
Chapter-1 The beginning of the new journey


The whole world was watching the news.

Breaking News: The world's most dangerous assassin has been sentenced to death. Nobody was expecting that the great scholar and the renowned assassin to be the same person.

Shanxi Mainland, Jade City:

In the outskirts of the city, there exists a dense mountain. It is said that in the mountain, there exists many wild beasts . So, common people don't dare enter there. Only those who have stepped into the martial path go there to find useful materials and some big families even send their disciplines to train in the deep mountains. In the depth of the the mountain, a young boy full of injuries and blood was crying, looking at a person lying on the ground.

"Young Master, please wake up, Young Master. You can't die here. I can't even protect young master.I am so useless.Please take my life and give his life back," he was shouting with his lungs out. The breath of young master was already gone. " Nooooooo", he shouted then his voice gradually began to calm down. His eyes started turning golden, a dark red eye was slowly emerging from his forehead. The ground began to shake. Suddenly his young master's voice woke him up.

"Ye Sui" "Ye Sui", the young master touched his shoulder and shouted.

"Young Master, you are alive. You are alive. Huhuhu" he was back to his senses and started crying.

The young master was looking at Ye Sui curiously. He was shocked to feel the power coming from Ye Sui just now. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He started reorganizing his thoughts and memories. The memory was a bit fuzzy. He, an assassin from earth, was executed in front of the whole world. People didn't know that something unexpected happened to him or else how could he ever be captured. In earth ,he was interested in the working of the world. The whole world seemed so mysterious and he was the most interested in fate. So he followed life and fate to where ever it took him. He became a scholar at first, travelling to countries and learning whatever he could find. Then a sudden twist of fate made him an assassin which increased his interest in killing. He developed his killing techniques over the years and he became a master in assassination. His killing record was insane and the whole world was scared of him. During one assassination, when he took the life of other party he felt a small sensation of something. Then slowly, after each kills he started feeling it more and more. One day he saw the most strangest scene. He saw a soul like thing being sucked by a space after the death of other party. When he saw that space, it was as if something was calling him from inside. Suddenly, a small crack emerged and a dark red eye was staring at him. His soul and body could not handle it and he fainted. Then he was caught by the police and was executed. He could not remember anything afterwards. The only thing he could remember afterwards was a strange place full of weird and big creatures fighting and killing and a voice that reverberated in his depth of mind," The answer you are looking for is beyond the Ninety-Nine Heavens."

It seems this was all he could remember. Then he looked at his hands and sighed. His soul must have replaced the body of this boy. "Fate works in a wonderful way. Since this body was given to me, from today I will take care of it. May your old soul rest in peace." Floods of memories started pouring in his mind. Finally after general understanding of the situation, he became super excited. This is not earth. This is a vast place with unknowns everywhere. This is the world of the martial arts. People can move mountains and destroy lands with their palm. The strong ones are respected and weak ones will suffer the most.

The place they are seems to be called Jade City, which is one of the weakest city in Shanxi Mainland. Shanxi mainland is a vast place and is one of the 9 pillars of Eastern Continent. And the owner of the body was called as Ye Xu who was turning 15 next month.

Ye Xu childhood memory were too blurry as if something was stopping him from remembering. He and Ye Sui came to Jade City when they were 6 years old and a old blacksmith took them in . Ye Xu was immersed in forging since then. The old blacksmith taught him all he knew and passed away when they were 10 years old. Since then, the two were on their own with a small weapon shop.Ye Xu was immersed in forging and Ye Sui on the other hand was not interested in such things. He just trained his body all the time. In his mind the only thing was to become strong to protect young master.

Weapon forger is a popular profession in the mainland and the old blacksmith was a basic forger. Ye Xu learned few skills from him then started forging on his own. He slowly became a quasi-basic forger with raw skills and his weapons were popular among the people. But his real dream was to become a great martial master and find out about his past. The awakening ceremony was next month so he wanted to forge a good weapon for himself. So, the two of them went to the depth of the forest in search of quality materials. This sounds foolish but these two, they never feared anything or anybody. It was their natural quality. This led to a Tier-1 beast attacking them and they went through life and death situation. Ye Xu was caught in the process and was attacked to death. Ye Sui tried his best to and took Ye Xu away from the beast but he was too late to save him. And luckily the new soul was attracted to this body which led to present situation.

"From today, I am Ye Xu and this place will be the beginning of my new journey. I thank the heavens for this wonderful stroke of fate."Ye Xu looked at the sky and murmured. Then he looked at the injured Ye Sui in front of him who was meditating to recover from the injuries. Ye Sui is the closest family he knows and Ye Sui has never left his side. He remembered that strange scene from before, the golden eyes and the crack on the forehead. "It must be related something to our past," he thought. He should be able to find out about that in the future anyways.

Now, he looked at his body. It looked young but strong. Even though his past self had not trained physically like Ye Sui, he was always immersed in forging which gave him enough exercise to have strength and power more than the average people. It should have been all injured but surprisingly there were no wounds on the body.He then sat crossed legged and closed his eyes. He was a master assassin and his mental state was beyond imagination. He immediately got into a state of nothingness, where he saw darkness all around. In the past life, there was always darkness during this state but now there seems to be a small light in the darkness. It looked like he could control his soul to move towards the light. He slowly went near it. The light was golden and small. The moment he got near it, he got sucked into the light.

His soul reached a strange place. It was a big land with grasses and trees all round and on the middle was a huge 9-storey pagoda. He felt somewhat familiar with the pagoda but could not connect with his memories. He walked straight towards it and reached the door. He tried to open the door but suddenly some kind of strange force rejected him and he was awake all of a sudden. He had a inner feeling that after his awakening he could open this door. He had seen this pagoda somewhere but he could not remember anything at all.

He looked at Ye Sui strangely because the injury on Ye Sui were healing at a rapid rate. He was curious what kind of bloodline Ye Sui has to have such healing ability plus that strange eyes. He and Ye Sui were not blood related but both of them know one thing in mind that Ye Sui was to serve and protect Ye Xu. "It seems my origins must be amazing."

After a couple of hours, Ye Sui opened up his eyes and was shocked because Ye Xu was roasting a meat. It was a meat of a Tier-1 beast. Beasts were divided into tiers, Tier-1 being the lowest and Tier-9 being the highest as far as they know. They were attacked by a Tier-1 violet wolf before and now in front of him was a Tier-1 dark leopard, which was equally powerful as the violet wolf. Just to know that Tier-1 beast are equivalent to a Stone-Tier human martial artist. Even though it is the first stage, one must be awakened to reach that level.

"Young Master, how did you kill that? Last time you almost died because of the wolf."Ye Sui asked.

"Hahaha, it is just a small animal, what is there to fear. Last time, I was careless. After that critical blow before,my mind seems to be more clear and I felt like I could kill it now so I did. Come eat."

Ye Sui smiled. " Young master, you are amazing. You are destined to stand in the top of the world. It seems I need to be more stronger."