
Beyond: The dark ages

“There is no right or wrong, only what is and what isn’t.” The hooded figure uttered, the pressure in the air palpable as he sneered, has arms coming together. “And you should not be here. You...are what isn't.” ~~~ The dark ages were at hand and realms grew impatient, the difference between protagonists and antagonists seemed to blur under the flickering flame that lit up their world. There they where, at the mercy of all who were greater. Threats and blessings at all turns and corners, who could tell them apart? Not even the wisest. Some seeded order, order of power, of what should and shouldn’t be. Though this meant nothing to those whom their lives had been suddenly torn apart from perfectly normal to an ethereal hurricane of the unnatural. Maraja was one of these unlucky souls, along with a few other of our growing protagonists. Where she belonged, who she was, none of these made sense anymore after the attack on earth. As would any other eighteen year old, she tried to run away from the truth, to hide behind the realm she had grown up in. She could not. Earth was no place to hold her growing power anymore and she had to leave. Read not only of Maraja, but also of all those who acted as both catalysts and hindrances to a somewhat greater good. Their actions would weld hidden agendas and pride into the grand tapestry surrounding every realm. And in these dark times, there would be a bright light, or so did the prophecy foretell. Yet again trust would hardly survive this ordeal, for it seemed revenge, greed and denial were the whispers of the dark ages.

Clouder · แฟนตาซี
33 Chs

An Old Friend

Days after Mavis's departure…

The intricate tapestry that bound the earth had begun to strain and snap, leaving it as a teetering realm. The attacks only grew worse by the days, and one could wonder if this realm would survive.

Camila, Mavis's mother stood at the center of yet another massacre site, her husband standing protectively behind her smaller form. The buildings that once adorned the area had been reduced to mere rubble, and the smell of copper tinted the air.

The area was now completely void of life, and full of residual dust flaring up in the atmosphere from time to time.

"The black spots are growing, Trevor. I don't know how much more I can take." A troubled look passed over Camila's sleep-deprived eyes. Her eyes bore into the magical map of earth in her hands. The map flared in a brilliant amber, matching her glowing eyes, as she turned to her husband.

He exhaled tiredly. "I understand, but like I said there are other races-"

"No, no Trevor. Humans aren't even supposed to know we exist. They're supposed to live out their days oblivious to the realities of the other realms and races, but look what's happened." She raised a hand to shield her mouth. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"

"Being human is not a plague or a curse, my love. The fact that I'm one and I know of you and your world hasn't killed me, has it?" He stepped forward, laying a hand on her neck. "We'll find her, I promise. Probably just need to look harder."

Camila opened her lips, but no sound came forth. Within the blink of an eye, a dome came together over the both of them, seconds before a green ball of energy collided with it. The energy ball hissed as it dispersed into singular snakes of energy.

The amber in Camila's eyes shimmered, darting around the gloomy clouds desperately for the attacker.

"Princess Althea." A voice rang, the sound seeming as though it came from all around them. The princess stretched a hand back, lightly brushing her husband's.

"Camila what are you doing?!" Ignoring his protest, she muttered something under her breath and he vanished, along with the shield that once covered them.

"You may show yourself now, bi-breed." She voiced out loud.

A gust of wind washed over the scene, and the fog far beyond cleared to reveal the form of a woman. She remained glued to her position for a few seconds, as the wind combed through her blonde hair. A thin, white dress adorned her fair skin as she finally spoke again. "And so fate would have it that I am here now."

The woman vanished from the foggy distance, and materialized a few paces from Camila, making the many strange tattoos on her forehead and right arm come to light. A small smile spread across her beautiful face. "It's been a minute, hasn't it…Thea?" As the last words slipped free of her lips, a dangerous glint passed over her brown eyes.

"…Alahexa." A troubled, yet relieved look doused the face of the runaway Elaran princess.

An unusual power surrounded Alahexa, illuminating her almost flawless skin. "Hello, traitor." The hem of her dress rustled lightly against the wind as she stared emotionlessly at the woman before her.

"Hex," Camila's eyes roamed the woman's body, before finally landing on her eyes once more. "What happened to you?"

A bitter laugh escaped the woman's lips. "Funny you should ask that after what you did to me."

For a split second, a forlorn look crept over the Elaran's face, before she quickly masked it with a steely resolve. "I don't know why you're attacking this realm, Hex. It has done nothing wrong, it is barely even aware of our existence. You need to stop, my brother cannot give you what you desire, we can talk-"

"Spare me the bullshit, princess." The hint of a smile followed her words. "I came here to destroy everything you love, just like you did me, and I will make sure I see through to that end." She narrowed her eyes slightly. "Oh and Killian? What makes you think I would do his bidding? You're the traitor here, may I remind you."

"I could spend the rest of my life apologizing for what happened that day, or we could move past it and you can stop wreaking havoc on this helpless realm."

"That's it! You love this realm, you always did! What better way to show you how I felt that day than destroying what you so desperately love." She spread out both hands, as green lines traveled up them.

"Hex please, this-"

The woman tilted her head upwards, closed her eyes, and took in a deep breath. "Oh, to have the gifts of such powerful races coursing through your veins, Thea. It is truly heavenly." She began to levitate, her feet leaving the earth behind. "Oh, the power."

