
Between 2 worlds

Breaking most curses are not easy most especially when it comes from the mouth of a witch who witnessed her child killed before her eyes,placing a curse on the head of the three kingdoms present at scene, which only twins with divine and strong elemental powers can break,and placing the second curse on the Bibarni Rock to hold the soul of her daughter in other to haunt down the souls of every twins down.Who will break the curse,how will they break a curse that is nearly unbreakable

Oreoluwa_Oyebanjo · แฟนตาซี
65 Chs


Chapter 1:The root of the curse.

Catch her, don't let her get away", Crown prince Quin Zuin said.

"Yes, my lord", they replied.


"Don't rejoice over the fact that you've caught me,you might have killed all of my people but that doesn't mean you've defeated me", Maza said and smiled cunningly.

"What more can you do, we've killed your fellow witches, you've caused enough trouble for us with your black magics and spells, I think it's about time you meet your end", Crown prince Quin Zuin said

"Mother!!!", Mayi screamed as a sharp dagger was drawn towards her neck.

"Mayi", Maza screamed as she watched Her daughter die before her eyes.

"Now tell me where the book of Rock is, else you'll meet the same end as your daughter', Crown prince Quin Zuin said


" what the use of me being alive anyways...what am I without my child"..Maza cried.

"Then its good the way she's dead now", Crown prince Quin Zuin Said.

"As a mother who witnessed her child die before her eyes, I place a curse on the three family present here including all your generations to come, you'll be splitted, you'll live your entire life like beasts, you will be known as demons, you'll have all the characteristics of a demons and this black magic you all have fear for will become a part of you, you'll all die painful deaths most especially you Quin Zuin your family and its generation will never know peace, this rock will be my witness today and will hold my curse in it, No one will be able to break this rock, except from twins from each kingdom, and I place a cause on the second rock, which is my daughter, her soul will haunt down every soul of any twins, she will be the Bibarni Rock, you will never be able to break this curse", she laughed devilishly.

with a swipe of his sword, her head was brought to the ground.


'Mama, papa, where are we going", Anomayi asked.

"We are going some where far away where you two will be safe, where you'll be out of danger", King Kiln said.

"I'm hungry", Mayiara cried.

"My dear we are about crossing the bridge please endure, okay", Queen Mira said.

The sky began to rumble as they approached the middle of the bridge leading to the human world.

"Mama, papa", Mayiara and anomayi cried as their parent fell to the ground dead.

Then a force came separating the twin sisters and threw Mayiara into the ocean that bonds their world with the human world.


"Mom, dad, can I go?", I finally asked breaking the awkward silence. "Please, please, please, It's a project and if I don't go I'll get an extra year,but if I do,the mark will be added to my examination, please let me go, I promise I won't disappoint you", Lucina pleaded trying to change her parent's mind.

"No way, you are not going anywhere, a camp for that matter, you are even going to get splitted", my mom said.

"But I can take good care of myself, I'll be perfectly fine,or don't you trust me", Lucina said.

"Of cause we do, its not only about taking care of yourself, try to understand our situation, you are our only child, we can't let you go to those places for a research", my dad said.

"What's your situation, uh! what's your problem with those places,first it was mom and now it's you, why am I the only child for goodness sake", Lucina yelled.

"Lucina baby, those places are too far and besides there's a story behind that Mysterious forest", my dad said.

I'm sure these are all formulations, there's no hidden story behind the Mysterious forest, my dad is just lying, trying to convince me but it won't work.

"What story", I asked like I cared.

"Demons.....demons dwell there and this are not fictional stories but reality", she said in a low whisper like the walls shouldn't hear.

"Demons!!! mom!!!, like seriously, I don't expect you to believe such rumors. Anyways, I don't care if you guys agree or not I'm going and that's it, it's just a matter of two weeks", I said in a blaze," or don't you believe God will protect me?", I asked with my eyebrow arched up.

"I do, but..

"But what mom, I want to go and it will hurt me a lot if you say no, my friends are all going on this trip, everybody would be there, why only me", I yelled in anger." Is it a crime to be an only child?" I said shedding fake tears.

"Please don't say that, I just...I just can't let you go and I know what I'm talking about over here", my dad said with a calm voice which just made my tears go louder and longer.

"Honey, I don't like seeing my baby like this, I think we should let her go", my mom said.

"I'll think about it", my dad said.

"Dad, there's nothing to think about, it's just a matter of yes and no", I yelled.

"Fine then go, but don't blame me if anything should happen to you, you are my only child, my sweet daughter, if anything should happen to you, you of all people should know that I won't forgive myself or anyone else involved not even you", he said emotionally.

"I know dad, enough of the blackmails, don't worry dad, nothing is going to happen to me", I said and went to my room to pack my things.

[ Having a conference call with her friends]

"Guys, you won't believe it but they agreed, they actually agreed, I feel on top of the world right now", I screamed in happiness.

" What!, they agreed, I thought they wouldn't agree most especially that over protective father of yours, I thought he wouldn't agree,daddy's girl", Mary teased.

"Not a word against my father", I defended. Right now, it feels like I'm dreaming, I thought they won't agree, gosh, I hate the fact that I'm the only child", I said.

"So this means we are all set for next tomorrow's trip and also we are all going shopping tomorrow", Juliet said.

"That's good, it would be so much fun, I'm so excited", Joy said excitingly.

"Yeah, I can't wait, I said.

"Lucina, are you sure you didn't lie to your parent, I can't help but think you twisted some informations", Joy said.

"Yeah.... just a little, I told them its only for two weeks not three months", I said.

"No wonder the impossible had been made possible", Joy said.

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