
Bewitched by you

Volume One: Evaline Calderon was pulled from a life of destitution when she is found out to be a royal. She is thrust into an hazardously intriguing and deceptive life in the royal court. Soon she discovers that she is a vessel for a witch's magic and the longer she threads through the new life she has been given she realises there is far more at stake than she first thought. An entity that threatens the fate of the kingdom as a whole is amiss. But when her diary of a grandmother she barely knew leads to the Commander of The Witch hunters, she has no choice but to take his help. Together they unravel secrets and the closer they get to the root, the more sparks begin to fly. Despite everything, trusting him with her own damning secret seems too impossible especially when she suspects that he too has skeletons in his closets. In this fantasy romance filled with mystery, themes of betrayal and love intertwine, shaping Evaline's journey from weakness to strength in a court where danger lurks behind every opulent facade. *Excerpt* "Xavier," My voice was more stable than I felt. "Let me go." His grip did not loosen even an inch. His piercing green eyes never left mine. "I don't intend to." His voice was hoarse and his gaze fell to my lips. I took steps back but he followed as though in a dance until my back hit a wall. "What are you so afraid of?" His whispered. "I am not afraid," The lie slid passed my lips as though they were the truest words. "I just need to..." "I am not letting you leave, Eva." He dropped his head towards my lips. My heart thumped harder in my chest. I wanted this, I wanted him but I knew better because once he knew... it would be my end. I turned my head away but his mouth only dropped to my neck and he took full advantage. His mouth grazed the sensitive flesh until I quivered. Until I moaned. "You don't understand..." I squirmed against his hard body. "I don't want this." Another lie. He paused and whispered against my skin. "Yet your body betrays you, my little wife."

Oluwakemi_20 · แฟนตาซี
89 Chs

Conspiracies at the dinner table

Eva's POV

As they led me further into the royal palace, again I found myself gawking. It was grand and beautiful as expected. The ceilings were high with stone pillars running between. Gold everywhere you looked: even on the floors. All made out of some sort of hard rock which shone in all different colours of the rainbow and shimmered in the sunlight that streamed through the window and glass skylights.

The servants were lined in two rows and as I passed in between them, they all bowed. "Welcome, princess," They said simultaneously. It looked like they choreographed the whole thing but I could help but feel special.

They led me to the foot of a case of stairs that seem to go on forever an eternity. The Queen clasped my hand and the king stayed by my side without saying anything. "Let us go. Your room is up there." She told me.

I nodded at her and looked back. The entrance was no longer visible from where I stood. I had reached a point of no return.

"Are you ready?" She asked.

"Yes," I said, trying to sound as sure as I could. " I am ready."

I took the first step forward and then the next. The rest of my family followed me up. Even the old royal.

Sometimes, I would turn around just to see my new family. They did not feel like much like family to me. Vivianne kept glaring, 'grandmother' seemed impatient and father was in another universe entirely. The boy who I did not yet know his name kept his expression carefully neutral. Despite the queen's doting, the whole thing was unnerving and was made worse by the silence.

We got to the last stair and I let out a breath of relief. I had not fallen this time. We continued as we took a turn to the left. The corridor was decorated with paintings, statues and armour. Finally, we stopped in front of one room. the king was the one that opened the door.

The room was beautiful, with soft and blue accents. There was a big bed with a soft, warm quilt. It was as beautiful and opulent as I had imagined, although it was not too extravagant. The walls were painted with a light shade of pale blue which matched my sheets and bedding. The dressing table was elegantly decorated, the light pink and cream coloured fabrics contrasting with the black and navy blue. There were small crystals in the corners of each side of the vanity, which shone brightly under the soft lighting above them. The mirror was covered in delicate white designs that matched the dress' design, the intricate pattern making the mirror sparkle and glitter. A beautiful reading table and chair. The table, made of polished mahogany, had intricate carvings and a soft velvet cloth in azure that held ancient books and plain paper. An ornate inkwell and a poised quill completed the setting. My window was large enough for me to walk through if I wanted to. It was everything that fascinated me and more.

"Do you like it?" The queen asked, I could tell she was smiling.

"I love it," I told her quietly. It was evening so the candles had been lit.

"Go in," Grandmother said.

I obliged and once I was in grandmother said. "Take a shower," It sounded like she wanted to tell me so much that I stunk.

Vivianne scoffed and earned a glare from the queen. She turned to me again and smiled as if it would hide what Vivianne had done.

"Afterwards, come down for dinner," Grandmother said.

"Or do you want your food sent up here?" The queen asked considerately.

"Yes," I managed to say. Thanking the gods for my luck.

It was her turn to get glared at by grandmother.

The king did not say a word to me as everyone turned to leave. It further solidified the fact that all that he had done outside was a show. I closed the door as they left and rested on it as tears flowed down my cheeks.


