Godiva frowned slightly, questioning if it was too much.

Yves looked up at the night sky as they walked along the empty and quiet street. "It probably is. Normally, Cecil would wake up on his own. But something's not right with him," he replied. Godiva lowered her gaze, rubbing her eyes. "He's probably shaken up by what happened earlier."

"Aren't we all?" Godiva hummed softly, contemplating Yves' suggestion. "Yeah, I guess he's right... as always," she teased, nodding in agreement. But then, something unexpected came up...

Yves came to a sudden halt, causing Godiva to stop as well. Amid the cold night sky, his breath formed visible puffs of air. "I'm feeling the same way as Cecil right now. Everything seems tense and rough, yet strangely calm," Yves expressed, his voice filled with a hint of sigh. Godiva looked at him, her face displaying confusion.

"Like the calm before a storm?" Yves heard the question and nodded slowly. Suddenly, he felt small hands wrapping around his shoulders. "It doesn't matter if you have this feeling! Throughout all the time I've known you, you've never cared about anyone else," the words were spoken with frustration. Yves slowly looked up, feeling frozen to the core.

"As long as we have each other, nothing can tear us apart. Even if a storm is approaching," Yves stood there, feeling like an ice statue. These words were spoken from the depths of his heart and soul, true and sincere.

"Come on... let's go before they close," he finally said.


9:15:37 P.M


"Did you mess with Ms. Gabi's room?" Godiva was surprised, finding it ironically amusing. It had been the highlight of her fifth year in college.

"Yeah..." Yves admitted, a mix of guilt and pride in his voice. "She wouldn't have had to deal with that if she hadn't been difficult with her students." Both of them nodded in agreement, sharing their dislike for their mathematics teacher. She truly was challenging to deal with.

Their conversation ceased as they arrived at Donar Street, the city block they were heading towards. After a minute of walking, they finally reached their destination. However, as they entered the street, they immediately came to a halt. What they witnessed was unsettling.


[Years later, I still haven't managed to extract the full story of what occurred on Donar Street from the three of them.]


Before their eyes stood individuals dressed like the brave men and women who once gathered at the peak of the Sea of Sacrifice during the era of raiding and piracy. They were engaged in feasting, drinking, and revelry. At the center of Donar Street lay a gathering...

Yves and Godiva found themselves in a chaotic scene, surrounded by the revelry of the group.

The scene was unsettling, with bodies of people, including innocent children, thrown together haphazardly.

Some were subjected to the group's actions, and being treated without respect. The air was thick with an unpleasant smell, and a burning store illuminated the sight.

Amidst this display, a man stood atop the pile of bodies, his face obscured as he enjoyed his meal. Yves and Godiva couldn't make out his features, but his presence sent shivers down their spines, filling them with an unexplainable dread.

"We need to leave! We need to leave!" Yves repeated urgently, gripping Godiva's hand tightly. They instinctively sought refuge in an alleyway, hiding behind a trash can.

Overwhelmed by the scene they had witnessed, Godiva's legs gave way beneath her, and she collapsed to the ground. Gasping for breath, she tried to process the sight of innocent children among the victims.

Tears streamed down her face as her legs trembled uncontrollably. "Children... they were just children," she whispered repeatedly, her voice choked with sorrow.

Amid her anguish, anger began to consume Godiva. She couldn't comprehend how people could commit such atrocities. The emotions swelled within her until she felt the comforting embrace of two pairs of arms wrapping around her.

Startled, she let out a soft gasp. "I understand... I feel the same way. But we must keep moving," her companion whispered in her ear. Taking a deep breath, Godiva nodded in agreement.

As she rose to her feet, she noticed her companion rubbing his eyes, clearly affected by the horrors they had witnessed. "Should we leave?" Godiva asked, prompting Yves to look at her.

"We can't. The man at Cecil's appears to be a knight. He will protect us," Yves reassured her. Doubt crept into Godiva's mind as she considered the possibility that he might be one of the perpetrators. Their eyes locked for a moment before Godiva looked away.

"I'm sorry," she murmured. "If he were truly one of them, he would have killed us already." Yves offered a gentle smile in response.

"Okay." Carefully, they crouched down and moved through the alleyway, making sure to avoid any puddles or loud noises that could give away their presence.

This particular alleyway, like most, had three openings. Godiva and Yves had entered through one of the openings on the ends, and there was another opening in the middle. Typically, the middle gap was wide enough to accommodate an adult-sized man, around five to eight feet apart.

