
the mansion and the blood moon: a life time loan

the burnet woman receives the will. she began reading aloud in the office for everyone to hear. dutchess returned to the chair of the desk.

Burnet: Wanda if you are reading this I thank the elementals. because I'm most definitely dead I can't predict the circumstances you are in. so here are some varying instructions for where you are at. also, some important things to know. if you found this on your own or by my direction, send a letter to the moon landing of my passing. the address is one of the envelopes on my desk with the red seal. if not and by some miracle a stranger gives my will to you, test them first is a password. either you will receive it with the will or when you first meet. That person should be a woman with either blue or red eyes. if red it's the daughter, so her password will be. I'm the dearest ruby here to polish jewels I kindly lent you. the blue will be the mother, her password will be. I'm the darling sapphire allow me to appraise the jewels he borrowed. the next step is simple, the safe they know where it is. but don't know the combination. so give them one hint. if they get it right know that you can trust her.

the burnet woman looks at Dutchess. the looks were clearly shown to me you know where the safe is. dutchess trying to hide her tear rolls her eyes. She gets up and removes the painting from the wall above the fireplace. a safe is revealed and planted into the wall. unlike a normal safe, this did not use a dial. instead, it had numbers 1 through 9 planted on the face. everyone looked baffled. the collectors protested against this.

Collectors: that's not fair clearly she broke in earlier. she must have learned all this before and decided to use it to her advantage.

dutchess sat back down getting fed up with the peanut gallery.

Dutchess: fine take a crack at it. keep in mind when I commissioned to have it made for him. I made sure it sure that only the owner and the person who bought knows how it works. anyone else who tries could break it.

she then gestures to the Bernet lady for the hint.

Butnet: the paper just says remember when we met.

the six meant gathered around the safe in a rush to open it.

Dutchess: oh so theirs no funny business, you each get one try.

the men looked nervous never seeing this type of safe before. the first man tried pressing the numbers but gave up. the second looked for hidden mechanisms then gave up. the banged on it for an hour. The next two tried using their bodyguards to pry it open. but Dutchess shut it down with her gun and iron club. the last did not bother, so Dutchess was next. She gets up close to read the numbers she pulls out the numbers in order. first is zero then seven next two following after was six the nine. the safe lets out a click the door pops open. inside were documents stamps and really thick books and some letters she takes a letter marked Wanda. then hands it to the burnet woman.

Dutchess: this is yours I believe.

Wanda takes the letter from her. She opens it a begins reading.

Wanda: if you reading this you have met Dutchess or Darleen. that great they are my dearest friend and you are in good hands. also sorry about the debt collectors I'm sure Dutchess will handle them for you.

Dutchess has an irritated look.

Dutchess: he got balls.

Wanda continued reading.

Wanda: sorry to let you know this now but yeah this house and the park belong to the Moon family. I don't have enough paper to go over the full story so ask them. but the short version is I'm a gambling addict. my situation with the money I lost gambling got so bad I took out alone. my first loan was with Dutchess. but instead of money, she lent me this house and land. the contract was set for a lifetime. In the event I died everything I owned would be given to her along with the house. this includes the orphanage I stated. so don't worry.

she looked at Dutchess sorting the items in the safe.

Dutchess: you can stop reading and save the rest for when you are alone.

Wanda: so you're just here to settle his affair a collect your land?

dutchess checks the contents of the thick book.

Dutchess: like I said before it's a bit more complex. otherwise, I would have the changed owners for the loan. but he had me change the terms of his loan. I'm now the proud owner of an orphanage.

she sits back down reading more of the book.

Dutchess: normally that just means caring for children. but since I'm currently taking over driftwood city all this is much. first off he only told me he wants me to take on his operation. did not give details. second when I found out he died I thought my house problems were solved. That turns out not the case.

the six men that had been ignored for some time have stepped forward. they crowd around the desk trying to get attention.

Collectors: since you are here to take responsibility. pay us what he owes.

she continues to flip through the book. she finishes reading closes it and places it on the desk. she rubs her temple with her left hand.

Dutchess: this here's wobble necks ledger. which includes the money he owes. The funny thing is I count four debts yet six people.

Dutchess face gets grim. the men's faces turned nervous.

Dutchess: normally id say let's work this out now. then kill the con artist before they can lie. but I've got a whole mansion and some orphans to decide what to do with. so leave and come back tomorrow. we can compare your conjured stories with facts. I'll only pay the real deals.

the six collectors demand the bodyguards do something. but after what she did to the first guy, also the hole she made in the floor. even a fool would know not to swing that way. the guys took Buttler hostage. holding him with one arm and a knife in the other. he tried being menacing. dutchess looked at him like there were nothing but children in the room.

Dutchess: say leave then ring the bell.

the guard looked confused. butler takes out the bell.

Guard: stop moving

Buttler: leave.

Buttler rings the bell it sounds out. suddenly theirs fewer people in the room.

to be continued.