
Cultivation 19


He couldn't understand how someone could find and follow him to another continent so fast. This was a divine talisman, it didn't just transport someone across the whole planet, it also hid all traces, yet this guy didn't have the slightest problem with finding him.

"You and your silly questions. You're lucky I like you, otherwise, this wouldn't end with me robbing you"

Wang Ling just gritted his teeth hard enough to shatter them but he didn't make a sound.

"What, got nothing to say?"

"What do you want?"

"For starters, the Supreme Bones you dug out from a fellow child of destiny"

His eyes went wide before he decisively dug his hand into his chest and pulled out a golden bone that should not be inside that place according to my most recent study on anatomy.

"Swear that you will let me go" He held on to the bone and didn't let go. He knew my strength, why was he suddenly thinking I couldn't take a bone from him?

"Funny how you think you could make me promise you something. I'm already being rather kind by giving you a chance to hand over anything you have but if it comforts you, I will leave you alive… somewhat"

The wording made him worry but left with no other choice, he let go of the Supreme Bone.

"You know what's next. Give me your eyes"

With a pop, his two ruby-like eyes fell out of his socked into his hands. For a moment he was thinking about crushing them but he was sure that he would not just be somewhat alive.

"Just so you know, one day I will come for you and make you regret leaving me alive"

"Sure, sure, whatever you say. But I have to say, these Eyes of Seven Emotions and Six Desires are a good find. Good job. Now, the last thing"

The Eyes of Seven Emotions and Six Desires allowed their user to control the Seven Emotions and Six Desires of anyone they locked eyes with. The Seven Emotions weren't that interesting, they consisted of Happiness, Anger, Sadness, Fear, Love, Hatred, and Lust. The Six Desires were the desire to live, to feel, to see, to hear, to taste, and to smell.

These eyes could not only take away someone's senses, it could make them lose the will to live.

Wang Ling took out an old stone scripture and handed it to me.

"Not that you idiot, your brain"

"What!? You promised to let me live!"

"First off, I didn't promise you anything, and second off, it won't kill you. I already said I like you, I will just give you a chance to become something greater"

"But…" He still seemed hesitant, either because he didn't believe me that it wouldn't kill him or because digging your brain out was a few levels above digging out your bones and eyes.

"Fine, I will do it myself"

Before he could react, my hand went through his head and came out with his intact brain. He just stood there trying to comprehend what he was seeing. This was clearly his brain, he could feel his head being even lighter than usual but why wasn't he dead yet?

"Any moment now"

As if on cue, he fell to the ground and started screaming and convulsing in pain. His skin started turning grey, his empty sockets were filled with two lifeless black marbles, and all his wounds healed.

I watched with interest as my guinea pig underwent its first transformation. I simply injected him with a slightly more advanced zombie virus and his body reacted to way stronger than anticipated. I looked on with interest as the virus and the many dormant DNAs he absorbed from others using the Fiendgod Blood Refining method.

His body was changing at the moment. One second he had horns, the next he had eyes all over his body, this was a mad scientist's wet dream.

Watching his DNA and body evolve and mutate with each passing moment was oddly interesting, at some point I even started snacking on the brain in my hands.

After a few minutes, the blood coming out from his every pore turned black and the screaming stopped. The being formerly known as Wang Ling stood up and inspected its changes.

"yOu..." it tried to speak but only a disturbing sound came out.

"Yes, me! Now go my corrupted servant, eat your fill" I said proudly with outstretched arms.

The zombie looked at me for a moment before he sprinted away at a speed Wang Ling could never hope to compete with.



After turning into an Immortal Zombie, he was craving for brains, running from me was equal to saying I didn't have one even if it was technically correct.

There were already zombies in this reality but they were different from normal zombies. They didn't eat brains, didn't infect victims, and if they weren't just reanimated corpses they wouldn't even qualify as corpses.

This new variant of zombies I just created was leagues above them, I would even go as far as to say they are above some divine bloodline bearer and heavenly physiques. These immortal zombies had their own cultivation path, they grew stronger by eating brains.

Of course, if that was all then their creation would be a smudge on my brilliance. They weren't called immortal zombies just because they could cultivate, they were completely immortal, it's just that their regeneration was very weak in the early stages and they had to consume brains to speed it up.

Any victim whose brain they eat will also turn into a newborn zombie, creating a perfect circle. It was only a matter of time before the whole mortal realm was taken over by zombies.

But perhaps the most powerful weapon I gave them was neither of the above. Despite being brainless, the immortal zombies weren't dumb, I would even go as far as to say they were smarter than most Confucius after I gave them the average intelligence of a human and I don't mean the dumb-and-dumber Gen Z but the average intellect of humans across a word without internet.