

"We've got to stay alive" Those were the reasonable last words I heard from Ma as she pulled my hands running through the street. All around us people were running. The world was in chaos. A strange gas was in the atmosphere and people were developing supernatural powers. Some had telepathy, they could easily read your minds, some had telekinesis, they could easily lift you up from the ground and leave you floating. These mutation caused a change in the earths surfaces. The ionosphere, the biosphere, the hydrosphere, the atmosphere was affected. The water became too hot to drink, the air became to thick, oxygen was gradually depleting. As long as you are normal, surviving becomes difficult. You are hunted down down everyday. Surviving becomes essential and we have to do all we can to survive. •••••••• Everything changed for Keturah, when her Mum was taken from her suddenly one early morning. As a scientist, and the best the town ever had, her Mum was suddenly wanted when an accident happened and a strange gas was released into the atmosphere causing genes to be mutated and people suddenly having supernatural powers. Her Mum was taken as she was believed to have the cure. For eleven years, Keturah searched for her Mum, hiding in the woods. She could feel the change from within. She needs her Mum, She needs the cure.

Mabel_U · ไซไฟ
19 Chs


Before the Gas....

"We should celebrate" Katherine said walking towards a large wine cabinet to pull out a bottle of wine.

"I can't believe we actually sealed that deal" Maria said, her voice sounding less excited than her partner's.

"It's what we've been waiting for our whole life" Katherine was already pouring the drink into two wine glasses.

She handed one to Maria

"Here's to us, to the begining of a new life"

Kate raised her glass and it made a clinking sound as it connected with Maria's.

They sipped their drinks in silence.

"Hey, what is it? and don't tell me nothing because I can clearly see that you're not fine"

Kate asked peering closely at her best friend's face to see her reaction.

"I'm fine"

Kate rolled her eyes at that statement, but Maria continued

"I'm just worried about my daughter, I've been waiting my whole life for this opportunity but I'm only just realizing how it's going to keep me away from her. I might not even get to spend time woth her again"

Maria's voice was so low and shakey

Kate let out a long sigh then pulled her into a hug.

"Kay is a strong girl, she will be fine. You can even bring her to the Lab with you"

Maria sighed

"Kate, it's not always about being present, communication is always the key"

"I know. But who says there will be no breaks. We don't want to exhaust ourselves now, do we?"

"I guess. I didn't think of that. I'm just stressed out because I'm the only one she has now"

Maria's eyes turned misty

"Hey, please don't start now"

Kate whispered pulling her into another hug.

They stayed like that for what felt like forever.

"I've got to go prepare lunch, Kay get's back from school in about thirty minutes"

"Okay. Remember we start work bright and early tomorrow"

"Yeah, how could I forget"

Maria smiled and walked out the door.


Working in the lab for twelve hours each day proved very tedious, but we had to meet up with the demands proposed by the "big dogs" to produce an anti-aging gas.

Basically, what the gas would do is to prevent the cell from aging, it will stop wrinkling, white hair sprout and all those discomfort that comes with old age.

I thought it was a bad idea initially. I believed that everyone should enjoy their old age as well, and I also had this hunch that something could go wrong that could alter the whole body cells.

Kate was on board with the idea from the get go.

When we had tested out our formula on an animal, we observed it for three months, checking closely the change in its cells, we were so happy that it worked out.

But doubts started creeping in. I remember looking into her eyes and asking her

"What if something goes wrong and it start to react with the human cells. That could lead to possible death"

She was not having it. So we decided to observe the animal for another three months, when nothing happened after that, we decided to pitch the idea to the board of scientists, "the big dog" as we liked to call them.

We never knew they would approve of our idea, signing that contract felt like a big breakthrough in our career.

"Kate what are doing?"

I asked alarmed as I saw her adding a very strange reagent into our brewing formula.

"I'm trying out something, this is..."

"I know exactly what that is and it is highly dangerous. It can destroy the whole body cells in seconds"

The words were rushing out of my mouth, I couldn't believe she would want to put that in.

She sighed and bent her head over the table, her hands resting on each sides.

I felt bad for snapping

"I'm sorry. I'm exhausted too"

I ran my hand through my dark brown curls.

Apparently, we figured out too late that what works on animals might in most cases not work on humans.

Signing the deal was the easy part, trying to alter our existing formula to accommodate the human body was proving very difficult.

Three weeks in the lab, nothing to show for all our hard work and the deadline was just around the corner.

I sighed and walked slowly to Kate, I placed a comforting hand on her shoulder

"We'll figure this out. Let's just calm down and not start making erratic decisions"

"I've worked hard all my life to get recognized. My parents disowned me because I didn't want to be 'top' lawyers like them. They will so laugh at me if this crumbles"

She was gesticulating to the hugh lab she built with her savings.

"Let's not be pessimistic now. We will definitely figure something out before the dead line, we just have to work extra hard"

We looked at each other, weak smiles on our faces.


Ma was no longer her cheerful self. It started slowly, her locking herself in her study through the night, the bags under her eyes, and sometimes I hear her crying.

What ever she was working on must really be taking a toll on her. I tried asking her about it one day but she jut gave me a weak smile and told me that once this was done, she wouldn't have to work again in her life.

She tried really hard to spend time with me on days when she was less busy, when she didn't have to go to the lab. Some days I wouldn't even see her at all.

Aunt Kate was frequently at our house, when she comes around she comes with lots of food and gifts, I guess it was her way of saying "Sorry for stealing your Mother"

I was wide awake on the bed waiting for Ma. It was well over midnight. This was the longest she had ever stayed out. I was slightly worried. She had wanted bringing a sitter for me, but I discouraged her. I told her I could take care of myself.

I looked a lot like my Ma. I had the same dark brown frizzy hair, large brown eyes and fair skin. And I guess I also inherited her strong-willed spirit.

The front door buzzed as someone stepped in. I quickly rolled out of bed and ran towards the door. Ma looked stressed out as she always did each time she came home.

I ran to her and enveloped her in a tight hug.

"My little princess"

She whispered against my hair as she bent down to give me a kiss.

"Ma you should have dinner and go straight to bed, you need to rest. Go freshen up I'll heat up dinner"

She stood there looking at me.

"What is it?"

"Nothing. I'm just wandering when my little girl grew up"

I smiled up at her

"Go freshen up now"

I shooed her to her room

As soon as she closed the door. I let the tears I've been holding back come flooding down my face.

Ma worked hard. She is the most hard working woman I know. Always putting her life out there to save the world. To me, she is the world best scientist.

She's drifting away from me, slowly, gradually. I could feel it everywhere.

I just looked out the window and spoke into the darkness.

"I need my Ma back"

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!❤❤

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