After the invited nobles had dispersed to the other different quarters in the castle. The royal family retired to the main castle to have their dinner. As they sat and ate, the only thing making noise was the clinking cutlery. Herod and Rhea sat opposite one another. The queen sat beside Herod. Agatha and Hannah sat on her side of the table while Vincent and Vivianne sat on the other side. Rhea dismissed all the help so they could eat alone.

"Mother, do you really believe that village girl is your daughter?" Vincent spoke first with his eyes still on his plate. His tone was causal, contradicting the weight of his question.

The queen gave no reply to her son. Her mind was not on the food she was eating either.

"Answer the question, Sera," The king spoke up.

The queen still did not react. She was fighting the urge to give the king an icy glare.

Hannah gently touched her sister-in-law's arm. "Herod, how can you say that? You have seen her."

The king shrugged off his sister.

"So what? She just gets to waltz in and becomes a princess?" Vivianne questioned.

"Yes, that is exactly what is going to happen," Rhea spoke up. Dropping her fork with a loud dramatic clink, she continued. "But it is not going to be easy. She is not one of us yet. She is still unrefined, coarse and..."

"Mother..." Seraphine interrupted. "I wish you could stop indulging these children. She is your granddaughter..."

"Yes, she is," Rhea was quick to say. "She is your daughter but not a princess or the future queen of Merynia. She is not presentable enough at the moment."

Seraphine gritted her teeth.

"It is going to be impossible," Vivianne mumbled.

"If she is really a Calderon," There was pride in the way the name rolled off her tongue. "Nothing is stopping her."

"What if she isn't?" Vincent asked.

"Vincent, enough!" Seraphine ordered.

"Seraphine," Agatha said, trying to calm her down.

Seraphine turned a deaf ear. "Vincent, Vivianne go up to your rooms."

"Mother..." The two groaned.

The look on Seraphine's face was enough to keep them quiet.

Vivianne and Vincent grumpily got up from their seats.

"Ramona," She called.

A tall girl came immediately as though she had been eavesdropping before. "Yes, my queen?"

"Take their dishes up to their room."

"Yes, my queen." The girl bowed.

Once they were gone, Rhea spoke up, "Seraphine?"

"Yes, mother?"

"Did you tell her?"

There was a loud silence. "No,"

"Then you know what must be done?"

"Yes," Seraphine replied, feeling sick to the stomach.

Rhea had something still bothering her. There was still a very big problem. Darius. They all ignored the elephant in the room.

"Agatha?" Herod called her his younger sister. "When will he be laid to rest?"

Agatha raised her brows in confusion. "Who?"

"Your son." The king rolled his eyes.

Agatha looked around, embarrassed that she had forgotten all about him. "I am still planning..."

"He will be buried tomorrow, the funeral shall be a small one." There was a tone of finality in his voice.

But then only a few people would see her cry and sympathize with her. The stupid boy had died for nothing, she thought in annoyance.


Eva's POV

It was strange. The bedroom was not all that extravagant yet the bathroom had a golden bath. I was too shy to ask for help so It took a lot of trial and error before I got better acquitted with the gadgets I had to use to bathe. In the end, I took a long bath and made sure I scrubbed every inch of me.

I stepped out of the bathroom and mopped myself dry with a soft pink towel I had found. With the help of the lighted candles in the room, I looked for something to wear in the closet. It was filled with beautiful and elegant gowns. The colours and patterns were enthralling. I could not find anything casual to wear since it was already nighttime until I checked one of the drawers to find neatly folded clothes made of a light silky fabric. It turned out to be nightgowns, I chose one which I wore.

Once I was settled, I sat on the bed and stared into space for a while. I felt empty and numb. I had already cried so much my eyes were swollen and devoid of tears. My eyes fell on the little box on my bedside table and I felt my mood improve. I still had not opened the answer to all my questions. I took it and sat properly. There was dread mixed in with my excitement to find out what things it held within.

It was an antique bronze jewellery box with metal embroidery designs on its face. Cecilia had mentioned once, a long time ago that her mother-in-law had gifted it to her as a wedding present. I opened it with a click. Its interior was laid with blue purple velvet fabric. Its colour reminded me of Rosé and the cloak. I gasped as I saw the brooch that I had been gifted by Thomas. It looked even more stunning than I remembered. Its turquoise stone shone in the dull glow of the candles. I picked it up and I cradled it like a baby. I put it on the bed to tend to the other items in the box.

The next item I pulled out was an old rusty key. One which I recognized well. It was the key to the chest that I had disposed of. It had a crescent moon engraved unto it. How could it be here? Why would Cecilia find it and give it back to me? Cecilia had been wrong; my unanswered questions were only increasing. The next item was folded paper. A letter. As it would turn out when I opened it. It was addressed to me and was from Thomas! I rubbed my eyes but I was not imagining it. It wrote; To Evaline, From Thomas.