
Beyond the Open Seas

"Aisha" Aqad. The first Orc to become a pirate, more the Captain of the Red Sun - The Indestructible Ship. One of the Kings pirates to add. She proved that not only a woman can hold power but also someone of her kind is not what people say they are. To celebrate, her and her crew went to a summer night festival in a small town they were passing by and there is where she met a maid. She fell in love at first sight during the dance but little did she know was that, the maid she fell for is owned by a demon noble who isn't kind about sharing what is his. Aisha made a promise to her beloved that she will marry her once she returned from her completing her mission, "Please wait for me" ... "I will try..." There will be many obstacles on the road ahead, ships may sink, tragedy may struck but will there be love in the end?

NoelCJ_ · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs


A world where Pirates own the sea, Voltiers own the sky, Kings share the lands with other races especially Orcs, Elves, and Fairies even Demons. But after the 50 year war between the humans, orcs, elves and demons, everything has settled. The world is back in balance, many peaceful days have come and keep coming.

But that doesn't mean their isn't discrimination against Orcs, who were the ones that started the war. Even after many years, Orcs are seen as cruel, evil monsters who cause chaos wherever they go. They don't care about anyone outside from their own kind and do what they want. Selfish creatures one might add.

However, that all changed when an orc called Roqtuk, the head chief of the fire-falls clan, took a turn that no one expected and became an ally to one of the major Kings of the southern lands. They made a pact of trust and loyalty which benefited both parties. The Orcs image began to improve, people seeing them in a new light. Out in the streets, it slowly started to change within the years and most orcs started to live better since others didn't use foul words on them out or degrade them for what they are. They began to live in peace and it was all thanks to that action.

This inspired many young orcs, humans and other kinds to aspire to be like Roqtuk and King Jasiff. It inspired and really motivated one particular orc, Aqad to become like Roqtuk, to the point she wanted to prove that not only he could change things for the better. She wanted to help and serve for a purpose, to better the lives of her people. That is what she did, many years later.

Pirates are stereotyped as trouble-makers, alcoholics, disgraceful people and are thieves. Which... they aren't wrong, some are. Truth be told some are far worse but there are some pirates who are also called robin hoods. Those pirates steal from rich to give to the poor and they do get rewarded with food, a place to stay, etc. But there were a few pirates who did good deeds and sailed the seas to seek adventure and find long forgotten treasures. Those pirates were well respected among the rest but also mysterious since they were mostly out at sea.

No, Aqad did not want to become like any of those stereotyped pirates or even a robin hood. She wants to become a well known and respected pirate but one that worked under the king of the west, King Rowan.

King Rowan is said to be a wise and kind king. A king that ruled with an iron fist but was merciful and considerate. Many people follow him and he has the highest population out of all the other kingdoms. One might say he could become an emperor at this rate, if only he would conquer the other lands. King Rowan always shook his head and said "I have no need for such troublesome acts. That will only bring war to my doorstep if I were to cross the line". Why ruin the peaceful days for greed? He has enough land and the people who live in it are happy so that is enough.

A King like that deserves to have some pirates on his side, an orc pirate at that! Aqad became determined of her goal/dream and will become what she said she will be. No matter what.


"Just you wait and see! I will become a pirate, even a captain of my own crew. I will have my own ship and will sail the seas! Just like Roqtuk became an ally to a king, so will I."

An 8 year old Aqad argued to some of her friends as she stood on top of a bench. "But most importantly, I will help my people to live better than before." She had a determined face that held a smugly smile as her small hands were on each side, looking down towards her friends. Her friends just laughed and walked away though one remained.

"What are you talking about? The pact of Roqtuk and that king already broke about 3 years ago! It was that kings fault too since he tried to really take over Roqtuk's clan and make them his subject" One big for his sized orc said and another agreed.

"Plus a pirate? that's dumb. An Orc can't become a pirate that would just ruin our image more" Another added with a foul tone.

Aqad jumped off, watching them leave. "Watch! I'll change things for the better!" She called out to them and huffed, feeling disappointed from what they said.

It was true, the pact that Roqtuk and King Jasiff made broke 3 years ago and it lasted 6. King Jasiff did try to take control of Roqtuk's clan but Roqtuk denied him that access and when push comes to shove, Roqtuk made the decision to break that alliance. He didn't become any other ally with a king again but he did help out with other races which gave Aqad hope.

"I believe in you.." A small orc, smaller than Aqad said to her, trying to cheer her up. Aqad looked at him and her determined attitude with a smile returned.

"Thanks T'kal" She raised her thumb up to him and looked up to the sky, a few birds flying to the horizon.

"I'll prove them wrong."

First time publishing a story of my own. Honestly I'm just testing the waters and see if I should go through with it or not but I hope you guys will enjoy!

NoelCJ_creators' thoughts