They continued to sneak through the alleyway, their movements cautious and deliberate, until they finally reached Fulgor's Store through the backdoor. As they entered, they found themselves in a small storage room filled with boxes of extra materials and hardware.

However, their attention was not drawn to the boxes. Instead, it was captured by a puddle of blood and the lifeless body of a young girl, no older than fifteen but no younger than ten. Her eyes were devoid of any light, and her clothes were torn. Godiva instinctively took a step back, accidentally bumping into Yves' chest.

Fear was evident in her eyes as she looked at Yves.

Her once rosy complexion had turned pale as snow. But as their eyes met, she saw empathy and sorrow reflected in Yves' gaze. "Shh... shh... shh," a warm and gentle voice whispered in her ear, and she looked down.

"Stay outside, behind the cans," Yves instructed her.

She immediately looked up, her eyes filled with worry and panic. "Don't worry. I'll join you soon." Stepping aside, Godiva passed through the door frame and settled down behind a trash can.

She looked up, meeting Yves' gaze once more, before he looked away and closed the door, leaving her all alone.

With the door closed, Yves turned his attention back to the young girl, a victim of senseless violence. It was a stark reminder that despite sharing the same physical composition of flesh, blood, and bones, some possessed cruelty and hatred in their souls, setting them apart from him.

Taking a deep breath, Yves began searching the room for the wire they needed. Time passed, but he couldn't find it. "It must be on the shelves," he thought to himself, attempting to open the doors. However, they were jammed from the other side, preventing him from accessing what lay beyond.

The more he exerted force, the more his right shoulder throbbed with pain and numbness. Yet, he persisted, pushing harder and harder until finally, it gave way. Stepping back in disbelief, he couldn't fathom what he had just accomplished.

Agony coursed through his body and mind as he collapsed onto his knees. His heart raced, beating faster and faster. On the floor, blocking the door, lay the lifeless body of Fuglor. Clutched tightly in his arms was a young girl, no older than eight. They had both met their demise, but strangely, they wore smiles.

His lip trembled, tears welling up in his eyes, but he fought to keep himself composed. Taking several deep breaths, Yves managed to stand, his legs unsteady beneath him. It felt as if his legs had turned to liquid and his entire being had crumbled.

With a determined step, he entered the store. He searched through aisle after aisle, but his efforts proved fruitless. It wasn't until he reached the second-to-last aisle that he finally found what he had been seeking. Copper wires.

Examining the rough and sturdy yet thin and weighty wires, a chuckle escaped Yves. He had endured so much struggle and witnessed so much death, all for this seemingly insignificant wire that was a product of nature itself.

Glancing to his left, blood splattered across the cabinets, and the cash register caught his eye. However, at the forefront of the checkout counter, there was a framed photograph. It depicted Fuglor and the two girls, their heads stained with dried blood. Yves gazed at the image, a pained smile forming on his face, tears streaming down his cheeks without his realization.

Time hung in limbo for Yves. How long had it been? A minute? A second? A day? Perhaps even a month? He merely smiled through the pain, only stirring once the tears had dried on his face.

Clutching the wire tightly until it drew blood, Yves made his way to the aisle on his left. He grabbed two light red blankets and hurried towards the storage room.

Passing by Fuglor and his youngest daughter, Yves dropped the blankets and copper wire onto the ground.

Yves tried to shift Fuglor by his arms, but the man clung tightly to his youngest daughter, even in death's embrace.

Witnessing this heartbreaking sight, Yves closed his eyes and let out a soft sigh. Instead of moving Fuglor alone, Yves decided to bring both Fuglor and his daughter closer to the eldest.

Ensuring the family remained together, Yves unfolded two vibrant red blankets and laid them out with care. Rising to his feet, he made his way towards the front of the cashier's counter, clutching a framed photograph in his hands.

As he gazed upon the image of the once joyful family, Yves noticed Fuglor's loving embrace around his daughters, while his wife stood beside them, wearing a smile untouched by the tragedy that had befallen them. She remained unmarred by the blood that stained the rest of the photograph.

Unable to bear the sight any longer, Yves moistened his thumb with his tongue and gently wiped away the blood from the photo. He repeated the action once more before heading towards the storage room. Placing the photograph on Fuglor's chest, Yves knelt.

"May you find solace in the embrace of your chosen Gods," Yves whispered these words eight times. It was only when a sharp pain shot through his hand that he realized he had been bleeding.

