

It was just before noon on the second day at my uncle's place,when I went to the balcony of the house.I could view the entire vicinity fall away right before my eyes,right down to the sea in the town.In the midst of the incredible,descent,resting on a long ridge stood an Amusement park.The incredible sight of the flag,flattering atop the pole in the park and the magnificent scenes,brought my heart to my mouth.

I asked for permission from aunty Sienna,my uncle's wife to have a better view of how the park actually looked like.When permission was granted,I quickly dressed up and aunty Sienna asked the driver to take me there and bring me back home safely.

"Please take good care of yourself darling",aunty uttered to me.I nodded to that in a haste and went straight to the car,where the driver awaited patiently.I was under the impression that,my appearance was suitable and responsible for the place.

My watch struck 1:00pm and we had arrived safely at the Dream Land Amusement Park.I was overwhelmed by seeing kids play around so happily as if there was no tomorrow.The driver parked the car at the car park and found a pretty later to chat with to keep him company.He got her an ice-cream.How cute? The driver gave me time to have fun and to mingle with the other kids around.

"Hello dear,I'm Evie",a cute girl with a gorgeous smile approached. "I'm Chloe",I replied almost shyly.After a little introduction and exchange of pleasantries,Evie and I became the best of buddies.She accompanied me around the park,where we enjoyed ourselves and had lots of fun.

We played with the swing,trampoline,see-saws;even though we were 16.Evie also introduced me to her friends she came with.They seemed cool.Amongst her friends was a light-skinned breathtaking guy who kept gazing at my direction.My prayers were answered when he finally got to approach me.

"Hey pretty,I'm Leo Smith",he said. "Hey there,I'm Chloe",I replied shyly.Before we knew,we had been chatting for close to thirty minutes.He told me more about him and I did same.We became good friends from that moment.We exchanged cell phone numbers as well.

"I guess it's time to say goodbye Evie",I voiced out.It was exactly 5:00pm and the driver was already waiting for me."Okay sweetheart,please take care",Evie replied.We exchanged contacts so we could talk more on phone.I finally waved at my new friends and headed towards the car.

On our way home,I fastened my seat belt and relaxed comfortably in my seat.I used this moment as a great opportunity to meditate on what went on during the day.As I did that,there were several traces of smiles on my face.The driver couldn't tell the main reason behind my excitement.All he did was to smile back at me.

We finally reached home.I greeted Aunty and uncle and headed straight to my room upstairs for a quick shower.After refreshing myself,I jumped into my bed,forgot about dinner and whispered;

"What a fantastic day today was".