
Don't burn down the building

tonight there appears to be trouble brewing. an invading group broke into Breck"s apartment complex. but they seem associated with him given their armbands after securing the ones from the first encounter. Breck along with Darleen continues to clear out the building. he leads the way knowing full well, his party was him and a fully armed killer with no conscience.

Breck reaches the final step. looking out he is startled. a steel ball soars past him, smashing into a wall. Breck readies his sword. down the hall were two guys with the same crocodile jackets, on kneeled over a pile of steel balls. the other guy stood over the first, in this one's hands was an iron pipe. it was a game they had set up. the hall had metal balls scattered about. some were stuck indoors others in walls. more balls lay on the floor. judging by the state of the hall. they would launch a ball at anything that moved.

Breck looked at Darleen. staff in one hand. gun in the other she was ready. for what is not clear, but she is ready for something. looking across the hall there was a decently destroyed door. Breck breaks for the door. the first guy hoists the ball up. the second winds up his swing. he dives at the door with full force. the steel ball barely grazes his back, Breck brakes the door flying through. getting up breck waves Darleen over. She looks at him as if he made a ridiculous demand. putting away her pistol she walks to the center of the hall.

Darleen grips the staff in both hands she plants her feet firmly. she is locking her line of sight. the team is positioned like a baseball bat. it was a challenge for the goons, and they could feel it. the first one tosses up the ball. the second slammed his iron pipe into it. the ball moves toward Darleen. countering she wacks it with her staff, causing the ball to vanish. those goons panicked not sure where it went.

iron pipe guy: aaaah!!!!!

after the guys shouted, the ball appeared over his ribs making a dent. he almost fell over from the pain. but he got back up knowing he would lose if he fell. the three of them exchange smiles. two more shots were fired. one deflected into the room with Breck. which broke a window. the other was sent back but hit the wall instead of the goons. they continued their exchange. the more balls, the fewer balls hit the walls and floor. it eventually evolved into a juggling act. Darleen and the iron-pipped man hit the balls so fast. nobody could see their arms hit the balls. soon the ball-throwing guy was out of a job. so he stood by and watched everybody was deeply engrossed in the match.

as the two went back and forth. the balls pick up speed. both sides show signs of exposition but neither breaks the facade of strength. then Darleen hits an iron ball straying to the left. the iron pipe guy smirks, he's certain this means victory. Darleen smiles back, she one arms her staff while reaching into her blouse with the other. she pulls out a platinum flask. flicked off the lid and took a swig. the man grew even more confident.

Iron pipe guy: that's game!

he takes a big step forward. then swings into eight steel balls. sending them back rushing her with thirteen balls. he was sure that was it for her.

Darleen: how dare you keep a lady waiting sir Breck.

Breck emerged out of a room at the end of the hall. it seems the door to that room was broken by a stray ball. he swings his sword at the pipe wielder. but the man blocks with his pipe. Darleen spins on the balls of her feet. she swings the staff creating a gust of wind. all the flying balls are returned in the form of a tornado. Breck rolls left the man tries to follow, but he was too slow. he's pummeled by a hurricane of balls. the other one charges Darleen but she takes another drink. then she spits out fire. the floor in front of him caught a blaze. the man is restrained with fear. Breck comes in from behind putting him to sleep. She falls over laughing. it appears she is tipsy. but and laughing fire.

Darleen: hehe eh your so slow Breck. you were loud cutting through walls. if I were not here that would not have worked.

Breck returned to the apartment she came from. he returned with sealed cans. sighing he returns with sealed cans and throws one at the fire. the fire goes out. Darleen puts away her flask.

Breck: guess I do owe you for keeping up that racket. I could not have cut through the wall unnoticed.

she gives another laugh. while trying to stand up she points to herself.

Darleen: you really don't get it. even with my distraction, two people have no reason to obsess over one. especially when you are aware of two enemies. the only reason It worked was my blessing from lady lunar. the power to control one's attention. I'm able to decide whose attention belongs to where.

Breck: lady lunar huh? So that means

Darleen: yep I feel no pain. want to test it.

Breck looks at her hands. they were irritated from swinging her staff. Darleen's"s red arms and wrists. besides sobering up she showed no interest in her pain. he thought about it.

Breck: I'm good.

Darleen: okay then what's the deal with these folk and this ren?

she looks over at Breck who was securing the defeated.

Breck: considering you met Ren earlier today, there's not much to say. rens the girly-looking guy with the log hair. during the meeting, he was in the back. his group is the crocodile tears. also, ren likes to give in to peer pressure when his gang wants something. if they are here ren must have okayed something bad.

to be continued.....