

It was like any other night but what made this night better than the others was the special party they threw for their first plan. Rae was missing out all the fun as she was spending that time in her home. No one bothered asking about it though, they knew it was her personal matter so they left it. Cole was pretty worried in the beginning but did get it out of his head when he smelled the pizza. Everyone was spending the night as if it was their last. Suddenly Rae barged in through the main door, eyes puffy and red as if she had been crying. "Rae! How did it go?" Cole came running towards her and asked, but he knew it hadn't gone well from the looks Rae gave him. Rae pushed past Cole and ran into her room and locked it, right on Cole's face. "Open the door Rae! Let me in" Cole ordered. "Leave me alone" Rae screamed back in frustration. Muffled crying was heard and he understood something had definitely gone wrong. "Rae open the door! You cant stay there forever" Cole screamed. "I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE! WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO ANNOYING" Rae screamed letting her anger control over her senses. No reply was heard. Cole walked downstairs, his mood completely dropped. Everyone was waiting eagerly for some news. Cole shaked his head in defeat and walked away towards his room. No one talked to Rae since then because as much as she lifted the enthusiasm she was very stubborn. Days passed, Rae never left her room. Cole and Addison tried talking to her but she wouldn't answer them. She leashed out her anger on them by screaming and eventually ended up crying. Her condition was worsening every second. No one knew what had happened but the one thing they knew was asking that would make her twice as angry she already is. It's been 3 days since Rae locked herself up. Each day getting gloomier than the other.

"Click, click- toof" the clicking echoed through the silent and dull mansion. Rae walked down the staircase making her way towards the kitchen. She wished no one would see her in a state like this, but, as expected Addison was there. Now there was no turning back cause Addison already spotted her from the corner of her eyes. "RAE! OH GOD, YOU LOOK TERRIBLE! YOU MIGHT BE STARVING" Addison exclaimed and ran to bring a glass of water and cook something for her.

Addison's pov

After I cooked a heavy meal for Rae, I finally exhaled in relief. I have been worried since day one, Rae could have died in there without food and water. She was in a bad condition, by bad (the worst condition). Rae was the one who would brighten up their mood and give hope in the dark. She was the one who would cheer everyone up and make the place more alive. When the only person who could make me laugh even when someone's dead was going through a rough time and I can do nothing, it stings my heart. Her eyes were puffy red from all the crying, heavy bags under her eyes which clearly showed she hasn't been sleeping well, she became as thin as a stick and she was definitely moody and tired. I knew she wont open up to me of what had happened, the one and only person who can make her open up is Cole....

Only if I can make Cole talk to her.