
Beyond the Cupboard

Join Alex on an unexpected journey as he stumbles upon a magical portal hidden within his own cupboard. When curiosity gets the best of him, he steps through and finds himself in a mesmerizing otherworld filled with odd cupboards leading to unimaginable places. As he begins to explore this enchanting realm, his craving for adventure ignites. Amidst the wonder and excitement, Alex is cautious not to reveal his true origin, aware of the potential consequences. He's captivated by the intriguing inhabitants of the otherworld and the secrets it holds. Eager to fit in, he learns to harness the power of dark energy, using it to navigate and adapt to this unfamiliar environment. In his pursuit of understanding and adventure, Alex takes on an unexpected role as a combat instructor. With his newfound knowledge of dark energy and his own combat skills, he teaches students the art of self-defense in this extraordinary world. But as he imparts his wisdom, he must constantly guard his own secret and navigate the complexities of this unique society. Alex's journey is a blend of fascination, caution, and self-discovery. As he balances his desire for exploration with the need to protect his identity, he unravels the mysteries of the otherworld while leaving his mark on its history. Get ready for a quirky adventure filled with magic, mystery, and unexpected twists as Alex delves deeper into the enigmatic realm beyond his cupboard.

0mit · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

A Key to Remember

The soft tendrils of morning light streamed into the GOLD Lounge, casting a warm glow upon the plush surroundings. As if orchestrated by fate, Alex's eyes fluttered open, met by the gentle smile of a neatly dressed British-style maid. In her hands, she held a crystal goblet filled with a vibrant liquid—the aroma of fresh juice wafting through the air.

Alex sat up, his senses slowly awakening from their slumber. He accepted the goblet with gratitude, noticing the condensation on its surface and the delicate play of colors within the juice. "Thank you," he replied, his voice warm with appreciation.

The maid, bowed gracefully before retreating, leaving Alex to enjoy his morning elixir. As the first sip touched his lips, a wave of refreshment swept over him. The flavors danced on his taste buds, surpassing even the allure of a freshly brewed coffee. He marveled at the potency of the experience, the juice not only rejuvenating his body but seemingly invigorating his spirit.

With each subsequent sip, Alex's mind stirred with thoughts of the journey he had embarked upon. The cupboard, the marketplace, the vendors, the GOLD Lounge—it was all woven together by threads of the inexplicable. He couldn't help but wonder about the purpose behind it all.

As he savored the last drop of the juice, his thoughts turned introspective. His family, his home on Earth—they were constants in his life. Yet, this otherworldly realm is beckoning to him with its enigmatic allure. The books, the newspapers, the conversations—he had delved into them, absorbing fragments of this world's mystery.

But now, he stood at a crossroads—between the enchanting mysteries that lay ahead and the familiarity of his life back on Earth. The choice weighed heavily on his mind as he recalled the faces of his loved ones, the memories that held his heart captive.

With a determined exhale, Alex rose from the comfortable lounge and set his goblet aside. He knew what he had to do. He had to return to his family, to the life he knew, the world that was his foundation.

Guided by the butler, Alex reached the familiar cabinet—No. 1204—the way to his home, hopefully. The anticipation that had settled in his chest intensified as he opened the cabinet's doors. However, what greeted him wasn't the gateway he had anticipated. Instead, it was the same simple cabinet like any other.

Perplexed and disappointed, Alex turned to the butler, his brows furrowing in confusion. "I cannot go back. The cabinet is still the same."

The butler's expression shifted into one of bewilderment. The notion of someone not knowing how to operate such a basic mechanism seemed foreign to him. He composed himself and explained patiently, "Apologies for any confusion, sir. To activate the cabinet's properties, you must insert the key into the keyhole from within, close the doors, and then rotate the key until you feel a distinct click. This action will transport you to your chosen destination. After you arrive, simply remove the key."

Embarrassment flushed Alex's cheeks after watching the butler's expression, as he realized that he had asked a question that nobody usually asks. He nodded in acknowledgment, his voice tinged with chagrin. "Thank you for clarifying. It appears I missed a step."

Recalling the supernatural ailment he had read about in the newspaper—a memory itch caused by stress—Alex seized the opportunity to alleviate the butler's confusion and save himself from further embarrassment and suspicion. "Actually, I've been experiencing something called memory itch lately. It seems to affect my recollection of certain things."

