
Beyond the Cupboard

Join Alex on an unexpected journey as he stumbles upon a magical portal hidden within his own cupboard. When curiosity gets the best of him, he steps through and finds himself in a mesmerizing otherworld filled with odd cupboards leading to unimaginable places. As he begins to explore this enchanting realm, his craving for adventure ignites. Amidst the wonder and excitement, Alex is cautious not to reveal his true origin, aware of the potential consequences. He's captivated by the intriguing inhabitants of the otherworld and the secrets it holds. Eager to fit in, he learns to harness the power of dark energy, using it to navigate and adapt to this unfamiliar environment. In his pursuit of understanding and adventure, Alex takes on an unexpected role as a combat instructor. With his newfound knowledge of dark energy and his own combat skills, he teaches students the art of self-defense in this extraordinary world. But as he imparts his wisdom, he must constantly guard his own secret and navigate the complexities of this unique society. Alex's journey is a blend of fascination, caution, and self-discovery. As he balances his desire for exploration with the need to protect his identity, he unravels the mysteries of the otherworld while leaving his mark on its history. Get ready for a quirky adventure filled with magic, mystery, and unexpected twists as Alex delves deeper into the enigmatic realm beyond his cupboard.

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11 Chs

Unraveling the Unknown

Inside the lavish GOLD lounge, Alex found respite amidst opulent surroundings. He settled into a plush armchair, the intricate décor and soft lighting offering a welcome contrast to the bustling marketplace he had just left. The lounge hummed with conversations in an array of melodic languages, and the air carried the scent of exotic teas.

As he contemplated his situation, Alex couldn't help but marvel at the intricate design of the room. Gilded chandeliers cast a warm glow over the space, and ornate tapestries adorned the walls, depicting scenes of heroic feats and enchanted landscapes. The place itself seemed to be a testament to the world's mystique.

A neatly dressed British-style maid approached with a tray of refreshments, and Alex gratefully accepted a cup of fragrant tea. The liquid was unlike any he had tasted before—earthy and invigorating. As he sipped, he mulled over his recent encounters and the questions that had arisen.

The vendors in the marketplace had treated him like any other resident of this realm, their words suggesting a shared understanding of their world's intricacies. It was as if they assumed he belonged here, a notion that both intrigued and perplexed him.

While sipping his tea, Alex's gaze wandered to a corner of the lounge adorned with a collection of ancient-looking books. Curiosity piqued, he approached the bookshelf. The volumes seemed to hold the history and secrets of this place.

His fingers brushed against the worn spines as he selected a slim tome. Settling into a nearby armchair, he opened the book, only to be surprised by an unknown script that was entirely different from what he knew. Perplexed, he tried several other books, but the unfamiliar characters stared back at him, refusing to yield their meaning. In his growing frustration, his eyes caught a glimpse of a newspaper on the shelf. To his astonishment, he recognized the language on it—it was English.

Hurriedly picking up the paper, he confirmed his suspicion. The headline read "THE LOCAL," and the content was indeed in English. The vivid images and eloquent descriptions seemed to bring the news to life. As he flipped through the pages, he absorbed information about the current events of this supernatural realm. He found articles about ancient families, border tensions between nations, mysterious occurrences, job opportunities, and even a pact signed between some ancient families.

After reading some news, Alex lost in contemplation of what he had just learned started Eavesdropping on conversations around him, he overheard discussions about the various races inhabiting this world—the enigmatic Sylvans, the steadfast Durgans, the nomadic Abari, and the city he was in right now called Veilwood.

As he flipped through the pages, The headlines detailing border tensions between nations hinted at a delicate political balance, where alliances and rivalries played out in the backdrop of enchanted landscapes. Reading about these tensions, Alex couldn't help but draw parallels to the geopolitical complexities of his own world, realizing that even in this place, power struggles and territorial disputes were all too real. The newspaper also held a section dedicated to job postings, reflecting the economic intricacies of the realm. From positions within the Royal Office to opportunities within the various races' guilds, the listings highlighted the diversity of professions available in this otherworldly society. Each job seemed to come with its own set of responsibilities and perks, shedding light on the unique dynamics that drove the supernatural economy..

After reading a particularly insightful article, Alex mentally praised the tea offered to him in the GOLD lounge. Its soothing effects had eased his mind, allowing him to absorb the wealth of information before him. Feeling a sense of accomplishment, he decided to retire for the time and seek answers after bit of rest.

As he settled onto the comfortable armchair, he contemplated the day's discoveries.

As the clock ticked with the passage of time, Alex's thoughts gradually gave way to the embrace of sleep. Dreams intertwined with the rich tapestry of the world he was navigating, painting visions of mysterious marketplace and odd encounters.

His journey had only just begun, and as he surrendered to the realm of dreams, he held onto the hope of going back home.

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