

I wake up, covered in sweat.

This is actually quite normal for me. The biggest problem isn't the sweat. It's the fact that it's minus 40 degrees outside and I have the heat turned off in my apartment. Why am I always so bloody hot? Maybe it's because my life is so boring? But then, what do those two things remotely have in common. My life should be amazing you know. I have plenty of friends, my full time job is a online webtoon that quickly became one of the highest viewed in the world and my apartment belongs to my grandmother who left it to me in her will, giving me free rent for life. My life is amazing. But it's stagnant. At a stand still I suppose. Oh, I forgot to tell you, my name is Rayne and I just turned 24 today.

Today is Sunday, which happens to be the day I get to mess around and not worry about work. I think I need to change my pace today. Maybe go for a walk. Theres a new Internet Cafe that opened just down the block and I hear the owner is quite the beauty. I should probably mention that i'm gay and I havn't had a date in 4 years. Pathetic I know but the right girl just hasn't come into my life just yet. Well, time to get ready I suppose.

I lock the door and head out to find something that may brighten my dull life. But little did I know that the adventure I was seeking would happen by accident when I met the girl of my dreams.