"It's sharp," Yves pondered inwardly, his mind questioning the unusual sharpness of the wire. "Could it be a faulty cable?" Regardless of the answer, he knew he had overstayed his welcome. He had lingered in this place for far too long.

Exiting through the back entrance, Yves suddenly froze in his tracks. Before him stood neither Godiva nor anyone else. Closing the door behind him, he scanned the area, searching left, right, up, and down. It was only when he turned his gaze to the right that he spotted her.

But she was not alone.

Godiva had entwined her legs around the back of an assailant, enduring a barrage of punches. Yves almost missed it, but in the corner made of brick, a small blonde boy cowered, repeatedly attempting to retreat as if the wall itself could shield him from harm.

The situation became clear.

Godiva had witnessed the young boy being attacked and had sprung into action.

The assailant, a towering elderly man in his fifties, presented a formidable figure. His iron armor protected only his chest, leaving the rest adorned with leather accessories. A large white beard and short gray hair adorned his weathered face.

Despite being a warrior, he found himself weaponless. Yves swiftly surveyed the area and spotted the sword lying just above the ongoing battle. Realizing what needed to be done, he sprang into action. With determination, he fought his way towards the weapon.

From Godiva's perspective, she found herself pinned down after putting up a valiant fight against the man, whom she saw as a beast. As his massive hands closed around her delicate neck, her thoughts turned to her life and her longtime partner, Yves.

A smile graced her lips. "If I'm going down, I might as well save a child in the process."

She attempted to close her eyes, but warm blood splattered across her face, causing the grip to loosen. Opening her blurry eyes, she discovered a thin wire with small protrusions, cutting into the man's flesh.

Desperately, the man tried to grab hold of the tight wire, but it continued to slice through his skin. Godiva couldn't help but smirk as she witnessed his agony.

Meanwhile, she heard the sound of determined footsteps passing by and the unmistakable clank of metal hitting the ground and being lifted.

Once again, she closed her eyes.

The cries for mercy echoed in her ears. Metal pierced flesh. Warm blood coated her body. And then, the eerie thud of a lifeless body hitting the floor.

Throughout it all, Godiva kept her eyes shut, but she absorbed every sound and felt every emotion. When she finally opened her eyes, she beheld the severed head of her attacker, separated from his shoulders.

Looking up, she saw Yves standing tall above her. His sword was drenched in crimson blood, mirroring the color of her own eyes. His expression held a mix of complex emotions, unlike anything she had seen before.

Yves reached out his hand, eagerly accepting her gesture. As he extended his arm, he gently grasped her shoulder. "We've got each other's backs, right?" he asked, his voice filled with vulnerability. The words themselves didn't startle her, but the tone and fragility behind them did. It was as if he was a fragile egg, slowly cracking and revealing his inner self.

For a moment, she remained silent, contemplating his question. "Until the end," she finally replied, firmly gripping his shoulder. Her response seemed to snap him back to reality, and he nodded slowly, releasing his hold on her. She did the same.

Both Yves and Godiva heard faint sobbing coming from the corner of the room. They turned their heads in unison, their gazes landing on a young boy hiding from the man. He was dressed in tan and red robes, similar to the people from the Sun Spear Continent.

Yves attempted to approach the boy, but the child only cowered in fear. Godiva instinctively grabbed Yves' shoulder, shaking her head from side to side to convey her message. Understanding her silent communication, he stepped back, allowing her to take the lead.

With a gentle smile, Godiva slowly approached the trembling boy. "You're safe now, my child. That man can no longer harm you," she reassured him. The boy watched as she drew nearer and nearer. "We're not like those 'people.' We—"

"GUNNAR!" A sudden shout interrupted their moment, causing all of them to turn towards the middle entrance of the alleyway. Standing there was another one of those 'people.' Godiva glanced at the boy and immediately rushed to his side. Though he was still filled with fear, there was no time to waste when death was at their heels.

Lifting the boy into her arms, the three of them wasted no time in fleeing. As they ran, Godiva could sense that they were being pursued. She couldn't help but gulp nervously.

"Tonight is going to be a Long Night…"





Yves perched atop a stack of crates, his gaze fixed on the scene unfolding before him. The minutes seemed to stretch into hours as they recounted their journey to Donar Street, the encounter with the mysterious 'people,' and their departure with an unexpected companion. It was hard to believe that only half an hour had passed…

Their pursuit of the 'people' had led them to the Great Fountain, now eerily deserted with lifeless bodies floating face-down in the water. The tranquility that had graced the city for centuries had been shattered, replaced by the distant sounds of fires crackling, gunshots echoing, and smoke billowing into the night sky. It felt as though they were under siege, invaded by a horde of otherworldly creatures.

