
Beyond the Open Seas

"Aisha" Aqad. The first Orc to become a pirate, more the Captain of the Red Sun - The Indestructible Ship. One of the Kings pirates to add. She proved that not only a woman can hold power but also someone of her kind is not what people say they are. To celebrate, her and her crew went to a summer night festival in a small town they were passing by and there is where she met a maid. She fell in love at first sight during the dance but little did she know was that, the maid she fell for is owned by a demon noble who isn't kind about sharing what is his. Aisha made a promise to her beloved that she will marry her once she returned from her completing her mission, "Please wait for me" ... "I will try..." There will be many obstacles on the road ahead, ships may sink, tragedy may struck but will there be love in the end?

NoelCJ_ · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs


It was a beautiful morning in the kingdom of Shaa. Birds were singing, people were running their errands or cleaning while the children played out in the street. The ocean wasn't too far away either and the faint sound of the waves crashing could be heard if, you really paid close attention. The temperature wasn't too hot or too cold, just right and everyone seemed to be having a good day.

That is until...

"Aisha! Aisha!" A young human girl with fair skin, emerald eyes, and brown-caramel, messy hair called out towards a serious brown chocolate skinned, dread-lock haired, 17 year-old Aqad; also known as Aisha simply because it was easier to understand and was much "cuter" said the brunette.

"Calm down, Cecilia. You will trip on your own dress if you keep running like that." Aqad stated still focused on her book, not even sparing a glance at the young girl. She was so engrossed in studying that she didn't notice Cecilia pouting and sticking her tongue out at her, childish I know. Cecilia just sighed and placed the sheet of paper she was holding in front of Aqad's face to make her look. Aqad just exhaled, forcing to look at the paper.

"Look at this!" She began, "It says that the king is throwing a party tonight to celebrate his son's coming of age! Everyone is invited" She smiled gleefully and almost took the paper away but Aqad swiped it from her hand, reading all the details. "I mean, I knew King Rowan was a nice king towards his people but I didn't think he would be this kind" She said, more of a mumble which annoyed Cecilia. "Speak up Aisha, you mumble a lot you know" She smiled teasing her friend and Aqad shot her a glare. "Oh hush, I only do that with you around." She replied putting the paper on the table and leaned back in her seat. The brunette picked up the sheet then glanced at Aqad with a questioning look, "Soo are you going to offer your services and propose your deal to the king or what?" She asked but Aqad didn't know the answer to that. "I'm not sure." Aqad frowned looking at the wood ceiling before glancing at the window, out towards the sea.

Aqad had become a pirate just like she said she would and is an apprentice under a Voltier pirate, Captain Quince. She learns from him from time to time when he is willing to teach her; but the main one that helps her is the Quartermaster, Fabian. She was surprised to discover that a human was the Quartermaster at first when, their Captain was a Voltier. However that shock quickly disappeared once she learned why he was second-in-command. Fabian may be a nice and charming fellow to attract others but, deep inside he is a strict man with no tolerance for bullshit. If works needs to get done, then work gets done that instant; be it restocking on food, supplies, fixing ripped sails, etc. He may be soft lookin' but he ain't no pushover either.

Aqad chuckled to herself as she stood up, grabbing her book and walked out of the building. She remembered the day she joined that wanky crew. She has never met a Voltier before so it was a nice shock looking straight at a 7ft, large bird (specifically a red-tailed hawk) with a unique look while being lifted like her weight meant nothing. Well to be fair, she was thirteen at the time, stood 5 foot 4 ft and weighed like 96 pounds... underweight for her height and age.. guess her weight really meant nothing. Captain Quince had "found" her while running an errand at the docks, he spotted a scrawny lil "cat" holding a bag of gun powder and seemed to be headed into a smaller pirate ship than his own. With ease, he followed 'him' (at the time Quince thought Aqad was a boy because of how she was dressed) until Aqad barely stepped on the plank and got lifted by her shirt. She didn't scream or let out a squeak but her eyes did widen from staring dead at his eyes. "Looks like I got myself a powder monkey" Quince surveyed him until he realized from scent that he was actually a she. "Whoops mistook your gender, sorry lassy" He chuckled but Aqad just stared him, speechless from a Voltier speaking to her. She was in awe of how humongous he was compared to her and how sharp his beak was, he could easily peck someones eye out if he wanted too is what she thought out loud. Quince smirked intrigued by the little one, examining her once more and shrugged taking her back to his ship, "Finders keepers" He said with a grin, placing Aqad on his shoulder. Aqad's former captain couldn't do anything but watch one of his rookie's being taken away. From then one, everything else became history.

Cecilia interrupted Aqad's little flashback with a snap of her fingers putting her hand back on her hips. "Oi are you even listening?" She asked her with a stern look, an inch away from hers. "Nope" Aqad answered truthfully taking a step back not liking someone interfering with her personal space. Cecilia sighed running a hand in her messy locks but it got stuck so she just took it out and looked at Aqad seriously, "I'm going to pick out a dress for you so that we can go to the party. You have to look presentable at least instead of wearing those tacky clothing of a pirate" She shook her head staring at the brown and grey clothing that Aqad was wearing with those dirty, muddy boots. Aqad rolled her eyes, shaking her head as she walked past her heading to the direction of the pub. "Ceci you already know I won't wear a flimsy dress, less a fancy one" She stated while Cecilia jumped down from the bench she was standing on to be eye level with her. "But Aisha! You have to look neat at least and make a good impression to his majesty!" She yelled trying to catch up to her friend but her small legs could only go so fast. /Well she is not wrong.../ The young orc thought, she did have make a great impression on the king to get a feedback from him. Her pace slowed down making it easier for her small friend catch up. Cecilia huffed now besides Aqad, "Not fair.. we are the same age but you are too tall" She grumbled. She stood 5'3 but Aqad was 5'10, a large height difference.

"Not my fault" Aqad shrugged with a grin looking down at her. Cecilia glared and humphed, flipping her hair as both now stood in front of the pub, "Wipe that grin off your face and I'll find a suitable attire for you. Just wait." Her mood shifted quickly as she began to walk away towards a parlor. "I'll be counting on you then" Aqad called out and Cecilia just waved without looking back. Aqad shook her head chuckling then looked forward at the bar. "He must be here" She mumbled, entering.