
Beyond the Pages : The Author's Requiem

Protagonist, a new writer, is working on his first novel. He's poured his heart and soul into the story, but it's still a work in progress. One day, he dies under mysterious circumstances and gets reincarnated into the world of his own novel. He finds himself in the body of a young man attending the Eridorian Academy of Magic a student who is struggling to become a skilled mage. *** As I was searching for way too go back to the city I heard a cry for help I saw a beautiful girl being chased by the wolves which had chased me before She saw me and started shouting for help but I didn't moved I just stood there I saw her being circled by the wolves, as one wolf attacked , other also followed I just turned away heading my way I knew i was being heartless But I also knew better than anyone not to involve myself in unwanted problems Birds die for foods Humans die for wealth And Some die because of their stupidity ** I want to write a Villain mc (not edgy)

Iwantocook · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs


As I spoke, I thought to myself, 'This is going differently than i thought, i I need to keep up this act.'

Aethera's eyes sparkled with amusement. "I try my best, sir. But I think you're just trying to distract me from the fact that you're not getting a better deal."

I thought to myself, ' This is so tiring' 

I let out a deep sigh, feeling a bit frustrated with the back-and-forth negotiation. I was starting to feel like I was getting nowhere, and my patience was wearing thin.

"Look, Aethera," I said, trying to sound as reasonable as possible. "I understand that you're just trying to do your job, but 1 gold coin is a ridiculous amount of money for the treatment I received. Can't you just...I don't know, give me a break or something?"

Aethera's expression remained serene, but I could see a hint of amusement in her eyes. "I'm afraid not, sir," she said. "But I can offer you a compromise. I can give you a 10% discount on the treatment, and that's as low as I can go."

I raised an eyebrow, feeling a bit skeptical. "A 10% discount? That's not exactly a generous offer, Aethera."

Aethera shrugged. "I'm afraid it's the best I can do, sir. 

I sighed, feeling a bit defeated. I knew I wasn't going to get a better deal, and I was starting to feel like I was just wasting my time.

"Fine," I said, reaching into my pouch and pulling out the 1 gold coin. 

Aethera's smile grew wider as she took the coin from me. "Thank you, sir"

she said. "I'll make sure to put the payment through right away"

As I watched her walk away, I couldn't help but feel a bit annoyed. I thought i could impress her with this pretty face. I shook my head, feeling a bit disappointed.

I stood up, feeling a bit stiff from my ordeal. I was ready to get out of there and move on with my day. I had other things to attend to, and I didn't have time to waste on overpriced medical treatments.

As I stood up, I stretched my arms and arched my back, trying to loosen up the stiffness that had settled in from lying in bed for so long. I took a deep breath, feeling a sense of relief wash over me as I realized that I was finally free to leave the Healing Sanctum.

I glanced around the room, taking in the familiar sights and sounds of the Healing Sanctum. The soft glow of the Moonstones, the gentle hum of the healing magic, and the quiet murmur of the other patients all blended together to create a sense of calm and tranquility.

But I wasn't interested in calm and tranquility right now. I was interested in getting out of there and moving on with my day. I had other things to attend to, and I didn't have time to waste on overpriced medical treatments.

I made my way to the door, my footsteps echoing off the stone walls as I walked. I pushed open the door and stepped out into the bright sunlight, feeling a sense of freedom wash over me as I emerged from the Healing Sanctum.

As I emerged from the Healing Sanctum, I was greeted by the warm sunshine and the bustling activity of the city. The streets were filled with people of all shapes and sizes, each one going about their daily business. I saw merchants hawking their wares, travelers seeking adventure, and guardsmen patrolling the streets.

I took a deep breath, feeling the cool breeze fill my lungs as I looked around. The city was alive and vibrant even at this hour, and I felt a sense of excitement and energy as I gazed out at the sights and sounds.

To my left, I saw the towering spires of the city's famous Wizard's Tower, its peak shrouded in a mist of magical energy. To my right, I saw the bustling market square, filled with stalls selling everything from fresh produce to rare magical artifacts.

I took a deep breath, feeling the cool air fill my lungs as I walked. I glanced around, taking in the sights and sounds of the city. The bustling streets, the colorful market stalls, and the sound of merchants calling out their wares all blended together to create a sense of energy and excitement.

I smiled to myself, feeling a sense of anticipation. I had a lot to do today, and I was ready to get started.

As I walked, I noticed a small food cart on the corner of the street. The smell of roasting meat and freshly baked bread wafted through the air, making my stomach growl with hunger.

I walked over to the cart, my eyes scanning the menu as I tried to decide what to eat. The vendor, a friendly old man with a bushy white beard, greeted me with a warm smile.

"Welcome, young man!" he said, his voice booming through the air. "What can I get for you today?"

I smiled, feeling a sense of excitement. "I'll take a roasted chicken sandwich, please," I said, my stomach growling with anticipation.

The vendor nodded, his hands moving quickly as he assembled my sandwich. "That'll be 5 copper coins, please," he said, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

I handed over the coins, feeling a sense of satisfaction as I took my sandwich and bit into it. The flavors exploded on my tongue, and I couldn't help but let out a satisfied sigh.

As I ate, I couldn't help but think about my encounter with Aethera. 

I thought to myself, atleast i met her early.

I finished my sandwich, feeling a sense of satisfaction wash over me. I was ready to move on with my day,

I walked away from the food cart, feeling a sense of excitement and anticipation. I had a lot to do today.

15th may 945 GD


As I walked away from the patient's room, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. I had just finished a successful transaction, and I had even managed to charm the patient into paying the full amount.

But as I made my way to the payment desk, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was different about this encounter. The patient had been...different. He had been charming and witty, and he had even managed to make me laugh.

I smiled to myself as I thought about our conversation. It had been a long time since I had enjoyed a conversation with a patient so much. Most of the time, they were just grumpy and complaining about the price of the treatment.

But this patient had been different. He had been...engaging. It was like a breath of fresh air had blown into my mundane life.

As I processed the payment, I couldn't help but think about the patient's words. He had said that I was a "very convincing woman", and I had to admit that I had enjoyed the compliment. 

I finished processing the payment and walked back to the patient's room, feeling a sense of satisfaction. 

As I walked back to the room, I couldn't help but think about the patient's smile. It had been a charming smile, and it had made me feel...warm inside.

 I shook my head, telling myself to focus on my work. I had other patients to attend to, and I couldn't let myself get distracted.

But as I walked back to the room, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. 

But as I approached the room, I noticed that the patient was on was empty. The patient was nowhere to be seen.

A/N: This and last chapter were supposed to be one chapter but words count had already surpassed 3.5 k words, i decided to divide them. This had been the hardest chapter i have wrote so far. I wrote and deleted many times not to make it cringe , after some time i said it is what it is is, As this is my first novel i shouldn't give myself a headache.