[Eldritch Moor, the capital of the Amos Realm, once hailed as the mightiest city in the Icysylva Continent, now lay engulfed in flames, a victim of warmongers hungry for chaos and death. It was ironic how internal conflicts and an unexpected attack could bring down a city built on opulence and divine favor.]

Yves couldn't deny the truth in Yves' earlier warning. The feeling of impending doom hung heavy in the air, a storm brewing on a global scale. Now, having experienced it firsthand, he could confidently say that this was the sensation of death itself. It was a presence that lurked in the shadows of our lives, familiar yet forgotten.

As Yves looked up at the countless stars illuminating the night sky, his attention was drawn back to the scene unfolding before him. Godiva was tending to the young boy, her actions revealing his discomfort. Yves observed them closely, his eyes filled with concern.

Perching down beside the boy, Godiva gently asked, "What is your name, young one?" She tore a strip of cloth from her dress and used it to bandage the boy's cheek and arm. He was a charming child, around eight or nine years old, with golden locks and piercing ice-blue eyes.

"Eddward Aurelius," the boy replied, his voice barely audible. Both Yves and Godiva listened intently, their curiosity piqued. It was only halfway through his response that the words finally found their way out. "The same thing happened with the knight..." The connection was instantly made, and a shared look passed between Yves and Godiva as they turned their attention back to the boy.

Coughing lightly, Godiva locked eyes with the boy and offered a gentle smile. "Nice to meet you, Eddward Aurelius. I'm Godiva Grimjoy, and this is Yves Cassian..." Yves raised his hand in a friendly greeting, and Eddward followed suit. "Before we continue, do you happen to know where you are right now? Or where you came from?" Godiva hurriedly inquired about the boy's origins. After all, uncovering more about the knight was their main objective. Perhaps they shared a common origin.

Eddward pondered for a moment, placing his finger on his lip. "Is this Rome? Or maybe England?" Eddward asked, causing both Godiva and Yves to pause and exchange glances.

"I've never heard of a place called Rome or England," Godiva responded on behalf of both of them. Eddward was taken aback by this revelation. "How have you never heard of Rome!? It's one of the greatest empires since the Mongol period!" the young lad exclaimed in disbelief. "I'm sorry, but we truly have no knowledge of such places," Yves interjected, while Eddward looked at them incredulously before turning his gaze toward Godiva.

"Then where am I?! If not Rome?" he asked, his expression blank. "This is the capital city of the Amos Realm, Eldritch Moor," Godiva calmly explained, assuming the boy would be familiar with it.

"I've never heard of it."

Yves resisted the urge to groan as he rubbed his temples. "This conversation isn't getting us anywhere," he thought to himself, glancing at Godiva and placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"It's time we return to Cecil and the others. Who knows if more of those 'people' will appear." Godiva paused for a moment, nodding silently. Gently lifting Eddward off the crates, she set him down on the ground.

"Listen, Eddward. Our friends are just across the street from here. Right over there," Yves spoke to the young lad as they exited the alleyway, pointing towards the Scott Street sign hanging high above the ground where the clinic was located. "We can meet some good people over there and strategize our next move." They all began to move out of the street. Yves they could make it far, Yves felt someone or something tap his leg.

Yves stood frozen, his gaze fixed on the ground below. The blood on his face seemed to vanish, leaving him pale and motionless. A pair of strong, blood-soaked arms gripped his waist tightly, while two sets of delicate, youthful arms held his feet down. They pulled with increasing force, accompanied by another pair of muscular arms tugging at his shirt.

All eight arms strained, as Yves' mind was consumed by a whirlwind of chaotic thoughts.


First Sinner.




The words echoed in his head, repeating like a haunting mantra.

Suddenly, a voice pierced through the madness. "Yves! Yves!!" The illusionary arms vanished, and he snapped back to reality. The tumultuous thoughts were silenced, replaced by a sense of disorientation.

He glanced around, meeting Godiva's curious and concerned gaze, while Eddward sought refuge behind her dress. "Yeah?" he responded, rubbing his jaw. "You look...pale." Yves let out a heavy sigh, mustering a grin. "It's nothing, just got lost in my thoughts for a moment." Godiva studied him for a moment before averting her gaze. "I understand. Let's continue, then." Yves nodded lightly, relieved to hear those words, and they all resumed their journey.


