
Beyond Earth:The horizon

The protagonist was chosen as the representative of a higher being and now he has to help it gain power and influence while traveling the multiverse. Why didn't the being just do everything alone? Go find out! Really, it's on the first one-two chaps... The first few chaps are rather cringy, not because of the MC but because I tried to incorporate situations from the anime show into the book and that didn't go very well... But later? Oh boy, that's where the fun begins! [NOT wish-fulfillment at least in my head] [NOT harem at least.... in my head] No romance for now NO cultivation worlds-at least the strong ones Worlds SPOILER! IS-Infinite Stratos Monster Hunter. JOJO! Attack on Titan TAGS Action-a little bit it depends on the situation Adventure-......... Reincarnation-Duh Magic-later Tech-read Mech-read Martial arts Heavy Language(If you are a kid) Time-skip Slight emotional development(for character development) Slight cringe(At the start, due to the original source being well... a harem romance) Superhumans(Someone who can disassemble a mech with their hands isn't human) And possibly more I will add later if I bother I don't own the characters, the worlds, and the cover image, all the credit goes to their respective authors English isn't my first language I am not gaining money with this(writing this mostly for my boredom and for practice, and I don't have a bank account) Thanks for checking by, please no review spawn nor shit-posting

Abadom · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
126 Chs

Romance is for weaklings.

The next day the sun had already risen. I was now in the arena's spectators' seats. Tatenashi wasn't here since she had to manage a shit ton of things.

Cecilia and Linlin are now on the hangars going through their strategies over and over. Ichika and Charlotte were probably getting ready too. Kanzashi was the pair of another first-year girl, while Laura and Houki paired together. This made sure that each pair didn't have any conflicts of interest. And from where would these conflicts come from? OF course from the new announcement from the student council that said that the winners could choose their room, any room. From the teacher's exclusive rooms to even my room.

From the way the brackets were separated, they aren't going to meet each other until the 4-5 rounds(There are over 130 students in the first year alone). There will be 7 rounds in total, only a handful of first-years have personal units, and it's obvious they hold a massive advantage over the others, but this didn't stop the average students from dreaming right?

The battles were unimpressive, ending either very fast or instantaneously. Even more so for the unlucky students who had to fight against the personal holders.

After a few hours, we finally had our first encounter with personal holders, Kanzashi and her maid against the comet twins, The representative candidates from Canada.

Their main specialty is that they both use only a single IS. That's right, it's a double user unit. They are also incredibly intelligent, skipping several years to get here. Nothing much to add other than that. I didn't really interact with them that much, but this didn't remove my interest in them. Since the IS is made to adapt to a single user, how is it that they both use the same unit? But I understood soon after as the sisters seemed to work with almost perfect coordination.

Kanzashi herself didn't have a lot of piloting experience, what was pushing her through was the quality of her IS. As for her maid Honne, she had some degree of experience, and coupled with her own personal IS Kyuubi no Tamashii they could somehow hold on against them.

They eventually won by a hair so I don't think she will be able to proceed later. She looked downcast but her eyes eventually locked into me.

I gave her a thumbs up with a smile and she seemed to cheer up a little, she called Honne and they helped the twins leave the arena. The fight took less than 15 minutes, but it was the longest one so far.

There were many memorable moments such as Tina Hamilton, the representative from the US, fighting Vishnu Isa Galaxy, the representative from Thailand.

Soon it was the top 16. No one from the main cast has fought against each other yet( Kanzashi had been eliminated after that fight).

In this round, the only fight I care about is Ichika and Charlotte vs Cecilia and Linlin. The one who wins is going to fight against Laura and Houki, who will most likely win their fight. They are, after all, the strongest group. They have surprisingly good coordination with Laura being mainly long-range while Houki is close-range. They also seemed to have made peace after their previous pairing.

Eventually, after 5 minutes of battle, Ichika defeated Lin and Cecilia with his fraudulent Ignition boost when they were distracted by Charlotte.

But the fight I most waited for happened. Ichika and Charlotte X Houki and Laura.

The girl duo started the fight throwing off some distracting words but Ichika didn't give a fuck, rather, he didn't understand their conversation in the first place.

Unfortunately, Houki didn't have a personal unit, so they eventually lost when Charlotte sacrificed herself to take down Laura and Ichika, with his stronger IS, defeated Houki.

With this the tournament was pretty much over, the other fights were very interesting as the ones who made it this far are the best of the best. Some can even compete against the elites of higher years. Ichika's biggest opponent after Houki and Laura was a pairing of Amanda Bluehouse and Seo-Jun, the respective candidates for Portugal and Korea.

Ichika chose to remain in his room as he doesn't have any preferences while Charlotte chose to continue to stay with him, much to the displeasure of Lin and Houki.

There aren't going to be any big events like this for a while now, there will be some off-class activities but they aren't that big of a deal. The only thing I need to care about is the classic "beach episode" where Tabane will make her first appearance with Houki's Fourth-generation IS. A chance to see the first of its kind and also to meet Tabane herself.

