
leaving the earth

"why does life always do this her no I don't want to live I don't want to stay alive I don't want to live anymore " she thought to herself

Amiranda is a girl , who was diagnosed with H.A.D , when she was thirteen years and now this happen ... why does she always have to be a scape goat and why has my life always be a game" she was tired of life

she was not aware that she was walking on the highway, she was walking lifelessly , she was body present and absent minded , she was not just walking lifelessly , she was even aware of her surroundings , the car's was honking at Amiranda but she was still lost In the world of her thoughts .....a car was driving at the speed of 80 km/hr

Amiranda figure appeared out of a blew and she was hit by the car .

a Butler who was in his late fifties came out of the limited edition of car and approached Amiranda, who was bleeding seriously ... the man returns to the car and opens the door for a man .

he walks up to Amiranda and picked her up in a princess carry meanwhile a crowd had surrounded Amiranda , the figure who came out of the car glared at them and that was enough for the crowd to leave .

Charles , call the nearby hospital and inform them that the best doctor available in the country should be there before I get there and the operation theatre ready .

Charles has been serving this man for the last twenty-five years but he has never seen this side of him not even towards his mother .

Amiranda was carried in to the car and was taken to the hospital... the butler was shocked "what was going on his boss , is he the same man that doesn't care about anyone feeling" as his mind battled with him , he looked at mirror and saw the man patting Amiranda hair ..... the butler drove faster than the speed limit in order to get to the hospital faster , he was used to seeing his heartless boss but seeing him act caring was more scary for me " he thought to himself and stepped on it

Amiranda was taken to the O.P.T as she was bleeding seriously , the best doctor's ran towards Amiranda immediately they heard the man name the whole hospital was turned upside down.

the nurses and doctors we're all running to and fro , infact other patients was moved to the other hospitals ... although the whole hospital was attending to Amiranda, he was still pacing all over the hospital

he turned his gaze is to Charles indicating that he doesn't even know why he was acting the way he is acting right now.... he had this strange feeling as if his life source was being drained from him she could not explain what she was experiencing , then he decided to move with the flow of emotions.

Charles simply nodded indicating that he understood what he meant , cause at the moment he understood what he said.

Charles walked up to him and said " sir, we still have a meeting to attend ; remember the meeting were heading to before we met with an accident" he said reminding the man of an important meeting he had before he ran down Amiranda with his car .

the man nodded and headed towards the entrance and left the hospital although he was still worried of the girl, who was lying inside the o.t , he turned his back and faced shelves then ordered "let's go else we will be late "he said frantically .

Charles followed the man not wanting to get Into trouble .

Charles opened the door and the man walked in to the car and they headed towards restaurant, they were heading to there before ... ahh he doesn't want to remind him slef of the way "sir was acting , he just wanted to forget everything that happened right now..... well why think about it.

he shook his head , "why are you expressing vivid emotions "

Charles became worried , "why could I not hide my emotions , how could I forget that this man is a mind reader "

"what are you thinking about" he asked another question

"nothing Sir I am just wondering if you will be able to make it to the meeting on time" he said trying to find a believable excuse and still hide his emotions .

although the man did not buy it he didn't say anything else and laid his head on the car seat , trying his best to forget that woman eyes , they looked so innocent but still in Immense pain which he could not describe..... "sir we have arrived " Charles said making the man realize his environment .

he put his hands in his position and walked to the private elevator. he had also used the private elevator of the hospital .

he doesn't like inviting attention towards him slef .

Charles opened the door of the private suite , the man went and sat down starring at men , who was fridgeting with fear , the room suddenly became as quiet as if a thunderstorm had hit the room.

he finally got up and was about to leave the room .

sir we are sorry , we didn't mean to do that , it was all a mistake ,.... an accident , it was all they fault I was not part of it

Charles I don't want to see anyone of them alive in the next one hour.