As they approached the corner shop where Cecil carried out his madness, the state of the shops became increasingly gruesome and destroyed. Yves took the lead in the chaos, wielding the sword he had taken from Gunnar and a small yet razor-sharp copper wire. Godiva and Eddward stayed close behind, never straying too far from each other.

Finally arriving at Cecil's Clinic, they were met with a scene of utter destruction. The door had been forcefully ripped off its hinges, and the glass windows were shattered into countless pieces. Blood was splattered everywhere, resembling candy, and the once-intact sign that read 'Cecil's Miracle Clinic' was now split in half.

A lifeless body lay in front of them, gruesomely split in two, with the upper half on the left and the lower half on the right. Yves glanced at the body, muttering under his breath, "Despicable. This is the kind of death your 'people' deserve." Yves felt no sympathy for them, donning the same equipment as Gunnar had.

Yves readied himself, holding the sharp wire in his left hand covered by a protective sleeve and the sword in his right hand. With a nod of his head, he signaled for the others to stay behind him, and they complied.

Entering the store, their senses heightened and emotions running high, they hoped to find any surviving friends. Yves immediately noticed Godiva's front desk, cleanly split in two with two lifeless bodies sprawled out. They ventured further into the hallway, where slash marks marred the floor, walls, and ceiling, and large portions of the building lay in ruins.

About halfway down the hallway, they heard a commotion coming from the second floor as if something had fallen. Then, more noises echoed from inside the Clinic itself, just ahead of them.

As they drew nearer to the Clinic, they could hear heavy grunting. With each step, the floor creaked, slightly louder than a mouse's squeak but still faint. Yves extended his arm, halting Godiva and Eddward from proceeding any further.









Yves could feel every fiber of his being screaming at him, urging him to move. He knew that if he didn't listen to his instincts, he would be torn apart. Trusting his gut, he swiftly ducked down, just in time to witness a menacing black broadsword swinging towards his head. The force of the blow shattered the top half of the door, sending debris crashing to the floor and enveloping the area in a cloud of dust.

In a panic, Godiva gasped and hurriedly carried Young Eddward to safety at the end of the hallway. Meanwhile, Yves found himself writhing in agony on the ground, his right side screaming in pain. With a burst of adrenaline, he mustered the strength to look up, only to see another sword descending towards his previous position, threatening to cleave him in two.

Summoning every ounce of willpower, Yves propelled himself backward using his arms and legs, narrowly avoiding the deadly strike. As he tried to move again, he caught sight of a metallic arm slicing through the dust, resembling an elbow. Drawing inspiration from battles he had witnessed in plays and shows, he raised his stolen weapon and struck the arm, causing small chips to fly off.

Yves grunted in exertion, but his assailant was relentless. Following up with a swing of the broadsword, it aimed for Yves' head. However, just in the nick of time, Yves regained his senses and managed to dodge, receiving only a minor cut on his neck.

Rolling out of harm's way, Yves glanced upwards, only to find the sword charging towards him once again. Acting on instinct, he swiftly got onto his knees and thrust out his left hand with all his might. A thin, almost invisible wire shot through the air, wrapping itself around an unseen target.

The dust was so thick and the hallway so narrow that visibility was reduced to mere inches. Amidst the obscured chaos, the sound of metal clashing against metal reverberated through the walls, piercing the ears.

Suddenly, something emerged from the dense dust cloud, as Yves felt the impact of a heavy metal boot striking his chest, propelling him upwards towards the ceiling. With a mixture of pain and amusement, he let out a grunt and a smirk before landing on the pavement below. "How cartoonish..." he muttered, acknowledging the absurdity of the situation.

"So this is the end," Yves pondered, closing his eyes. The thick dust settled around him, and he could feel the stillness in the air.

Suddenly, a sharp cry pierced through the silence, jolting Yves back to reality. Opening his eyes, he realized that a deadly blade was dangerously close to his face. If he had made even the slightest movement, it would have struck his eye, leaving a permanent scar.

Staring into the eyes of his attacker, Atlas, Yves took a moment to gather his thoughts. The tension in the air was palpable. But then, to his surprise, the blade lifted and fell to the ground, giving Yves the chance to stand up.

