
Her Little Heart is Broken

บรรณาธิการ: EndlessFantasy Translation

The man was climbing up the slope at a much faster rate now, quickly approaching the top.

Not long after, his silhouette could be seen on the top of the slope. 

He was crawling on the ground and he did not advance rashly as he quietly observed his surroundings.

Everything around him was swallowed up by the heavy downpour. The man was observing his surroundings intently when his gaze finally fell upon a spot that was a good hiding spot.

He smiled softly. Then, he lifted a pair of binoculars and looked at that spot.

Jian Qi was lying on that spot without any movements whatsoever. She was staring far ahead of her intently. 

Somehow, she felt that something was not right. 

It was an instinct!

However, she could not sense anyone around her.

The rain was too heavy. She would not be able to hear any sounds of footsteps if the hunters were to stealthily approach her.