The butler's expression transformed into one of sympathy. "Ah, I see. I apologize for my behavior."

Alex offered a reassuring smile. "Thank you. I appreciate your understanding."

Alex's mind couldn't help but circle back to a lingering question that had gnawed at him since his arrival. It had become a constant presence, a puzzle he couldn't ignore. Hesitating for a moment, he looked at the butler with a mixture of curiosity and a touch of vulnerability. "If I may ask another question—one that's been on my mind since yesterday."

The butler now aware of Alex's problem inclined his head slightly, his eyes attentive. "Of course, sir. Feel free to ask any questions you may have."

Alex's thoughts shifted toward the books that had frustrated him earlier—the volumes filled with an enigmatic language he couldn't decipher. His voice held a thoughtful tone as he asked, "I find it intriguing that everyone here can communicate with me effortlessly, yet I struggle to read the written words. How is it that we can understand each other when spoken words transcend language barriers, yet the written language remains beyond my comprehension?"

The butler's expression was a mixture of understanding and sympathy. He leaned in slightly and replied, "The KEY artifact that you possess, has a particular rune which serves as a conduit for language conversion. This is a feature present in almost all GOLD and PLATINUM keys. It enables you to understand and comprehend different languages spoken around you, making communication across linguistic barriers seamless."

He paused for a moment before continuing, "I and the staff here can also communicate with you because we have a similar artifact through which we can understand what you or anyone else is saying. When I converse with you, your KEY translates it for you, allowing us to understand each other despite our different languages."

Alex's intrigue deepened as he absorbed the explanation. The KEY artifact, a seemingly ordinary item in his eyes, held a remarkable ability to bridge language barriers. "I see," he murmured, a sense of awe creeping into his tone.

The butler's lips curved into a faint smile as he continued, "However, the written word retains its original form to preserve the authenticity of each language. Our organization prioritize spoken communication, recognizing its significance in fostering connections and understanding among people from different places."

Alex's thoughts began to align, the puzzle pieces fitting together. He couldn't help but admire the hub's attention to detail, its commitment to service while facilitating verbal interaction. "That's truly remarkable," he remarked, a newfound appreciation coloring his words.

Encouraged by Alex's curiosity, the butler continued, "It is worth noting that the artifact's language conversion feature doesn't extend to the written word. Hence, texts and writings remain true to their origin."

Alex nodded, a sense of clarity washing over him. With his question answered, he felt a weight lift from his shoulders, the curiosity that had lingered within him finally sated.

"Thank you for shedding light on this," Alex said, gratitude lacing his words. "It makes sense now."

The butler's smile was warm and accommodating. "You are most welcome, sir. If you're ready, please proceed with the procedure, and I'll be here to assist if needed.

With newfound clarity and a sense of determination, Alex stepped into the cabinet once more. As he did, he noticed an odd, engraved keyhole inside the cupboard. Without hesitation, he inserted the key into the keyhole, the metal sliding in effortlessly. He closed the cabinet's doors, feeling a mixture of anticipation and apprehension. With a deep breath, he began to rotate the key as instructed.

A subtle clicking sensation reverberated through the key as he turned it. Suddenly, a sensation akin to descending from a swing washed over him, as if gravity itself had shifted. The world seemed to spin around him before settling back into place.

As he opened his eyes, he heard a clanking sound as if something metallic hit a wooden floor. Perplexed, he bent down to pick up the key which was responsible for the sound, lying there. He seemed confused as the butler had told him that he needed to remove the key after teleportation, but here there is no odd key-hole in his cabinet, like the cabinet in the other world to insert the key in, so the key found its way to the floor. Leaving everything aside, he checked the most crucial thing: if he was back home or not.

He pushed open the cupboard's doors and stepped out, greeted by a familiar sight—the room he had come to call home. Relief and exhilaration intertwined within him, the weight of the supernatural realm temporarily lifted from his shoulders. The room's comfort and familiarity embraced him like an old friend.

Looking at the key in his hand, Alex thought about the other world he had just left. He realized there was no keyhole inside his cabinet here, unlike the other world's cabinet. Would he ever get back there again? The question lingered, like a mystery waiting to be solved.

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