She began murmuring incoherent words, the wind picking up around her as more glowing lines traveled throughout her body.

"Alahexa, what are you doing?" The princess's eyes began to glow once more, her body shifting into a defensive stance.

The clouds began to grow dark, a brewing evil slithering in them.

"Hex!" Althea called out warily as the woman ascended higher into the atmosphere, her mumbles becoming louder, and the clouds growing more reckless.

"… helad dreyal…horag divam…" As her words spilled out, the sky above began to harbor green spots in the distance, all around them, the malicious energy within growing with each utterance.

"Hex, stop!" With a grit of her teeth, Thea pushed a hand forward, and a hot beam of power pivoted out and toward Hex.

Alahexa's eyes flew open, the brilliant green in them almost overcoming the white. With her arms still spread out, the bi-breed gave the approaching attack a smirk. "I'd expect more from the most powerful Elaran." Her gaze moved sharply to the swirling air around her, just as the ball collided with it, dissipating harmlessly against the wind. "Are you perhaps holding out on me?"

The Elaran grunted in annoyance as she watched the clouds ahead grow more and more tense.

"Hex, face me! I'm your problem, not those innocent people!"

"Why can't it be both?" She brought her outstretched hands down slightly, as the green spots in the sky began crackling with intrepid power. Hex's smile grew, as she howled, the veins in her arms seeming to pop out as she visibly struggled with her power. With a final growl, heavy beams of energy tore down from the skies, crashing onto the earth.

Horror spread itself across Althea's face, as she watched the few undamaged houses in the distance, crumble into chunky brick piles.

"No!" She cried out in pain, stretching a hand toward the people helplessly.

Strike after strike, the earth shook and the houses crumbled, making the bi-breed laugh uncontrollably at the chaos she had created. The screams of the humans traveled within earshot of Thea, and her brows furrowed angrily as if having enough of Hex's cruelty.

"I said, face ME!" Rage festered within the glow in her eyes as she stretched a hand toward Alahexa.

Wide-eyed, the woman struggled slightly against the Elaran's invisible, yet vice-like grip against her entire body. Following the will of the wielder, the bi-breed was pulled from her position in mid-air, and onto the rough terrain.

The green lines that once traced her body began receding, as the dust around her landing spot cleared.

In a streak, Hex was in front of her opponent, as she swung a magic-covered fist at her. Unfortunately, the hit never came in contact with its goal, as it pushed against a thin layer of amber in futility.

Alahexa grunted in frustration as she retracted her fist.

"I don't want to hurt you, leave this realm alone!" Althea yelled angrily at the woman, the amber in her eyes tailing her every move.

The woman gritted her perfect teeth, and took a step back, running her tattooed hand through her blonde mess of hair. The wind carried her slit-high dress in a dance as she paced the space in front of the Elaran, her eyes pinned to the ground.

All of a sudden, she stopped in her tracks, her magic coming to life once more as she burst across the floor, away from Thea and towards the humans.

Althea burst after, her speed unthinkable as she made wild motions with her hands. Translucent amber spears barreled forth from her and to the woman.

Their streaking figures exchanged ethereal attacks, as they weaved through the field of ruins, speedily approaching the oblivious humans.

With a frustrated grunt, the Elaran princess skidded to a stop. She began to raise both hands, amber tendrils surrounding her spiked fingers.

The sound of blocks grinding against each other filled the air, as a wall of earth began to rise from the ground, a few paces in front of them.

There was a tremor in the earth, as the wall continued to grow at Althea's will, producing residual clouds of dust as it rose higher and higher, blocking the path of the bi-breed.

At the sight of the imposing wall, Alahexa quickened her steps even more, her hair thrashing mercilessly against the wind as she continued to run.

With a subtle huff, Hex launched herself into the air, green tendrils following her as she spun mid-air, and with a push of a hand to the side, she landed on Althea's wall. She landed with a heavy, yet graceful thud, her center of gravity changing as she stood on the perpendicular wall. In a heartbeat, she took off once more, this time, on the side-long wall.

The princess let out a vexed groan, as stretched both arms out once more, bringing them down heavily. Following her motion, a translucent screen of amber tendrils formed at the tip of the already existing brick wall, tearing downwards, and knocking the bi-breed off the wall.

Pushing herself forward, the Elaran disappeared from her position in a blur, reappearing at the foot of her wall.

Hex's bloodied body lay in the dust, her eyes barely open as she squinted up at Thea.

A sad look loomed over the Elaran's frayed

features as she spoke. "Hex, I'm-."

With a roar, the bi-breed bolted upwards, simultaneously, latching a leg against the side of the unguarded Elaran.

Having found some momentum, Alahexa followed through, hitting Thea with a series of blows, each strike resounding and reverberating throughout the perpendicular wall she was up against.

As though she'd finally had enough, Althea raised a hand, and the bi-breed became rigid. Alahexa's eyes were wide with dread, as she stood, unmoving against the Elaran's invisible grip.

Thea began to curl her outstretched hand, squeezing what little air Hex possibly had left. "Yes, I was holding out on you. Now, I'm going to say this one last time, my friend. Leave this realm, and never come back."