
BeTwixt the Halls


Steamybluepanda · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

A October's day

October day, late afternoon sun shining down through the wide array of colors that gather at the canopy of leaves above; a breeze that wraps cold - but comforting - arms around you. Sticks, leaves, and whatever else lay on the ground becoming nothing more than remnants signified by the sounds of crunching each step makes. Autumn. The whole world smells of it, the air is simply singing with the sounds of it.

A lone, solitary figure trudged along the sidewalk, an unhappy look on her pale face. She stared at her feet, her hands shoved into the pockets of her getting-a-bit-too-tight pink coat. One that her mother had picked. Since this young female, Andrina Winters that is; wasn't all too fond of the color herself.

As Andrina walked, she sighed in a frustrated way. Fall time used to be her favorite time of the year, however, today had been rather crummy as far as she was concerned. Her pace quickened as she walked, her frown deepening with the continuation of her thoughts. The laces to her worn-out boots slowly came untied, tangling in with the leaves on the ground. Her dark, reddish auburn hair blew in her face; the edges of her striped scarf blowing around her neck.

An undetermined time into the walk Andrina had started that morning, she heard something that made her finally come to a stop. Her frustrated green eyes wandered around, slowing turning more into a look of confusion than frustration. "Huh..?" Andrina muttered to herself, her hand going up to scratch her head through her hat out of habit.

Upon not hearing anything else, Andrina was about to continue on. When she heard it again. A faint whisper. It was cold, yet also almost hauntingly beckoning. Her green eyes slowly drew her gaze over to her right--where loomed something she wasn't quite expecting.

The one place she wasn't supposed to go. That was utterly off-limits, where no one was supposed to go--or at least, where no one had tried to go in years. And now, it seemed to be calling to her.

Despite all odds, all of what she'd been told or heard about the place, Andrina took the first step towards it.

One she would be fighting with herself over for a very long time afterward. Should she be alive to.

my editor is having a rough time, we have a p a t r e o n if anyone would like to help the link is on the profile and thank you to the ones that can.

Steamybluepandacreators' thoughts