There is also the presence of suspicious people around the city, they don't pose a serious threat but it's their hidden movements that alarm me.

School days went back to normal with the end of the tournament, and most of the girls had a downcast look, probably because they didn't have the chance to change rooms.

But on the next day, they were alright. That's how it is in this place. The days go on fast as my deadline approaches, I interact more with everyone around me, I also took this time to go talk with my parents at the train station. This meeting was made hidden from most so that no one could track them. My parent's identity was already widespread, but their location is now kept secret. At all times there are at least 6 IS users hidden around them.

My talk with my parents was brief, I talked about how everything happened and how I have been living in the school, and how Kona was doing since she couldn't come. (It's more that she doesn't know).

-But son. Said my father with a serious look.

-You have been in an all-girls school for a few months now. So I must ask you… How many? AARGUH!!

I saw my mom pinching my father on the side.

-What he wanted to ask is if our beautiful and educated son found someone he cherishes, and not if he is a womanizer. Isn't that right dear? She said looking at my father.

-...Ye… A little bit. When I was your age I used to...

-You what? Said my mom with a happy go-by smile.

-I was cherishing you with all I had, did I say something wrong? Said my dad while drinking his coffee.

-We will talk later okay? But anyway, did you find anyone special? You don't need to be shy…

-Allow me to introduce myself then. Said a voice from deeper into the station.

A blue-haired girl in a blue dress appeared in front of us.

-Nice to meet you two. Otou-sama, Okaa -sama, I am Tatenashi Sarashiki, head of the student council, second year. I am also the head of the Sarashiki family.


-... She is so cuuute! Said my mom while getting up to hug her

-Nice to meet you too Sarashiki-san. said my dad

-Why did you try to hide her from us? Are we that embarrassing to you? Said my mom in displeasure.

-No… It's not like that…

-Shut it. I don't want to hear from you two anymore. Sara-chan, I can call you that right? Let's go talk over there.

-Soo… What do you like about her?

-She is not really my girlfriend's dad. She just likes pulling pranks on me.

-Really? She was too well dressed for a prank you know.


-Listen, son. I don't know why you chose to be like this, ignoring others around you and just training and studying every day. In a sense, I like that my son is succeeding in life and not causing trouble as I did when I was your age. But in a sense I also would like for you to act like someone your age, just go make some trouble and enjoy life a little, won't you?

-It's not like that, I enjoy what I am doing, and… Sigh, let's leave this for later.

- "Leave it for later"... That has become your catchphrase at this point. I know you have your secrets, you were never a normal child, don't think that I didn't catch a thing or two after raising you up for almost 2 decades. If you really care about us, just don't put yourself in too much danger for nothing, okay?

-I will go talk with your mother and the girl, see if I can calm your mother a little. He then started to walk away to where mom was.

-Ohh one more thing. I really liked her, I think she would make for a fine partner. HAHAHA!...

On the train back to the academy, I looked at the scenery through the window

{Are you upset?}

Not really.

{You sure? You don't look alright}

It's just that I do not want to be in a relationship now. On one hand, I would like to experience it, on another, I just think it's a bother, but I don't imagine myself as an easy man who will have a nightstand just because I can't control my petty desires. I am having a blast making mechs and building laser guns.

I imagine myself having someone important to me eventually, but it won't be these underage girls. At least for now.

I will eventually travel through multiple worlds so I don't feel like leaving someone that important behind, nor bringing them with me. It's already hard thinking about how I am just going to leave my family behind. Don't make it worse, please.

{I just want your wellbeing, and that includes your mental health. Your father is right, putting people far away from you isn't really going to help.}

In what sense am I pushing people away? I help them, go out with them, and many more. I just don't want a relationship with little girls.

Look. I understand your point, it's just that I don't feel like having a relationship like that for now. And I am sure you wouldn't like seeing another girl nak…

{Stop before you ruin this moment}

I am fine anyway. But your opinion has been noted. Now, let's go finish this world.

1700 words, bigger than usual huh?... That didn't sound right.

I tried to portray the feeling of the MC better since some people were thinking he was just avoiding the girls because he is a pussy beta or something, not so much, but I just wanted to make it clear anyway.

It was just a tiny bit awkward that's all.

But talking about emotions is always going to leave a bad taste in someone else's mouth. I am not perfect and neither is you. Living through both the bad and good of life is what makes it interesting. Ignoring the bad sides of it, because it just doesn't please you isn't really a mature thought to have, but that doesn't mean you should persist in something that you clearly don't enjoy or cause harm to yourself.

In the end. Life is an ass. Why make it harder for yourself? (Don't go commit death because of this)

Just my opinion

Any way out of this boring shit.

I hope you enjoyed this chap. It's hard to convey my feelings and tones through words without flooding you, the reader, with useless information.

As always if you have any comments, just throw them in the comment section.

And thank you for reading so far!


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