As he rose, a wave of pain surged through his right side, causing him to groan. Looking up, Yves locked eyes with the Knight in Dark Armor, confirming his suspicions. This was payback for a minor scrape on the knight's armor. Yves couldn't help but mock the knight's childishness inwardly, fearing another attack.

But then, Atlas's expression changed, as if he had just realized something significant. "Oh, you're the one," he exclaimed, pointing at Yves. Genuine concern and worry filled his voice as he apologized. Extending his arm, Atlas helped Yves to his feet, dust billowing out from their clothes.

As they shook hands, Yves couldn't help but notice the drastic shift in Atlas's demeanor. It was a far cry from the respectable knight he had encountered earlier. Meanwhile, Yves spotted Cecil standing in the doorway, acknowledging him with a nod. Cecil had also suffered injuries from the previous fight.

Analyzing the situation, Yves realized that his long-time friend and former ally had changed. The events of the past few seconds had transformed Atlas into someone unrecognizable.

Cecil's chest was wrapped tightly in bandages, resembling the aftermath of a ferocious shark attack. Jean stood by his side, providing support as they walked. Although Jean had some injuries of her own, they were nowhere near as severe as Cecil's. She had a few bandages on her face and shoulders. Suddenly, Cecil coughed, capturing the attention of everyone nearby. "It's not safe here. I suggest we regroup with Audrey on the second floor," Cecil advised, his actions and tone conveying a clear message: "Let's leave before it's too late."

With Jean's assistance, Cecil made his way towards the second floor while Yves nodded in agreement. "I'll join you guys shortly. I need to retrieve something from the Clinic," Yves stated.

Leaving the group behind, Yves entered a room that was filled with gruesome scenes. Piles of mutilated corpses lay scattered, missing limbs, heads, and torsos. This was the work of Atlas. "I feel no remorse for them. In my eyes, they are nothing but animals," Yves thought to himself as he approached a cold metal table stained with blood.

Ironically, Yves' pitch-dark leather gloves remained untouched by the crimson stains, still in pristine condition. He put on his thin and shiny gloves, then grabbed a sharp wire from his belt. "No cuts, no nicks, not even a hint of pain," Yves thought as he swung the wire, slashing through the bodies of those 'people'. If he had used his bare hands, they would have started bleeding. But the gloves provided a solution.

Leaving the room, Yves saw Jean helping Cecil as Atlas lifted him, resembling a bride on her wedding day. They ascended the stairs, leaving behind the damaged and chaotic lower level. Finally, they reached the entrance to the roof, with Cecil being the first to climb up, followed by Jean, Godiva with Eddward, Yves, and Atlas. As they climbed, they all shared the same reaction—utter disbelief.

Cecil's Clinic was one of the tallest buildings in the area, granting them an incredible view. And today was no exception; the view was truly breathtaking.

Beauty in chaos.

In the distance stood the castle of the Light Emperor, Thorlann the III, known for his peaceful reign. However, a scene of chaos unfolded before their eyes. Half of the castle was engulfed in flames, deliberately set by servants who chose to meet their demise rather than suffer a slow death by fire. The top of the castle appeared to have been sliced in half as if a scorching blade had cleaved through it.

Adjacent to the castle were the grand manors of the high lords, some of which were also ablaze, with the high lords themselves hanging lifelessly from stakes. A short distance away, the financial district lay in ruins, resembling a gruesome sea of blood and carnage. The streets were filled with terrified individuals scurrying like ants, desperately trying to evade the colossal threat looming over them. Death seemed to permeate the air, casting a dark shadow over the city.

Amidst the eerie silence, Young Eddward couldn't help but express his astonishment, though his words fell on deaf ears. The group shared the same overwhelming emotions, realizing that they were witnessing an invasion of unprecedented magnitude.

An end of one of the three powers of a continent.

"We should depart from this place," Atlas suggested, his voice resonating with a sense of urgency. "But why?" Audrey questioned, rising from her position at the edge of the building. "Though I may not be a native of this land, I have heard enough tales of invasions to know that we will either be enslaved or killed," Atlas explained, his mind racing with thoughts of self-preservation. Turning to Yves, Audrey sought his opinion. "What are your thoughts on this matter, Yves?" she inquired. Yves responded slowly, his voice filled with trepidation, "I believe... I believe we should heed the warning and evacuate this city before the situation worsens."

"Then let us depart," Audrey declared, the group acknowledging the gravity of the situation and the need to escape the impending danger.