

Taking his bath he changed into the academic uniform and headed towards the administrative building. The sky had already turned dark, when Thomas reached the administrative building. He walked inside the building with a light step, soundlessly he got to the desk.

"Good evening, instructor" he said

Zara was startled and gasped in surprise " you almost sent me to the death door" still in shock she said.

"Sorry for that"

"Can we have a private place to talk. I will like to discuss some matter with you"

She blushed " what can a young handsome man like this talk to me about at this time of the day" she thought.

"Do you know that I am older than you besides today is your first day in the academy. Don't you think you are a little too rushed to do this" she said while stealing a glance at him.

Behaving ignorantly, Thomas had already realized what she's thinking. With his vast knowledge, how can a little female body language not be understood by him.

"I don't think I'm in a hurry for that. Even though you are older, you can't be 30 years old" Thomas said with his eyebrows raised expecting an answer.

He deliberately said 30 years while she was in her early 20s. 21 or 22 at most " you will tell me everything about you" he thought.

*30 years!!

"Am only 21 years old. Do I look that old" she puffed out her chest, looking at him furiously.

Thomas chuckle's.

"No, I don't say that. You are beautiful in your own way."

Her anger subsided when she heard she's beautiful in her own way.

"So what do you want to talk about? Everything you need to know will be taught in your class when you start attending class from tomorrow" she said.

" I remember when I was his age, hoping to learn new things and be at the top of the class" she sighed while she thought.

" Can we have a private place, preferably outside the building?" Thomas said, ignoring her questions.

"Is it that serious"

"No, but private"

"Ok, follow me. I have a place where we can talk and nobody will heard us"

Without waiting for his response, she started walking out of the building.

Arriving at a quiet Forest with lush green trees everywhere. The big trees are about 5m tall with their long branches together with their wide leaves. A small space with green grasses hidden to people's sights.

They walked to the open space and stared at each other. Not scared of Thomas if he had any indecent act he may wanted to do to her. She's already at stage 7 bodybuilding realm while Thomas may only be at stage 2 bodybuilding realm at most.

" Ok, we are here. This is where I practice my cultivation art, " she said.

Thomas stared at her and said

" I will like you to be my maid"


She could not believe her ear. A new student who is yet to understand the world he found himself is demanding her to be his maid .

Feeling different emotions, surprised, angry and dejected at herself. Thinking too much of him, maybe he's interested in her makes her furious. Feeling her anger rising up, she released her aura with killing intent she said " belittling me, I will break your bones. You will never forget today beating for the rest of your life."

Withdrawing her sword, instantly she attacked Thomas. Going for his neck, Thomas moved back, invading the attack. She was in awe but cast it at the back of her mind.

"Lucky" she thought.

"twisting mortal art" she called

Swinging her sword in circular motion with great speed, aiming for his waist.

"Let's see how you avoid this attack," she said arrogantly. Side stepping and moving back at the same time avoiding the attack at the nick of time.


"How did he do that?" she thought.

"You have some skills" she said glaring at him furiously. Not replying, Thomas looked at her without any expression on his face.

Realizing his indifference, her anger raised by another bar.


"With your puny skill, you think you can be haughty. I will make you realize that you are nothing." She said.

Raising her sword above her head, she shouted "mortal earth slash".

Her sword stance changes while attacking fiercely. A faint shadow follows her attacks any time.

Avoiding her attacks by an inch with complicated footwork makes her realize something is wrong. But yet, she stubbornly kept on attacking him. Her attack begins to aim for his vital spot " what's ever happened today, I will teach you a lesson" she thought.

" You don't want to accept defeat, I will make you." Thomas thought with his hand behind his back, he raised his skill by a bar.

He started moving forward at the same time backward. With this, he begins to get closer to her. She continues to move backward. She had been sweating profusely while using her ace attacks and yet , she had not been able to touch the edge of his clothes. Now, been forced to move back. She was confused, "how is this possible"


Zara could not believe it while she kept on retreating.

Thomas stares at her while getting closer to her with his footwork. He kept on taunting her, not allowing her to attack.

Reaching the boundaries, her back at the edge of the tree. Without any space to retreat, using all her ace in her arsenal and yet she had been cornered with no possible escape. She dropped her sword and started weeping uncontrollable while sitting down on the Grass, she covered her face with her palm.

Thomas walked away from her. He stood not too far away from her. He stood straight like a pole, glancing at the horizon. Zara stared at the boy who made her cry without touching her.

" How is this possible.Everything feels surreal. The teachers, even the principal will not defeat me without attacking. Perhaps you use magic" she asked.

Thomas stares at her, not replying. Receiving no response, she begins to cry again. " Do you look down on me to that extent, you can't even answer me.am I that pathetic" she asked while cleaning her red eyes with a little trickles of tears remaining with the edge of her robe. She stood up and walked towards him.

Facing each other, she stared at him puffing her chest upward like a kid demanding an answer. All the aura of an instructor have been thrown away.

"Before you can know anything, you must decide if you are ready to be my maid" he said

"Before I can decide that, let me know one thing about you. Being your maid is a major decision in my life. So shoot"

"What do you want to know" he asked

"What realm are you?"
